The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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^^^ I don't know what you're talking about? :confused:

Seems a little spammy to me, so you might want to be careful there, happy. ;)

Back on topic, here is my analysis of last night's new episode (which I can't for the life of me remember the title of... :p )

Nick seemed a little distant in this episode.

Oh, it's not just my ass that's smart. ;)

I guess maybe we can stretch out the Usual Suspects some more, if anyone has any more comments? Come on. Somebody's gotta have something. That was a great episode.
happy wasn't being spammy more coming down from a hyper high from the promo's shown for next week and we refused to allow "Hyper Happy" caffiene and sugar in the Picture thread. :lol:
I'm calm now... really...

The one thing I didn't like about Unusual Suspects was that it seemed the siblings didn't really get along very well at all and then Hannah completely sticks herself out there like that. Was she that sure that she would get off or was it some sort of sibling love thing?
i just saw it. i really dont know why she wanted them to believe she did it. why stick up for him? they are not close.
There was so much Nick in this episode, I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. :lol: Oh yes, my precious, I likes my Nicky...

Whoh... I just had an insight, just now as I was finishing this. Do you guys see any parallels in the brother/sister and with Nick/Sara? Sara was sort of Grissom's brainiac prodigy when she came on the team, and Nick was the guy trying to prove he could do the job... Hmmm... Interesting...
Good point, baba! I think you're on to something here. It kinda bothered me when Nick succumbed to popular opinion later on and was all, "you just don't have the skillz, man", and I wasn't sure why. Now that you put it like that, I guess I was hoping Nick might be more open to the idea that the brother did have the brains to pull it off, what with having been the (perceived) underdog in the intelligence department himself.

As to why Hannah stuck up for her brother, I believe the brother killed Stacy as a desperate cry for attention, and Hannah knew it. She talked about how Marlon had been overlooked ever since she came along, and that he didn't deserve to go to jail. If anything the parents should get the blame for how the kids turned out. The way they neglected Marlon and put Hannah on a pedestal gave me chills...

And also, there was the book thing she told Sara at the end...
I think that when Nick was talking to Marlon at the end he was just trying to say something the get Marlon to say something to prove that Hannah didn't do it and than he (Marlon) did do it. Remember he told Sara that they were going to have to get one to implicate the other in some way.

(Did this make any sense?)
Poppin Tags:

Somebody over at TWOP made this comment and I think it's worth discussing in relation to his timeline:
Warrick and Nick were quite hot in that chase/standoff scene. I find it interesting how fearless Nick has become. The way he charged out of the car to deal with a guy who claimed to be armed...should we be worried, Nicky?

I'm sure that a good deal of Nick's jumping out of the car and drawing his gun was him wanting to back up Warrick. Nick is definitely the kind of guy who would be fiercely protective of those that he cares about.

However, it is possible that since he's had a close brush with death, Nick probably does feel kind of fearless in regards to his own mortality. Do you think we'll see him taking more risks as a result? Should we be worried?

Or do you think that he'd be more likely to say that life is to precious to take stupid chances?

Just some food for thought.
I also kind of thought he leaped out of the car WAY too fast to charge at the guy....I didn't think it was fearless, though, I just thought it was a case of "I'm going to do something now before I get another gun pointed at me or some more bad stuff happens", kind of like a preepmtive strike you know. I was kind of smirking when the guy told Nick thye gun in his face doens't bother him anymore...I was thinking well Nick knows a thing or two about that as well. Come to think of it though, Nick was pretty darn quick to go after the suspects without backup.....mmmm....I thought that was pretty reckless :confused:
ariela57 said:
I also kind of thought he leaped out of the car WAY too fast to charge at the guy....I didn't think it was fearless, though, I just thought it was a case of "I'm going to do something now before I get another gun pointed at me or some more bad stuff happens", kind of like a preepmtive strike you know. I was kind of smirking when the guy told Nick thye gun in his face doens't bother him anymore...I was thinking well Nick knows a thing or two about that as well. Come to think of it though, Nick was pretty darn quick to go after the suspects without backup.....mmmm....I thought that was pretty reckless :confused:

I was thinking about that too when he said that having a gun pointed at him didn't bother him. I agree ariela that he did seem to jump out of the car rather quickly, but he didn't want to take a chance. I did find it interesting though, that when everything was said and done, Nick was the one calming Warrick down. I don't think that Nick necessarily wanted to go after the suspect without backup, I think he just felt that if he and Warrick didn't they might not get another chance to talk that suspect.
Yeah, I think that too ^^^. I mean, the guy was standing right beside Warrick's door and I think Nick just didn't want to see another "Holly" situation. I think he just felt that something needed to be done before the dude pulled a gun on Warrick. Loved Warrick's move though! Damn, that was hot! :lol:

I also think that, because Nick was so calm afterwards, and was indeed the one to be calming down the overwrought Warrick, that maybe he's just matured and, (thanks to having to re-take his gun test and scoring so high on it!) was confident in his abilities. It's hard to hit a moving target, even if they're close up, but this guy was just standing there, easily in Nick's sights.

I think maybe he's just finally reached that confidence level that he has been aiming for over the years. Be it the number of times he's had a gun in his face, the trauma of being buried, the feeling that maybe he can't count on others to support him as much as he'd previously felt (after Grissom's reaction in Daddy's Little Girl) or what have you- I think he's just finally the guy who can look after number one. And add a best friend and colleague to the in-danger scenario... I'd say his survival instincts are now finely honed, and that's what kicked in here.

I also think that, due to Nick's calmness and professionalism afterwards, as well as his efforts to calm Warrick and later his offer to talk to Ecklie for him, the gun-pulling was not a "Nick's day of Rage" (or whatever you want to call it) precursor. I think if he'd been just the slightest bit weird afterwards, we'd all have been thinking, "Hmmm... This does not bode well." But he seemed OK afterwards, so I don't really see it as a warning sign moment at all. I really just think he's a harder guy now, and, like I said, much more confident in his skills and his ability to take charge and get the job done.

Or, I could have totally missed the mark, and, due to some latent moustache-induced psychosis, he really just wants to put a cap in someone's helmet, y'all know what I'm sayin'? :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
I think maybe he's just finally reached that confidence level that he has been aiming for over the years. ...

I really just think he's a harder guy now, and, like I said, much more confident in his skills and his ability to take charge and get the job done.

So perhaps it's because he's finished the evolution to this level of confidence that ...
Nick shows up on the next case with his hair cut???

Just a thought.
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