The new Snickers Kidnapping RPG

Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine sat down in front of her meal and started to cut it. She took a sip of her wine as well, eyes not really wanting to leave his. She could sit there forever and stare into them. The music from the kitchen could be faintly heard, making it a little more bearable to sit there in their comfortable silence.

She looked up at him again, watching him as he sipped his wine. Her eyes drifted to his lips. She couldn't help it, she wanted to kiss him. 'Just hold out a little longer Catherine, you have to wait until after dinner' she told herself. Soon enough, he complimented her, which surprised her because she didn't look all that great. Her hair was still curled from that morning, but she looked a bit worn.
"Thanks, although I don't know if I could agree," she said with a small giggle. "I wish I'd known about this and I would have changed into something more presentable," she said as she started her meal.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

"Oh come on, you know you dont need to try hard to impress me. I just love being around you." he replied.
Warrick began to eat his meal, it was the most delicious food he had eaten in a long while. The vending machines at work just didnt cut it all the time.

He sipped his wine and saw Catherine observing him as he ate. He wasnt completely sure, but he couldve sworn he saw her looking at his lips. He decided to lick them after finishing his last bite of chicken, just to show her how satisfying the meal had been.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath blushed a little when he told her that he loved being around her. Did he really mean that? 'Just calm down Cath, you're getting yourself all worked up for nothing' she thought. She watched him as they ate, her eyes drifting to his lips every now and then. When he licked them, she closed her eyes and turned back down to her meal before opening them again. After she finished her meal, she looked over and saw that Warrick had finished too. She took his plate and slipped it into the dishwasher real quick.

She ushered him out to the living room and sat down, wine in hand. She poured them each a new glass and looked over to him. "The movie collection is in the cabinet by the T.V. I'll let you pick so that I don't get any chick flicks," she said with a smirk.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick inspected the movie cabinet. His choices were endless. He was a sucker for a good sports movie. "How about Remember the Titans, its one of my favorites. But Im up for whatever you want."
He glanced over his shoulder at Cath, she looked a little flustered. "Is everything ok?" Warrick asked as he turned from the TV and towards her. "Maybe I should go so that you can get some rest, you had a long day." He approached the couch and sat next to her, making sure she was alright.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

ChristineCaine said:
Sara had just sat down on her little brown couch to read one of her science magazines when the doorbell rang. She jumped up to get it, knowing already who it was. She glanced at a clock hanging on her wall. He was 15 minutes early. She looked in the mirror one last time and fixed her pale lipstick and smoothed her shirt.

Then, she walked over to the door, flinging it opened a little more quickly than necessary. Then, she quickly regained her usual calm composure by leaning against the door.

"Hey," she smiled shyly at Nick, who was standing in her doorway carrying a dozen red roses. She gushed at his thoughtfulness. She thanked him and took them to her kitchen to put them in a vase to keep them alive as long as possible. "So, this is it... my place. It's not much to look at, but it's home to me," she said, filling the awkward silence. "Are you ready to go?"

Just before Sara answered the door Nick checked himself over one last time. When the door swung open Nick was caught with a vision of beauty. He couldn't believe his eyes when Sara open the door to her apartment. He stood there stunned for a few seconds. Finally he got out "Hey Sara. Here you go" he said handing her a dozen roses. His heart smiled when he saw she wonderful smile. He couldn't beleive that for so long he had wanted to go out with Sara, and now it was finally going to happen.

Nick walked into Sara's apartment and stood in the living room for a minute while Sara went to the kitchen to put the flowers in water. He took a look around the apartment. It was nice. He got a very warm vibe from Sara's apartment. Also as thought he just stepped into Heaven. Inside his stomach was in knots, but he tried to keep it cool. He really wanted this date to be wonderful. He had wanted for so long to ask Sara out, and now that he ahd finally done it, he wanted everything to be just right. He had a candle light dinner waiting for them at the cafe. He wanted this date to be as romantic as possible. He really cared about Sara.

Sara yelled in from the kitchen about the apartment, which Nick replied "comeon now Sara your apartment is cozy. It's got a very nice feel to it." After taking a moment in the kitchen, Sara returned to the living room wondering if he was ready to go. "Whenever you are. Turning to head for the door he turned and looked at Sara, "oh and by the Sara, you look amazing" flashing her a southern smile.


Grissom walked pass Nick as was he entered the lab. He sat down at his desk completely infuriated. He went straight to his office and locked the door behind him. The thought of Sara out with someone else was driving him mad. He began to think "well if I can't have Sara, then noone can." He thought that it might be too obvious if he did something to her.

