The new Snickers Kidnapping RPG


What is this?- Sara of the LV CSI team is being stalked and eventually kidnapped. The twist is that it seems to be one of their own that are committing kidnapping of first Sara and then other CSIs.
This involves:
Gil Grissom
Catherine Willows-Wyoming
Warrick Brown
Nick Stokes-Joe
Sara Sidle-ChristineCaine
Jim Brass
Greg Sanders-Twiz
Al Robbins
Sofia Curtis

This RP has been approved by Sissi. You must post more than 3 lines of text and wait 5 minutes between posts.

It's a late night. Nick and Sara are alone together in the lab. They both are pulling a double shift.
Nick is obviously flirting with Sara and he can tell that she is doing the same.
"Well Sara if I have be stuck here until this late, I guess your not that bad to be stuck here with.
He flashed her a smile so heart felt as to show her just how he felt about her.

Okay so now it's your go Christine.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

((Yay! I'm so excited!! ))

Sara was tired, and she knew Nick was too. He was being very flirty and over cheery about everything. She laughed on the inside. She couldn't tell if it was over-exhaustion or if he actually meant to flirt with her.

She giggled at his comment. "Well, I would rather be stuck with Greggo..." she laughed at the look on his face. Then, she bumped his hip playfully with her own, "Nah, I'm just messing around. So, what are your plans for when we get out of here? I can't believe Gil is making us pull a double. We just had a double in the beginning of the week."
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Nick's jaw dropped at the comment she made. His heart dropped down to his shoes as well. He then realized that she was just playing around. Inside he was ecstatic. He had a feeling that she was trying to flirt with him as much as he was trying to flirt with her. When she bumped into him, he knew what he was thinking was right.

"Well now that I think about it, Catherine does seem like she would be a better choice to have around." Sara gave just about the same face he did. He then flashed her a smile and said "ya know, you have a beautiful smile." She couldn't help but smile.
"These doubles are a pain. Two doubles in one week is a killer."
He figured this would be his best opportunity.
"I was hoping this weekend you and I could go out sometime. That is, if your not doing anything with Greggo?
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

((Joe, I just took all of our posts from the old one and put them on here, I figure it would save posting space and time... Hope it's okies! Oh, and I did my own little spell check and grammar check on them too... haha You know how I am. Laters!))

((Yay! Welcome to the gang, iluvEricSzmanda!!))

Sara stuck her tongue out at Nick when he mentioned Catherine, but when Nick said something about her smile, she blushed, bright pink.

When he made the remark about the lab's clown, Sara couldn't suppress the laughter that emitted from her mouth. She let a big burst out, but caught it quickly when Nick gave her one of his 'looks.'

"Sorry.. you thought.. Greg? Oh, come on, Nick. He's just a kid," she laughed a little more. Then, he mentioned something about dinner. She responded, "Oh, I might be able to squeeze you into my over abundant social life." Nick knew she was being sarcastic. Then, she became serious.. if that meant fluttering her eyelashes at the sexy Texan. "So, what were you thinking? Are we going to do the whole dinner-and-a-movie thing, or the whole dinner thing?" she asked.


Nick felt embarassed about thinking that there might be something between her and Greggo. Even after there was so much flirting between the two of them.

"Well I know this very nice Italian place. How does a candle lit dinner sound?"

Nick could tell that when Sara heard him say that her face lit up with happiness. He looked longingly into her eyes wondering if he should kiss her.


Sara started putting test tubes and petri dishes away, getting ready to go home. She paused, visibly, when he mentioned the candle light dinner. She was a little unsure of what to say, but she soon smiled. It would be fun, besides, she hardly ever got out those days.

"Umm, that sounds great, Nick," she smiled, her back still turned as she stood on her toes to return the dishes to their proper place. She turned back around and made eye contact with him. Nick had that look in his eyes... that look that meant he wanted to kiss her. She wanted to kiss him too, boy, did she want to kiss him, but she couldn't get Grissom out of her head. Sara knew that if she kissed Nick, and Gris found out, there would be hell to pay. Besides, she didn't want to kiss Nicky with thoughts of Grissom in her head. It would be too weird.

"We have off tomorrow night, why don't we go then?" she said, pushing the 'Gil' thoughts out of her mind.


"That sounds great. Tomorrow it is."

Nick could tell that something else was on Sara's mind. He was only hoping that she wasn't having second thoughts about the date. Then, he went back to putting away the lens covers.

As he turned to put a cover up on a shelf, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, that there was something in the window. It looked like a hulking black figure staring in at Sara. When he saw it, he got instant chills. So much, that he dropped the covers that were in his hand. The figure felt evil. When he looked again, it was gone. He walked over to the window and there was nothing there. He thought maybe it would be best not to say anything to Sara.


