The O.C.

Don't forget there's a new ep tonight after Bones. :D

So guys what did ya think of "The Gringos?" :)

I wasn't too crazy about the twins, on the other hand, they were funny last night. :lol:
Julie walking in on them and one is shaving the other one's chest. Too funny. :lol: :lol:
And when they put on Sandy's and Ryan's leather jackets. :lol: :lol:

I'm wondering if Taylor is really married? Is she?? :eek:

Yay, another ep tonight!!!

Yeah, when Julie walked into Kaitlin's room and said "What...are they doing?" I was laughing so hard! :lol: :lol:

I think tonight's episode is going to be awesome. Did anyone else see that promo when Julie stabs the turkey she's cooking? :lol: I cannot wait until 9. :D
Yep, that part was just too funny with the twins.

Isn't she a cool Mom? :lol:

I believe she was trying to put a therometer in the turkey? :rolleyes: That's what it look like to me. :rolleyes:

I'm looking forward to tonight's Thanksgiving ep. :D

*facepalm* :lol: Yes, thermomoter. That's the word I was thinking of and couldn't remember it. :lol:

I found a spoiler that states Ryan, Seth and Julie go to a grocery store and Julie tries to avoid all conversations about what's going on with she and Neil by talking about potatoes. Weird, isn't it? Julie Cooper talking about potatoes!
I felt so sad for Julie as she sat at the table all alone with a turkey on the table. :(

I guess the grieving is finally coming to an end. The final scene between Julie and Ryan was sweet and moving.

So I guess Dr. Roberts is leaving Newport. :D Which is fine with me. I just think Julie needs to find a younger guy than the doc. :D He seems so old. :eek: And we know she HOT! :p

Even though Sandy says he won't help Volchok, I hope he keeps his word.

Thank god that ugly little dog won't be around. :eek: Thank you homeless man for taking him. :lol: No offense, but I can't stand little whiny dogs. :lol:

Thanks for the pics. :D
Yes she beautiful. She and Seth were hot together. :p

But I didn't care for the Alex-Marissa lesbian storyline. :rolleyes: Julie did go through that phase too. :lol: Like mother, like daughter. :lol:

I didn't care too much for the Marissa/Alex thing either. Of course, Marissa wasn't exactly my favorite character then either, so that may have had something to do with it, lol.

I did love Seth/Alex though. :D
Whenever I watch my OC dvds I tend to fast forward Marissa's parts. :rolleyes:
I'm right in the middle of watching Season 3 again.

I did enjoy Trailer park Julie. :lol:

Watching this season, I have to say Kaitlin looks more like her Mom than Marissa, don't you think? :rolleyes:

Ok, I know some of you watch the OC.

C'mon, what are your thoughts about this season? :)

I'm loving it now that Marissa is gone. :D

The whole Summer/Che storyline is getting old now. :eek:
Do you think Summer is better off at Brown? :rolleyes:
Do you think she'll ever go back to Newport now that her dad moved to Seattle?

Well, I'm glad Julie didn't get kick out even though it is still Neal's home. I'm loving her relationship with Kaitlin.
The Twins are finally growing on me. :lol:

And Taylor is great this season. :D I think she's taken over Marissa's role. :D

I think the twin without the curly hair is gorgeous.
This season has been good so far.
I hated how Che blamed Summer for the things that he did!
I think Summer should go back to Seth. but if she gets kicked out of Brown.. where else would she go?
Yeah i think she will go back 2 Newport. cause Seth is there.
iloveyou said:
I hated how Che blamed Summer for the things that he did!
I think Summer should go back to Seth. but if she gets kicked out of Brown.. where else would she go?

I think she would go back to her home even though Julie lives there. And Taylor too!
It is still Neal's home, right?

Hmm do ya think Che is using Summer?

In real life, I heard Rachel and Adam are no longer a couple. Maybe that's why we see them apart. :(
Anyway, I'm looking forward to tonight's new ep. :)

They said in a magazine that they want to see other people
because they think that when you get into like a relationship
so young it usually doesnt last.. like an engagment.
but maybe they will get back 2gether
cause i thought they were the cutest couple
in hollywood so cute.
did anyone see the preview for next weeks?!
looks SO weird.
&& good.
iloveyou said:
did anyone see the preview for next weeks?!
looks SO weird.
&& good.

*rubs hands* Can't wait for Thursday. :D Yes, it does look weird, but, in a good way. :lol:

Please, I hope they don't hook Julie up with yet another old man!!! :mad: :mad:
She seriously(that word makes me giggle being a GA fan) needs a hot guy her age! :p

And Pancakes is soo cute. :D
