The O.C.

i dont know if its just me, but im not finding the guy who plays johnny to be a very good actor. i especially noticed it in this past episode. he seems so emotionless whenever hes in a scene, kind of like hes just saying the lines. to me, its really strange to watch since all the other charaters have evolved so much over the years and interact with each other so naturally. i just found it odd and wanted to know if anyone else shared this view point.
also, dont know if its been metioned so sorry if im repeating someone, in the first episode where we meet marissas new friends at harbour dennis introduces himself by saying 'everyone calls me chili' to which johnny (or his exgirlfriend, i dont remember) replies 'no one calls you chili' but now thats all they call him. just thought id mention that.
Johnny seems okay of an actor. I don't think he's bad or anything..

For Chili, maybe everyone likes the name Chili now. Maybe they all finally gave in and started calling him by that.
i loved Julie's comments once again!

Gus*her landlord*:HEy, Julie!
Julie:I've got a gun, Gus.
Gus:That's cool....


I cracked up laughing at those lines. :lol: :lol:
You gotta love her. :p

I kinda miss Caleb. :eek: I guess I miss the fighting between him and Sandy. :D That was fun. :lol:

LADY HEATHER: Now, would you prefer individual sessions or would you like to
enjoy each other's submission?
Yeah I sorta miss Caleb too. I was totally shocked when they killed him off last season!!!
I dont really like the Johnny character and I think hes an ok actor, hes no seth or ryan but I guess he'll do!
I've been listing to the OC podcats every week, but i'm looking foward to them been shown over here.

* Happy Dance *
*spoiler warning*
ive heard rumors that teresa might come back this season to bring some closure to her story line. does anyone else think this is a good idea? i know it will bring up lots of oc style drama! i think if they bring her back then the baby wouldnt be ryans, cuz they wont keep teresa around and ryan cant leave newport (which he would if it truly was his)
i looove the PodCasts

now for Teresea, i really hope she doesnt come back. she had no point being on the show anyway and now shes gunna use to the baby to bring Ryan back to chino and then that would like end the show.
Once again Julie made me laugh out loud . . . "nude maids and ramen"
too funny.

I'm looking forward to seeing Kirsten and Julie go into business together. :)

So, doesn't Marissa have any clue that her Mom moved? :confused:

marissa is bugging me. that character goes through stages of being super annoying and then really cute. i just dont think Mischa is doing a good job. but i think shes super pretty.
sometimes i think its just the storylines they write for her that make her annoying. i want her and ryan to stay together, and from what was in last weeks episode i think she doesnt have feelings back for johnny and is going to stay with ryan. that made me happy.
i liked Julie's other comment: "Upper-class call girl business??!"

the OC is sort of getting old for me a bit.. i mean no one gets a perfect score! i still like it but it just is a bit cheesey.. but good!
yeap...the chrismukka episodes always seem so sweet and nice in the end...i kinda miss julie's bitching around :lol:
Yeah a little cheesy but fun! :lol:

And once they graduate from HS I hope it doesn't get boring like Buffy. :rolleyes:

It wasn't fun anymore after Buffy and the gang left HS. :(

Anyway I'm more into Julie, Kirsten and Sandy. :D
