The new Snickers Kidnapping RPG

Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Sara had just sat down on her little brown couch to read one of her science magazines when the doorbell rang. She jumped up to get it, knowing already who it was. She glanced at a clock hanging on her wall. He was 15 minutes early. She looked in the mirror one last time and fixed her pale lipstick and smoothed her shirt.

Then, she walked over to the door, flinging it opened a little more quickly than necessary. Then, she quickly regained her usual calm composure by leaning against the door.

"Hey," she smiled shyly at Nick, who was standing in her doorway carrying a dozen red roses. She gushed at his thoughtfulness. She thanked him and took them to her kitchen to put them in a vase to keep them alive as long as possible. "So, this is it... my place. It's not much to look at, but it's home to me," she said, filling the awkward silence. "Are you ready to go?"
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick turned to Catherine as he gave her a tired smile. "I guess he got a date." Warrick shrugged. He chuckled when Catherine almost fell asleep on him, he gave her a sympathetic grin. "Long day, huh?" He looked into her eyes, they were fatigued, but beauty still shone through them as clearly as ever.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine nodded a little. "Yeah, I guess I need to wake up huh? I'd be pretty sad to be a cop and die in a car crash because I fell asleep," she said with a small giggle as she picked up her head from his shoulder. She bit her lip a little, contemplating something, but hesitating. "Hey, uh, are you free tonight?" she asked him with a small smile. She hoped he didn't have plans, because that would just make her seem like an idiot.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine's question made Warrick's heart lift. He loved being alone with her, talking and strengthening the bond between them. He wondered if maybe they could ever become something more than just good friends. They had nearly shared a kiss once, and it broke his heart when they had been interrupted. "No, I dont have any plans. Would you like to get something to eat?" he smiled back at her, captivated by her presence.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine smiled when he told her that he didn't have any plans. She was both relieved and excited that he'd asked her to get something to eat. For one, she could eat a horse, and two, she would love any chance to be alone with Warrick. The sexual tention between them had been absolutely agonizing to go through, but as long as she could be around him, she didn't mind it.

"Sure, why don't we head back to my place? I took some chicken out for dinner, but Lindsay just called and told me that she was going to be at her friend's house for the night, so I don't have anyone else to cook for," she told him with a hopeful smile. "Maybe afterwards we can watch a movie or something like that," she told him. She was ecstatic right now that she was going to be alone with Warrick. Suddenly, she wasn't tired anymore.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick's tired eyes perked up. He wanted nothing more than to spend time with Catherine in a place where she would be most comfortable, her house. And he was anxious to see if she could cook. He just assumed she could considering she was so amazing to begin with.
"That sounds great!" he answered her, smiling as he spoke. He reached out and gave her a chaste hug.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine giggled a little as he reached out and gave her a hug. She sensed how excited he was, and it just about matched hers. She pulled away from him and then took her keys out of her locker. "So are you ready to go?" she asked him with an excited smile on her face. She couldn't wait to get this night started. She'd been waiting for a moment like this since she came to the lab, and now that she had it she was going to take it for all it was worth.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick nodded. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this ever since he first laid eyes on Catherine. He wasnt going to let it pass him by. He let her lead the way as he followed her out of the lab and to the parking lot. Time seemed to stop when he was with her, and he wouldnt have it any other way.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine spun on her heel and walked out of the lab with him. She felt the irrisistable urge to kiss him right now but she refrained. She'd always pictured her first kiss with Warrick to be romantic. Even if it was just a small little get together at her house, she didn't care, any occasion could be romantic if you make it so.

Pushing the thoughts aside for now, she got into the car with him and started it up. They shared a comfortable silence in the car, talking a bout a few little things along the way, but nothing much. Before they knew it, they were at Catherine's house, and at the door. She opened it up and walked in. "Well, home sweet home," she said cheesily. She walked in and set her stuff down. "Make yourself comfortable, dinner will be a little while, I cook my chicken a certain way," she said with a wink. "Old recepie of mine, I'm surprised Lindsay wanted to go over a friends house tonight, she hates missing these dinners," she said with a smirk. She was proud of her ability to cook.

