The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Catherine: Gil, you don't have to hold your case down on the floor. The law of gravity hasn't been repealed.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Have you noticed that it's daytime? I thought we were the night shift.
Grissom: Ecklie's budgets cuts again.
Catherine: But aren't they losing more money in overtime?
Grissom: Don't tell him that. I'm saving up for a Ferrari.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Did you hear that?
Catherine: All I hear are the chimes of the ice cream truck.
Grissom: Let's go. I'm buying.
Grissom: *In his best commercial voice* "There's a little captain in everyone! Captain Morgan rum!"

Cath: "Really! Must you do that at every scene?"

**a little spin off from the Captain Morgan commercials...CSI style :lol:**
All funny and great, you fans have imaginations that rule:bolian:


GRISSOM:: [out of camera range] "Hey you guys, news bullentin, it just came over the wire, McKeen and Natalie just escaped, and are on the run" :scream:

ECKLIE:: "Good one Gil":lol:

ARCHIE:: "Yeah boss, really funny:guffaw:

GRISSOM:: "I'm not kidding, get your butts out here":klingon:
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Archie: Zuiker wants to spin off a new show, "CSI: Laupahoehoe."
Ecklie: CSI: Whaaaat?
Archie: Laupahoehoe. Google says it's in Hawaii.
Ecklie: Isn't that where New York's Danny Messer is moving to?
Both together: Book 'em Danno!

---=== OR ===---

Ecklie: "Two night shift CSIs walk into a bar..." Good one, Brass. Ha ha ha.

---=== OR ===---

Archie: Ecklie. Did you see Letterman's Top Ten List of NAmes for Horatio's Sunglasses?

---=== OR ===---

Ecklie: Hey, Grissom: That's very funny. You should have your bugs do that on Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks.
(Hodges walks in wearing something unusual)

Archie: Dude, what are you wearing?
Ecklie: He lost a bet with Greg.
Archie: You should know better than to bet on anything with Greg. He's sneaky.

GREG:: "Damn I lost my contact lens, again, everything is blurry in one eye":eek:

WARRICK:: "You wear contacts dude"?:confused:

NICK:: "How come we didn't know that"?:cool:

GREG:: "Enough with the questions, can you help me fine the damn thing"?:rolleyes:

N & W IN UNISON:: "Sure thing pal, we're on it":lol:
Nick: What are you doing, Greg?
Greg: I feel like I am going to puke and I can't see out of my one eye.
Warrick (to Nick) He's been hitting the bottle again.
Greg: Ouch! Wendy slapped me. I didn't expect her to slap me.
Nick: What did you do? Comment on her weight? Her age?
Greg: No. I just said her clothes looked like Ecklie's.
Warrick: That would do it.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Warrick, doesn't Greg look like the "Home Alone" kid whenever he does that?

---=== OR ===---

Warrick: Greg, been fighting with street gangs again?
Greg: Anyone got a bag of ice for my eye?

---=== OR ===---

Greg: That bug just spit in my eye!
Nick: What did you expect? You almost set your coffee cup down on Grissom's pet.

NICK:: "I understand Conrad, I'm not a kid":rolleyes:

SARA:: "Geez, he bores me to tears, maybe if I close my eyes, it'll soon be over":shifty:

ECKLIE:: "Sara, are you listening to me"?:confused:
George Eads: Who wrote that scipt? The writers from Saturday Night Live?
Jorja Fox: Sounds more like Mad Magazine.

---=== OR ===---

Justice of the Peace: Repeat after me... I, Nick Stokes, promise to cherish...
Nick: Whoa. Stop. Halt. We just came here to ask you about a case.

GRISSOM:: "testing, testing. I so want to be a part time DJ, "can you hear me"?:confused:

DOCTOR:: "DJ, I think not, you can't even hear what this test is, be real":rolleyes:

GRISSOM:: "Damn, I keep forgetting, I go off in la-la land":alienblush:

DOCTOR:: "OK, lets try this again, raise you right forefinger if you can hear this'?:vulcan:
Grissom: ...and here is NUMBER ONE on this week's Mozart Top 40!

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Welcome to CSI Radio's Weekly Most Wanted. Each week we count down the list of felons wanted across the country. Today's big hit, and it really was a hit on a mob boss...

---=== OR ===---

Doctor: Gil, which ear can you hear this sound in?
Grissom: I can name that tune in one note.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Nick, how were you able to get a bug in Hodge's apartment without him knowing it?
Nick (off camera): I'm not telling. This will be great on YouTube.
Dynamo1 hilarious again:lol:


NICK:: "Gosh, this reminds me of my childhood, digging in my little sandbox, did you have a sandbox boss"?:confused:

GRISSOM:: "Focus Nick, we're looking for a dead body and this is not a sandbox":rolleyes:

NICK:: "Geez, sorry, I was just chit-chatting, to lighten up the mood"?:(

GRISSOM :: "I know, sorry, I'm a little upset right now, we'll talk about your sandbox later":shifty:
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Nick: Tell me again... Why are we building sand castles?
Grissom: To keep my dear little bugs out of the heat of the sun.
Nick: I think YOU are the one who needs to get out of the sun.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Why are we burying the CSI forensic truck?
Grissom: It has served us well. It was wounded and needed to be put out of its misery.
Nick: But it was only a small scratch from a shopping cart.
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