The NCIS Thread! *spoilers*

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Re: The NCIS Thread!

Dynamo1 said:
There is a TV special called "Inside the NCIS" on the National Geographic Channel. The one hour special airs tonight (Tues, May 30) at 10:00 pm (Eastern time) and again Wed, May 31, at 1:00 am. TV Guide says that this is about the real-life Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

I saw it! :D It was quite interesting might I add. :)

HQ promos from the special:

Re: The NCIS Thread!

i had a weird NCIS dream last night. It was like i was watching an ep from inside the tv, and here's how it went:
It started off in the NCIS building, when Tony said that he was going to a wedding upstate, so he got into the elevator in his tux, and Abby and Kate were both there in bridesmaid dresses (though it was set after Kate died, i don't think anyone except the team could see her) and then McGee came into the elevator and he was in a tux too. The it was some building where there was a whole lot of FBI and CIA agents, and it turned out that they were all there for some high profile case involving a notorious gang or something. It then cut to a street that looked like it was outside my grandma's house, and all the agents were there when this car started driving and it was the bad guys coming to shoot them. Tony and McGee held up a shirt so that the gang would think it was a person and shoot the shirt instead of them, but Kate ran out in front and got shot, and Tony kneeled beside her, yelling "What did you do that for?! It could have worked! Kate? KATE?!" and all the agents were staring at him like he was crazy, and then it cut back, and Tony was there by himself and Kate disappeared, probably because she was never there in the first place.
For a moment after I woke up, I actually thought it was a real episode :lol:
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I don't regularly watch NCIS, but the RPGs have got me thinking...who wants to see Gibbs meet Mac and interact with him? Two Marines together would be interesting.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

:lol: You already know my answer to that one..

Gibbs, or Gibbs, where for art thou thy Gibbs! xD But I have a question to ask, who wants to see DiNozzo as lead agent for the first couple episodes?
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I think we will get to see Tony as the lead agent for a few episodes, until something happens to bring Gibbs back. I think it will be interesting to see how Tony does as lead agent without Gibbs there to "fix" things.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I think it'd be interesting to see Tony as lead agent & why not/ As much as he gets on my nerves I have to admit the few times he's had to take charge I thought he did such an outstanding job. **smack on the back of head**
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Srry to double post, but I had to let this out:
I hate you guys who live in the US right now :p
No, just joking. I'm really disappointed though that you guys could be watching NCIS season 1 on dvd now, and I don't even now when it's released in The Netherlands :(
Re: The NCIS Thread!

me too...i doubt it will ever come out here (Australia), so i'll probably buy it off amazon, if my mother lets me
we're still in the first half of s3 over here :(
Re: The NCIS Thread!

I just bought the 1st season of NCIS today. Can't wait to have time to myself to watch it.**dances around the room**
Re: The NCIS Thread!

Meeee Tooooooooo >_< :lol:
well, i know what i'm asking for for my bad its not for another six months, well, i'll see if i can get it before then :D
Re: The NCIS Thread!

carlz31 said:
me too...i doubt it will ever come out here (Australia), so i'll probably buy it off amazon, if my mother lets me
we're still in the first half of s3 over here :(

We're only on episode 1.20 or something. In Holland they put it in a very strange timeslot two years ago. Saturday at 7pm, and repeats Sunday at 9am. So it never had a chance and stopped after 13 episodes. Since the huge popularity in the US a new channel decided to try it again a month or two ago.
Re: The NCIS Thread!

If the television executives in your area stops airing the shows again, give them the old Gibbs head-slap.
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