The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I would be very surprised if we saw any sort of continuity in regards to the disciplinary action comment.

Even if the evidence was in someone else's vehicle, it still would have gotten stolen. It wasn't as if Nick left the vehicle unlocked. The brother would have just towed whatever vehicle the stuff was in right out of the parking lot.

Also, I think the sheriff would tread very, very carefully when it comes to Nick -- a CSI who was kidnapped and subsequently buried alive and held for ransom-a ransom the city refused to pay- while supposedly protected on a scene by one of the sheriff's officers. An officer who spent the time horking up his breakfast, lunch and dinner like he'd never seen body parts before. (Wuss!)

The only thing the Young Turks might have done different was bring everything straight back to the lab, dropped it off and THEN gone for breakfast.
Don't get me wrong I absolutely adored this episode but from a Nick Stokes Timeline perspective I am a bit puzzled??

Since Gum Drops, and especially since DLG, it has been highlighted often in this timeline that things are brewing within Nick Stokes. This has been evidenced by changes in his physical appearance, clothing style, reactions to colleagues and his general aura - isolated and cold.

Then along comes Rashomama and its like the clock has been turned back and the last 10 episodes never happened. For starters, Nick is looking like 'old Nick' again, his hair is short and tidy, his shirt is tucked in, he is having breakfast with colleagues, he is comfortable and relaxed in their company. He is showing his emotions - he was well pee'd off by the time he had lifted the prints from the convertible and everyone knew it.

The Nick Stokes in Rashomama reminded me more of the Nick Stokes of earlier seasons than the Nick Stokes of late. I thought the Nick we saw in the locker room with Warwick was more reminiscent of the Nick Stokes who believed he was a 'disappointment' to his boss. More like the Nick in 'Assume Nothing' than the Nick we saw in Poppin Tags.

I sort of have a 'Bobby Ewing shower scene' feeling about the whole episode!!! Am I alone??????
wlk68 said:

Also, I think the sheriff would tread very, very carefully when it comes to Nick -- a CSI who was kidnapped and subsequently buried alive and held for ransom-a ransom the city refused to pay- while supposedly protected on a scene by one of the sheriff's officers. An officer who spent the time horking up his breakfast, lunch and dinner like he'd never seen body parts before. (Wuss!)

Oooooooooooh...... good point, wlk68!!!!!! I hope NICK remembers all that and throws it in their face! (Not the entrails... the facts.) :lol:
Sadly, I don't think we're ever going to see any further developments in regards to Nick and Grave Danger.

As far as TPTB are concerned "It's over".

That being the case, I have chosen to go with the idea that Nick is an incredibly resilient indivual who has managed to overcome a ton of really crappy stuff over the course of his life and still maintain his wonderful disposition.

For me, it's either that or continue to get all pissed off at tptb for the, imo, lousy way thay handled this story line.

I guess it is a little like a Bobby Ewing Shower Scene.
wlk68 said:
Sadly, I don't think we're ever going to see any further developments in regards to Nick and Grave Danger.

As far as TPTB are concerned "It's over".

I regretfully think you are spot on. I believe George has worked hard to bring changes to Nick's persona that have not been scripted during Season 6. Maybe he has also recognised that he can only do so much on his own and it's now time to accept TPTB wishes and 'bury' the storyline with very little ever coming of it. A huge lost opportunity for character development for all the cast. :mad:
I'm just happy that Nick is getting more and more of a prominent spot on the show. I think that's a good sign for his future on CSI. And good news for we Syndromists. :D
Actually, with the potential "punishment" they could easily work Nick out of the next episode, so they can focus on another cast member. It is the end of the season after all, and I'm sure they're trying to give everyone some meaty stuff to finish up with. It would be a good time for some Warrick focus, for example, since he wasn't really in the last episode much. I really wouldn't have a problem with that, as long as it's a good episode. :)
Maybe something could happen later. Can't Post Traumatic Stress be triggered any time(even years later) even if the victim seems to be recovered? I wish that would happen but I don't have faith in tptb.

I'm still hoping that there will be something more, but I'm definitely not holding my breath. I think if they are going to do anything this season it will be in the finale. I highly doubt that the episode will focus much on Nick, given that last season's finale was so Nick-centric, but there could still be some resolution there, even if it's just a small moment. Personally, I don't need much. I don't know what is supposed to happen in the finale, but based on the promo, it will be something big, so maybe whatever happens will set Nick off. Also, the episode takes place on May 18, I believe, so since they are approximately real-time, it will take place right around the anniversary of Nick's kidnapping. Could be something there I suppose.

Anyway, back on topic. The only other thing I would add about "Rashomama" is that I wonder when Nick got the tracking device on his vehicle. I suppose it makes sense for someone who works for the police department and uses his vehicle for work to have that, but I still thought it was interesting. After everything that's happened to him, who could blame him for being extra cautious. I bet he's got a high-tech security system in his house too.
I also think he's a techie sort of guy anyway. Remember in "Revenge is Best Served Cold" when he hooked up his driving helmet to the horn and lights on his car, ostensibly so they would know if Catherine made the shot? I think that, like most guys with a little tech know-how, he just likes to have the gadgets.

However, having said all that, if the guy isn't totally paranoid about his personal safety when he's not with everyone else, i.e. at home, or in his personal vehicle during his days off, etc., I'd be surprised. I'd be constantly jumping at sudden noises, and wary of every small noise in my house at night! :eek:
OK, there wasn't a ton of Nick in Time of Your Life, but still- I liked what I saw of him. (Yeah, that's a real shock to you all, I'm sure! :lol: )

Anyhoo... Anyone want to take a stab at this one?
I am guessing people will be looking for this, so I thought I would help y'all out. :)
I'll give it a shot....

I liked that Nick dialed up the hooker and invited her over, just as calm as you please. Warrick was totally flabbergasted at Nick's audacity. Hee!

I thought the Dirk Digler comment was cute. I wasn't so crazy about the "Tom Cruise" comment because that guy just annoys the heck out of me and I hate that Nick compares himself to Cruise. *bleah*

Besides, GE/Nick is *much* better looking. He's also...well....sane. Cruise? Eh, not so much. :p

I couldn't help but compare this scene to the one with Cath and Sara in Cool Change where they use the beeper to call the guy who shot Holly. It had the same feel.

I also found myself thinking about Kristy when the hooker fianlly arrived at the station. She was flirting with him big time but he wasn't biting. Yeah, he flirted back a little and seemed amused by it but it was as if, in the back of his mind, he was thinking about what happened last time and wasn't going to go down that path again.

Our little boy has grown up....*sigh*
I also loved the "Heard your marriage is on the rocks and you're shopping for hookers" comment to Warick... :lol: It just goes to show what good/close friends those two are , since Nick is comfortable enough to lay a zinger like that into Rick....Ouch! :devil:
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