The Off-Topic Thread.

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^it's rare forme togotoMacDonals because our Hesburger is much,much better ;) (tho bit more expensive also)
Can't remember the last time I went to McDonalds, must have been more than 4 years ago.... But you're right, sometimes the urge for junk food is difficult to ignore!

I had sushi for lunch, it was lovely. Well technically, I had a couple of bits of sushi and then some mixed tempura. Even though it was fried, still kind of feels like a health food....

Tinkerbell my step mother is a vegetarian who eats fish and has been known to eat ham (although I think my brother in law hid it in her food)... I think that is quite mean. I have a friend who is vegan, which I don't quite get. I love cheese and most dairy products, couldn't live without them.
DaWacko said:
^it's rare forme togotoMacDonals because our Hesburger is much,much better ;) (tho bit more expensive also)
Hesburger - is that a fast food place in Finland?

In fact, I wish I never had the McDonalds now, I feel quite ill. I had a strawberry milkshake with my meal and it tasted like cold water and sugar. :eek: When you don't have it for a while, you can really taste all the crap in it. :lol:

I had Sushi once and I didn't like it, but that was years ago and I’ve always wanted to give it another go. I really love fish normally. I have no idea why I didn't like raw fish, it seems right up my ally, which is why I want to give it another go. :)

Elsie I agree with regarding being a vegan. Anyone who chooses to be a vegan has my respect, because I couldn't even begin to imagine not eating cheese, eggs, milk, etc. I suppose if you've been doing it for years you get used it. I couldn't do it. :lol:
Tinkerbell said:
DaWacko said:
^it's rare forme togotoMacDonals because our Hesburger is much,much better ;) (tho bit more expensive also)
Hesburger - is that a fast food place in Finland?

Yeah :D

If you check their homepage, Hesburger , you see they have quite intersting meal offer ;)

("kerkkari" meal + csi or cold feet dvd that includes four episodes)
The price ain't bad since... it's 9.90 and normally that meal costs... I think 6.20 (since MegaMeal costs 7.30€) :D Haven't been eating those since I have the dvds :p
Awe, I haven't eaten fast food since like...September and I miss it! I know it's not healthy for you, but I don't care, I still want it! Haha, next time I see my dad though he said he'd take me out for fast food...or as he said "Something horribly greasy" :lol:
Roka4csi said:
This is the most on topic off-topic thread I have EVER seen

:lol:, probably quite true!

OK, not about food (although talking about food is good):
I have an exam this weekend (yes, on a weekend? Weird). Luckily it is open book because I have not done enough work for this! :p

It consists of three sections, firstly 50 multiple choice questions (should be OK), secondly 3 out of 4 short essay questions of 250 words then 2 out of 3 essays of at least 1500 words. Should take about 3 and a half hours, is it just me or is this far too much work for a Saturday.

Sorry, short rant over, it's just really annoying me! :mad:
3 hours? youre getting off easy! :p
when i wrote the mcat it was not only a saturday, but a saturday in the summer! :eek: with instructions and breaks i was there for 10 hours :( 214 multiple choice, two short essays (how are you supposed to write so much?!?!) didnt get good enough on the mcat for med school, but luckily i only want to go to vet and they dont have a cutoff :D plus i did better than the average of vet students who are accepted ;)
Congratulations on your results allmaple . Hope you get into vet school (I'm not sure it's called vet school, but you know what I mean). Not sure what the mcat is, but I'm glad we don't do it here, you must have been pretty tired after that day!

I wouldn't mind all the exams, but it is 5 years since I graduated from university, I have kind of forgotten how to write academically! Doing a postgrad course whilst working full time is pretty hard work, luckily it is only a year out of my life... :) I'm not really complaining though, I did choose to do it and it is relevant to my profession....
mcat is the medical college admissions test, and europe has an equivalent. its basically a massive standardized test. i think its really stupid though, because you could have the potential to be the best doctor ever, but if you dont meet the mcat cutoff too bad, you cant be a doctor.
and to keep this thread off topic:
none of my phones are working! its like the intro to a bad horror movie when all the phone lines get cut
I hate tests and exams. I've been told that I should start studying for my mid-terms I was like "IT'S OCTOBER...we haven't learned enough to study!"

Okay, this is way off topic but anyways :p. My roommate just dared me to bite a gluestick for a dollar and I did it! Now she won't give me my dollar! And it tasted disgusting!
This isn't so much off-topic (or is it?) I do believe we've reached (and passed) 1000 posts. Anyone up for a new thread?
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