The Off-Topic Thread.

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I know enough and have enough compassion to last a life time- what i want/need is some fun, some actual life in my life- make any sence?

And i don't mind ppl with wrinkles- or "older" people, some of my closest friends are 20yrs+ my age, they are intelligent, and just darn amazing people!
onlynic said:
I know enough and have enough compassion to last a life time- what i want/need is some fun, some actual life in my life- make any sence?

I think so. Do you mean you still want to 'experience' life? If yes, I know what you mean, and I think that's cool :cool:

And i don't mind ppl with wrinkles- or "older" people, some of my closest friends are 20yrs+ my age, they are intelligent, and just darn amazing people!

Me either - I don't know if I've told this on the board before, but most of my friends are older than me. I actually only have two close friends who are the same age as me (one male, one female), excluding my partner. The rest of my friends are older than me - most in their 30s and 40s, a couple in their 50s, one in their 60s, and even one in their 70s :) And they're all great people - I'm so glad to have them as friends, and I've learnt a lot from them :D
You need to know the value of life before you can look for it. If life is going to parties and getting drunk, running naked through the park, or jumping into a lake full of alligators... then you can find life easily.
But if you look for deeper than that, you'll know that wrinkles, money, and girlfriends/boyfriends are not everything. Are not even a fraction of it.
I love going off -topic on the Off-Topic thread. Makes me feel important. :lol:
CSIri said:
I'm 18.. :) I'll turn 19 next month. It's scary :p

Will anything get legalised for ya over there? :D..

If not...that's boring. :p Still...WHOO! I'll be having one of my exams on my birthday. :(
Birthdays are pathetic to me. I hate birthday parties...whats the point of it, oh happy day you came outta your momma and the doctor spanked your butt. What fun.
^Speaking of that

Why doctors slap baby's butt when they are born?

-So that smarter ones would drop their balls off :D
wibble said:
Well, if you're like Ducky, you'll soon be getting wrinkles :p

*passes Siri some anti-wrinkle cream*
Awww, thanks :p Tho it's not the wrinkles I'm afraid of. I just don't wanna get old and weak :lol:
Though it really is a long time before that happens :lol: Thankfully :p
DaWacko said:
Oh, Siri needs more that anti-wrinkle cream more than me :p
Are you saying I look old? :eek: You're very evil to me, Sanna :p
I may just sell your Iron Maiden ticket if you keep this up ;) j/k

And kazzy, nothing gets legal when I turn 19.. There is absolutly nothing special about it except for the fact that it is my last year as a teenager :eek:
Duckkyyyyyyyyyy *stares at dirty duck*
That's your nickname from now on... dirty ducky.

I thought they spank them cause they need them to cry (which is kinda mean if you ask me). I mean, the second you're born you got people slapping your butt. That's not a good sign. :lol:
:lol: That had me laughing for a while!

I don't understand weathermen. Yes, that's right I'm talking about the weathermen. I mean, the lying bastards always say it's going to rain the next day, but the next day it's sunny! I do believe these meteroligists need to go back to school and learn that sunshine doesn't mean rain.
Nooooo. Catherinesmyidol... the weather lady is going to save the world! There's this one weather lady that I watch the news for every night (my mom's gonna take me to meet her). Her name is Maha. That's right. Maha. She's going to save the world,i'm telling you. Regardless of their weather views, they are jelly.
I love to celebrate others Birthdays- it was the day they were brought into the world, my grandmother doesn't like her b-day, but just like i told her, i love her with all my heart and i want to show her how special that day is to me- just like how i show her everyday how special she is to me!!!
The older I get the worse my birthday becomes, it doesn't feel special anymore. I’m quite happy just to go out for a meal with my family, or order take out. :lol:

Every year someone will tell me to throw a party, which I reply every year with 'I don't want to celebrate my birthday with a huge party full of people I hardly know, who only came to get free booze'. :lol: I also hate being the centre of attention, I get really shy and stupid. :eek: :lol: If I ever get married I will be eloping. :lol:
Siri, don't you even dare to sell the ticket :eek:

Roka... poor you had to have convo with me on Y! Messenger :lol:

Tinksy... my family hardly remembers my b'day :p
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