There was a strange awkward silence for a few seconds. Then, suddenly, Nick dropped all of the lens covers he had in his hands. Sara jumped at the sound they made hitting the ground. Her head whipped around to face Nick, who was as white as a ghost.

"Nick, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked, immediately going to him. She carefully laid a hand on his shoulder.


Nick strained to get it out, "I could have sworn I just saw something. It was evil. I can't describe it, and then it was gone."

He just stood there in shock. He then came to his senses. "It was probably just my eyes playing a trick on me. We have been pulling a double. It starts getting to you after awhile," he said, as he began to laugh.

Just as he turned to pick up the covers that he had dropped, he heard Sara's cell phone ring.

"Wow, aren't we the popular one, getting calls all the time?" he asked, with a smile, looking over at Sara.


Sara looked at her caller id. She sighed, looking over at Nick as she answered her cell phone.

"Sidle," she stated shortly. Then, her hand went up and she started rubbing her eyelids. It was the last person she wanted to talk to at that particular moment. "Grissom, hi. Yeah, we're done in here. Well, Nick and I are about to head out." Then, she looked up at Nick, saying, "Well, actually, I have plans for tomorrow night, but thanks for asking. I'm tired. I just want to get home this morning and go to sleep. I'll just grab some breakfast on the way home, but thanks. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye." She got off of the phone with her old flame.

Before Nick could even start up the subject, she changed it. He opened his mouth as though he was going to crack a smart-aleck ((that's actually a word, I looked it up for the spelling... haha)) remark, but she cut him off.

"So, are you ready to get out of here? I'm so exhausted," she smiled. She was indeed exhausted. She hated when Grissom made her work so many doubles, which had been happening more and more lately.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

iluvEricSzmanda said:
(I'll be Warrick i guess)

You can be anyone you want ;)

I thought you were supposed to PM me your storyline before you post but it looks like you guys thought it was useless...

Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Nick could see tell something was wrong by the expression on Sara's face. He wanted to run in and save the day for the woman he adored. As soon as Nick heard the Sara say Grissom's name, his mind raced.
Nick could see the hurt in Sara's face. When she hung up with Grissom, he open his mouth to try and console her only to be met with Sara's obvious attempt at changing the subject.
Nick could tell that really did not want to talk about it so he tried not to press. He only hoped that she didn't have feelings for Grissom. He was really looking forward to the date they had tomorrow night. " Yeah getting out of here sounds really good right about now. We both need to get some sleep before tomorrow night" he said while laughing.
Nick knew that Sara might be thinking that he was going to crack a joke of some sort before so he had to tell her otherwise. Besides he had to get some idea on where Sara's head was at.
"Sara, before when I tried to say something..." he paused to collect his thoughts and then finally told her "I only wanted to see if you were okay." Nick then smiled at Sara as he looked into her eyes.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

"I know, I just don't want to talk about it," Sara said. She felt mildly guilty for thinking that he was going to be a smart ass about Gil callling. She was so sick of her coworkers making fun of her and teasing her when she dated their boss. Nick was the worst...

Sara finished putting away the dishes and the tubes and turned to go back to the locker room to go home. She stood looking at Nick for a few seconds. He looked back and smiled, before returning to pick of the rest of the lens covers.

"Well, I guess--," Sara started.

"So, are you--," Nick said at the same time.

They both laughed, embarrassed. Neither really knew what to say. Nick motioned for Sara to get out what she wanted to say.

"Oh, I was only to going to say that I guess I'll see you tomorrow night at... what time? We never decided on a time," she said. Nick told her a time, and then said what he was going to say earlier.

Sara left, saying good bye. She headed to the locker room to gather her things, excited about getting home and getting to sleep. She also couldn't wait for her 'date' the next day. When she got to her locker, she did a small little squeal. She didn't know that Warrick was also in the locker room, getting off of his shift.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Nick did make fun of her most of the time, but that was only his horrible way of flirting with her. He knew though when to do it, and when not to do it and he could tell that she was very upset right now.
"I'll come pick you up at exactly 7:00." As he said this, a smile came across his face as he was overwhelmed with joy at the thought of going out on a date with Sara.
"So are you heading right home now?" Sara nodded her head yes and left saying bye bye. "See you at 7" he yelled to her as she walked off to the lockerroom.
Nick was so overcome with joy he could help but to let out a quiet "YES!!"
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick walked into the locker room, exhausted after a long day. "Hey." He greeted Nick casually. "Whats goin on?" Warrick could see the look on Nick's face, it looked as if he had just won the lottery or something.
"What are you so excited about, man?" he asked.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