With that, she went off to the kitchen and started to prepare. She washed her hands and took out what she needed. She flicked on the radio that was built onto the cabinet and then started to softly sing to the song on the radio. She sung it softly so that Warrick couldn't hear. She was a bit shy with her singing. She assumed Warrick was in the living room watching tv anyway.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick looked around as he sat on the couch. Catherine's house was lovely, but so inviting at the same time. He couldnt bear not being near her, especially now that he was in her house. He entered the kitchen and he heard her singing quietly. He watched her silently for a while, taking it all in. He didn't want her to catch him staring, her beauty was captivating and he had to control himself. All he wanted to do at this moment was kiss her, even if it was just a quick peck, he didnt care.

He decided to make his presence known.
"Bravo, Cath. I didnt know you could sing!" He smiled at her shocked expression.
"I was just wondering if there was anything I could help you with. Im pretty good around the kitchen. You can thank my grandmother for that." He approached the area where Catherine was preparing the food, his eyes never leaving hers.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine was preparing the food to be cooked while she sang. She hadn't noticed him standing there, watching her. She just continued on, and put the chicken on a skillet, then covered it. She started the timer on the oven and went off to start making the side dishes, still carrying her tune.

She jumped when she heard Warrick tell her about her singing. She turned around and had the usual shocked expression on her face. Her cheeks produced a light shade through her fair skin, and she gave him a nervous laugh. "I didn't know you were listening," she told him as she calmed down. She listened as he offered to help her. She thought it was sweet. But at the same time, she couldn't take her eyes off of his. They were so enticing. "Well, there's some wine in the cabinet if you want to pour some," she said with a still slightly shocked tone. "The glasses are in the cabinet next to the wine," she told him, hoping that this feeling of butterflies in her stomach would dissipate if he distanced himself from her.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick's heart melted when he saw Catherine blush. She was so strong but at the same time she was fragile and vulnerable. That was why he loved her.
"Wine sounds good." He proceeded to get the wine out of the cabinet. After that, he took two wine glasses out of the cabinet and poured wine into each of them. He brought one over to her, their eyes meeting again and electricity coursed through his veins.It happened whenever he was with her, it was undeniable. He had never felt like this with anyone else.
He smiled and took a sip of wine.
He looked at the food she was cooking.
"That looks really good.Thanks for this Catherine...for everything. I dont know what I would do without you." Warrick hoped he wasnt being to candid, he didnt want to make things awkward.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath finished up the side dishes and put them into the oven and over the stove before turning to Warrick. He handed her a glass of wine, and as her eyes met his again, it was like fireworks exploded as she touched the glass. They weren't even touching and it was affecting her so much. Her eyes showed nothing but pure admiration for this man.

She took a sip of her wine, and refrained from downing the whole thing. It would make her feel a lot better, but she had to control herself. She couldn't let him know that she was nervous, not until after dinner. She had some serious moves planned for after dinner, and with a cold night, it would be easy for her. She could always pull the "I'm cold" thing with him, but she wasn't sure, any variable could change that at any second.

She looked up at him as he thanked her. She laughed a little at the sentiment, not making it seem like it was funny, just an appriciative laugh. "You'd be cold and hungry without me," she joked, hoping to enlighten the situation. Taking the time to prepare the side dishes had given the chicken some time to cook. A few minutes later, the timer went off.

She took the chicken out and drained all extra liquids that were in the pan. She then put the side dishes on two seperate plates and handed them to him after the chicken had been settled onto it. "Chicken parm, hot and ready to eat," Cath said with a smirk. "Here, go place these down and I'll grab the wine," she told him as she walked over to where the bottle and glasses were, and moved them into the dining room. She should have changed what she was wearing to make her look a little more presentable, but she guessed it didn't matter too much.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick let out a quiet chuckle at Catherine's remark. It was true, without her he would be hungry, cold and lonely.
He smiled as he sat down at the table and waited for Catherine to do the same. When she did, his eyes met hers. It was something that came as naturally as breathing to them and it was almost impossible for him to not get lost in her eyes.

He took another sip of wine and all the tensions of the day seemed to vanish. Now it was just him and Catherine, the world seemed to stop. He couldnt contain himself any longer, so he said the first thing that came to mind.
"You look beautiful" he told her, never breaking her gaze.