He began to pace around his office. He couldn't get Sara off of his mind. Finally he got it! "I've got the perfect plan and noone will ever think of me" he thought to himself as he began to laugh. He already knew who his first victim would be.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine's eyes filled with panic when he offered to leave. The last thing she wanted for him was to leave. She swallowed a bit and tried to hide her tiredness. She really wasn't even that tired when Warrick was around. "No...stay, please?" she asked him softly. She was supposed to make her moves while they were watching a movie. "I want to watch the movie, I promise I'll stay awake," she told him. "And Remember The Titans is fine, it's one of my favorites," she said, hoping he would stay at her request.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick mentally did a victory dance. She really wanted him to stay! His eyes lit up and he volunteered to put the movie in. He put the DVD in the player and went back to the couch and sat next to her, his arm resting on the back of the couch. He didnt want to make it obvious that he wanted to put his arm around her, he wanted to wait for her to feel comfortable enough to make the next move.
"So, would it suprise you if I said I've seen this movie at least 10 times?" he turned and gave her a sly grin.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Cath let out a breath of relief when he popped the movie in. He was going to stay with her. She took a deep breath and watched as he sat back down next to her. She finished off her wine, deciding not to take another glass of it. She immidiatly felt those butterflies when he sat next to her again. She faked a shiver and grabbed his arm from the couch, and put it around her. "I'm cold," she said with a smirk. She leaned into him more then she had to, but she didn't care. Just having him close to her was intoxicating. She watched the movie, but it was the last thing on her mind. The only thing that was on her mind was the sweet man who had his arm around her.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick smiled to himself when she leaned into him. "Yeah, its a chilly night." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his embrace seemed to melt around her and cradle her perfectly, he never wanted this night to end. He tried to keep his attention on the movie as well, but having Catherine so close to him was rather distracting. He took a deep breath and decided to hold her tighter, so that he could feel her breath rising and falling. Nothing had ever felt more right before.
The movie was at a dull part, so he decided to talk. "I love this movie, every time i watch it, it feels like im watching it for the first time. If that makes any sense." he chuckled.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine smiled a little when he held her tighter. She swallowed hard and rested her head against his shoulder. She let out a long, slow breath before listening to what he had to say. "It's a sweet movie, Lindsey and I have watched it before a few times, it's one of her favories too," she said as she looked up at him. Her heart was beating twice the speed it normally was, and she wondered if he noticed. She hoped not. Reguardless, she enjoyed having him this close, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick reclined more on the couch, he was as relaxed as ever. He loved the feeling of Catherine next to him, he never wanted to let her go. As the movie went on, Warrick couldnt help but notice Catherine's heartbeat become quicker.As soon as he noticed it, his own heart began to pound. He knew the sexual tension was getting the best of them both, but he also knew that he had to keep his emotions under control.
"So, is Linds coming home tonight?" he asked nonchalantly. He hoped for the answer, and he took a deep breath.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine's breaths got deeper and quicker. She swore she was going to start hyperventalating, but she didn't. She kept herself under control, and Warrick wouldn't notice too much of what she was feeling right now. She looked up at him as he began to speak again. "No, she's staying over a friend's house for tonight and then she's going to a concert, so they're spending all day getting ready, she's so excited," Cath said, adding a smile to it. She was happy that her daughter was out having fun, now for two reasons.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

"Sounds like fun." Warrick looked down at Catherine, his breathing had become somewhat labored. Maybe it was the fact that he was alone in a house with an amazing woman he'd loved for a long time. He wasnt one to be vulnerable, but with Catherine, he was laid bare. Tonight, he didnt have to pretend he didnt love her. His feelings for her seemed to cloud over everything he did, and tonight the haze didnt need to clear.

He couldnt stand it any longer.
He moved away from her and turned to face her. He took her hands in his; he hoped she didnt notice they were clammy and shaky. "Catherine..." he spoke, his voice low and sincere. What Warrick did next was what he had been waiting to do for years. He cupped her face in his hands, their eyes never parting. His fingers grazed the skin of her cheek before he pulled her close and brushed his lips to hers.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Catherine smiled a little and nodded at him as he spoke, though the words never really registered. She just didn't want his gaze to leave hers. She could almost feel the love coming out of his eyes, the same way her love was coming out of hers. She looked over every aspect of his face, and took it in. She never wanted to forget tonight.

Soon, he moved away from her. Both of her hands were in his, which were a bit shakey. She wasn't surprised, hers were too. He said her name, which made her eyes drift from their hands back to his eyes. Her breath hitched on her throat as she felt his fingers over her cheek. Then, it happened; he kissed her. She melted into the kiss and smiled a little through it. She couldn't believe this was happening. She'd been wating years for this, and it was finally happening. She wrapped her arms around him and let him lead, she wasn't sure how far he wanted to go.
Re: The new Snickers Kidnapping

Warrick grinned against Catherine's lips, savoring the feel of them. They were perfect. Just like her. After they broke apart for air, he looked deeply into her eyes, as if he was getting a glimpse into her soul. He pulled her close again and his lips planted a passionate, loving kiss on hers, the most passionate he had ever given anyone before. He hoped she felt the same way he did, he waited for her to respond to his kiss before doing anything else. He cared about Cath and he didnt want to rush her into anything she wasnt ready for.