"Hey man. I only a have a date with one of the most amazing women ever!!" Nick was just overcome with joy and he didn't care who saw. The only feeling that was stronger than the uphoria he felt toward the date the how exhausted he was after working for so many hours. He knew he had to get out of there and get some sleep.
As soon as Nick stopped for two seconds he began to feel the exhaustion setting in. "Well Warrick I should head home. I'm exhausted." Warrick gave a nod of agreement.
Little did Nick know that Grissom had come in early and heard what Nickw as staying. As Nick walking out the doors towards his car he passed Grissom. As he walked past Grissom Nick greeted him pleasently not thinking of the call that Sara had received not long before, "Morning Gil." Grissom meerly shot Nick a look of utter distain.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine walked into the locker room, looking more like a zombie than anything else. She gave Nick a small smile on her way into the room, not really caring about what the goofy grin on his face was for right now. She would find out later, she just wanted to go home. She stood next to Warrick and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm tired," she said simply, not giving him an explination of the fact that she'd been here for over 24 hours working on her case, which she had finally finished about a half an hour ago. She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep on his arm. "What is Nick so happy about?"
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Nick headed back to his house for some much needed sleep. Nick was almost too excited to sleep. He woke up later that day and with nothing else but the date with Sara on his mind. He hadn't been this excited about something in a long time.

Nick began to get ready for the date when his cellphone began to ring. He looked to see who it was and the number came up as Unknown. He picked it up and all he heard was a weird breathing. He thought maybe it was some kid prank calling him. Still he could not get what he say in the window just the night before out of his mind. He began to wonder if what he has seen was just a figment of his imagination. Nick quickly pushed that to the back of his mind thinking about tonight. He looked over at the green glow of his alarm clock, 5:57. "I can tell tonight is going to be special" he said to himself getting ready.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Sara was rolling around in her bed, tossing and turning. She couldn't get back to sleep. She looked over at her alarm clock, the neon numbers screaming out to her that it was only 6:38 in the morning..

Sara's cell phone had rudely woken her up with it's loud, obnoxious ringing only a two hours ago. It rang a few more times after that, as well. Each time Sara answered it, there was only thick, heavy breathing on the other line. It scared her a little, but she just figured someone was playing a practical joke, so she pushed it to the back of her mind. Maybe she would take it to the lab and have the call traced.

Then, her thoughts went to Nick. He wanted to kiss her, she saw the 'look.' Sara couldn't wait for that night. The time was going far too slowly as she lied there restlessly.

Finally, the sandman visited her and she fell asleep, only to wake up late. She woke up at 6:00. Nick was going to be there in an hour! Sara jumped out of bed and ran to her bathroom to shower. She washed quickly, and got dressed.

When she started getting dressed, she wore a long, red gown. Then, she changed into a pair of formal pants and a nice cream-colored blouse. She finally donned a fantastic green, silky button-up and a cute black skirt.

She glanced at the clock; it read 6:30. She had half an hour left to make herself look at least a little decent. She walked out of her room and back into the bathroom to style her hair and put a little bit of makeup on. She heated up the curlers and slowly applied them to her hair.

She left them in while she put on some concealer and a bit of mascara. She didn't really like to wear the stuff, but for special occasions, and this was going to be a special occasion. She added a little bit of light brown blush and a slight dab of lip stick as well. She blended both with expertise, even though she wasn't very experienced in the process. Sara took the rollers out of her hair and sprayed it with a bit of hairspray, dressing her hair beautifully.

Finally, she stepped back and smiled to herself. She looked pretty good. Then, she sat down at her couch and flipped through some magazines while she waited for Nick to get to her apartment.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

As Nick received these "prank calls" he began to worry a bit. He then wondered if Sara was getting the same calls. Maybe they were tied into everything else. He then remembered what was going to happen that night, so he pushed the calls to the back of his mind and concentrated on the events to come.

He began to get ready. He had to laugh at himself because he was being just as bad as a girl would be. He couldn't figure out what to where. After going through a suit, black sweater and tan pants, and just about everything else he had to wear, he settled on light blue dress shirt, black tie and kakie pants. Nick had to then choose which cologne to wear. He had ten different kinds. After msterfully crossing three of them he looked down at his watch that read 6:15. He knew he had to get going.

When Nick got into his car to go his stomach tied itself into knots. He felt more nervous than ever before. As he drove to Sara's apartment he began to get worse and worse. The drive felt like enternity. It felt like every second that passed was an eon. He stopped by Reese's Flowers on the way to Sara's apartment. He picked my a dozen long stem red roses. He knew that roses were Sara's favorite flower. He payed for the flowers and and continued the trip to Sara's apartment.

Finally Nick pulled into Sara's driveway. He shut off his car and looked down at his watch. It read 6:45. He said to himself "15 minutes early, I hope I'm not too early. He got to the front door and he was nervous from head to toe. He rang the door bell whispering to himself "you'll do fine, this date is going to be amazing."