The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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:lol:All funny, thank's for you comments:bolian:


GRISSOM:: "So, Sara do you want to move out of this flop-house"?:confused:

SARA:: "Not if I don't have a job anymore":(

GRISSOM:: "I'll talk to Ecklie, and see what we can come up with":cool:

SARA:: OK, wanna' drink"?:p

GRISSOM:: "That's the last thing you or I need right now":vulcan:

GREG:: "WOW, I love this straw and it will be perfect for my Big Gulps":p

GRISSOM:: [out of view] "Greg, what are you doing, and what is that your holding"?:confused:

GREG:: "Drats, busted again":alienblush:
Greg: "Wingardium Leviosa...Wingardium come it always works for those crazy Harry Potter kids but not me?!"
Greg: Hey, Grissom. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my showgirl hat.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: If I send this to Abby Sciuto over at the NCIS lab, maybe she'll go out with me.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: I am getting sleepy. I am getting sleepy.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: My hair wore the teeth off my comb.

---=== OR ===---

Greg: Lollypop allllll gone. May I have another please.

CATH:: "Man this guy sure does stink":censored:

SUPER DAVE:: "I can't tell how long he's been dead, yet":confused:

DR. LANGSTON:: "That's OK, take you time, but we really need to get him back to the":rolleyes:

CATH:: "What happens in Vegas, sometimes doesn't stay in Vegas, they just hope it does":shifty:
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Dr. Super Dave: Hey, Matrix guy! Can you revive him?

---=== OR ===---

Dr. Langston: You night shift guys seem to work a lot in the daytime.
Catherine: It's lucky we aren't vampires.

---=== OR ===---

Dr. Langston: Any idea who he is?
Catherine: Yes, he was a semi-regular who was dropped by CBS's budget cuts.
Dr. Langston: No chance of bringing him back now.
Ghost of Warrick (off camera): Tell me about it.

---=== OR ===---

Dr. Super Dave: I think he needed to use SPF100.
:guffaw: everyone!


NICK:: "This look's just like my doggie":confused:OK, boy let me in"

CATH:: "AHH, he's so cute";)

NICK:: "He is a good boy, come on now, calm down":shifty:
Nick: Good boy, Cujo. You know what to do whenever Ecklie is near by.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Easy, boy. Tarantino didn't mean it. He wouldn't put you in a box with ants.

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Nick: Hey, Rover. Like that idea? CSI: Petville for the Animal Planet channel just might work. But you be sure to get top billing over Grissom's dog.
Marg: "Okay seriously, people, did you have to take the picture from this angle? I mean come on! And George, stop laughing!"
Nick: Oooooh, i love my doggy, yes i do, i love my doggy, doggy, doggy, doggy, i love my doggy...
Cath: Hey.. Nicky, do you and Rover need some "alone" time?
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