The new Snickers Kidnapping RPG

Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath finally felt them break away for air. She felt lightheaded, but she didn't care. She looked back into his eyes, but soon was brought back in for another kiss. She wrapped her arms tightly around him and kissed him back with all she had. She even had small little tears running down her cheeks because she was so happy. She melted into the kiss, just like she always knew she would. Their first kiss had been exactly as she'd imagined it. Slow, tender, and inviting. She'd waited ages for it, which made it that much better. She claimed those lips at that moment. He was hers for as long as he would have her, and she hoped it was a very long time. She reacted to his kiss just as passionatly as he had given it, and she wasn't planning on letting up anytime soon.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick was taken off guard by the intensity of the passion in Catherine's kiss and the electricity between them exploded like never before. Here they were, doing what they had waited seemingly forever to do. He pulled back and searched her face for some kind of sign.
He let his mind wander and he realized that his ultimate fantasy was unfolding right in front of him. It didnt involve anything fancy, just Catherine. He had never felt that way about anyone before. He never imagined that her kiss could satisfy him so much.
"Wow." was all he managed to say as he gazed into her eyes.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath let the kiss take it's course, and naturally, a few moments later, they pulled away. She looked up into his eyes and just thought of how long she had waited for something like this. They finally found each other, and acknowleged it. She was close to fainting, she was so baffled. When he finally broke the comfortable silence that they had formed, Cath couldn't help but blush a little. "I always wondered what that would be like," she said with a chuckle as she placed her hand over his. For the first time in a very long time, that trademark Catherine spark was back in her eyes. Just those two kisses were enough to kick her life back onto the right track. It was nice knowing that someone really cared for her. Someone really benefited from having her here, besides her daughter(that came naturally). There was no feeling in the world better than having someone show you that they care for you.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

"Me too, it was better than I imagined." He reached out and stroked her face, letting the love eminate from his touch. He didnt even need to use words to let her know what he felt right now. He gave her another passionate kiss. This time it was deep, the desire lacing every movement his lips made. The movie didnt seem to matter much anymore.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine smiled a little when he told her that it was better than he'd imagined. She leaned into his touch as soon as she felt his hand on her cheek. Her eyes closed and before she knew it his lips were on hers again. She smiled a little through his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck slowly. He honestly took her breath away. She let one of her hands find it's way up to his hair, then was trailed down to his back. She never wanted this night to end.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick let out a muted sigh when Catherine's fingers caressed his hair. Her touch was totally intoxicating and he couldn't get enough of it.
His breathing became shallow and erratic as he allowed his arm to wrap around her waist and pull her even closer. His hand became tangled in her hair as he trailed open mouthed kisses down her neck.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine's breathing became labored as well, making it hard for her to satisfy her need to kiss him endlessly. Her problems were soon solved as Warrick started to kiss down her neck. She leaned her head to the side a bit and muffled whatever noise it was that wanted to make it's way up her throat. She was close enough to him now that she could feel his warmth emminating from him, and she loved it. She loved being around him and she loved kissing him even more.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick continued to kiss Catherine's neck, savoring the taste of her skin. His breath caressed her skin as his kisses moved to her collarbone. He felt her shiver under his mouth and he began to become lost in the passion that was overtaking his body.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath felt like she was in pure heaven as she felt him kissing down her neck and collarbone, but she soon looked down, and lifted his head up to hers. "Slow down, we have plenty of time," she said as she shut off the movie and turned on the radio. She gave him a light kiss on the lips and continued. "I've always wondered what it would be like to dance with you. If you're as light on your feet as you are on the eyes it should be no problem."
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick chuckled at her comment. Well then, may I have this dance?" he asked before putting his arms around her waist and drawing her close, swaying in time with the music. This night was perfect.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine smiled a little and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder, and breathed in his scent. She closed her eyes a little as they swayed to the music. A few moments later, she looked up into his eyes, and contemplated saying what she'd wanted to say to him since the day she met him. She was hesitant. Obviously, there were feelings there, both of them knew it, Cath was just afraid to take it to the next level so early.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick closed his eyes and rested his chin on Catherine's head. He inhaled and took in everything around him. Catherine in his arms and her soft scent. When she looked up at him, he met her gaze. "What? Do you want me to slow down, are we taking it too fast, Cath? You can always say stop." He wanted to make sure that this was what she wanted.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine didn't know what to say when he asked her about taking it too fast. She raised her eyebrows for a second and then let them relax again. She looked up into his eyes and licked her lips a little. "No, that's the last thing I want, I don't want this night to end," she said with a small smile. She was telling the truth, there was nothing she wanted to do more than spend the rest of her life with him.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick never looked away from her as he lowered his voice to a low whisper. "I dont want it to end what do you propose we do about that?" His eyes were dark with passion and he couldnt bear the thought of the night ever ending. This had been the most amazing night he'd had in...forever. All he wanted to do was stay with Catherine, they would never be lonely again. Their love for each other that had been there for years was finally being confirmed and it was the best feeling in the world.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine couldn't help but shiver a little when she heard him whisper to her. There was just something in his voice that caused her to feel a tingle go down her spine. Cath reached up and gave him a light kiss. "I guess we should never let it end then," she whispered back. She reached her hand up and raked her hand through his hair. That hand eventually drifted down to his cheek, and she stroked it with her thumb. She wanted so badly to say it, but she was hesitant to say it.