The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style!

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Grissom: Hmm, these fanfiction that Sara gave me are...interesting. Although the one that had Hodges all over me was really disturbing. He must suck up for a reason, now.
Hello everyone! I am mostly lurking in this thread but decided to make an (lame) attempt:

Grissom thinking
"Jeez, doing paperwork really bugs me"
Don't lurk amymore, Stokes4me glad your on this thread, it's fun, all the gruesomeness, disappears on here~

HODGES AND NICK "Crash & Burn" S/3

NICK:: "Damn this guy bugs me, [thinking to himself] how I can I get rid of him"?

HODGES:: Oblivious to it all, rambling away about stupitities~
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-Metro Station 'Shake it' playing in background-
'Now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back?'

Hodges: I loooove this song.
Nick: -thinking- You'll be okay Nick, Greg said he'd give you 20 bucks'

lmao lame haha
WARRICK:: "Hodges, is it with a chick you met at the 'loserxclub'?:lol:

HODGES:: "NO, she's actually someone from here, so nah-nah-nah":(

NICK:: "Yeah, right, and pigs fly":shifty:

HODGES:: "I'm going now, I don't deserve this":cardie:

WARRICK AND NICK:: "Yeah ya' do":lol:
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CATH:: "Sara, look at this, who does it look like":confused:

SARA:: "HMM, Ecklie, what's he doing":evil:

CATH:: "I'm not sure":alienblush:

SARA:: "Well, it's pretty spooky, anyway":vulcan:
Sara: Ooh, that sneaky Willy Wonka. He turned us into Oompa Loompas.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: So THIS is where Desertwind gets his photos for the Naughty Picture Thread.
Sara: He probably has been stalking us for some time. I'll get a restraining order.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine: Look at this. That Hodges had a hidden camera in the locker room.
Sara: I think I'll keep these photos of Nick and Warrick.
Sara: Ooh, that sneaky Willy Wonka. He turned us into Oompa Loompas.

Catherine: So THIS is where Desertwind gets his photos for the Naughty Picture Thread.

:lol: You got it Dynamo1 do you think Grissom ever posed for a nude photo session? Speaking of~

THE EX.OF CATHERINE WILLOWS sitting in his office drinking and mumbling to himself:confused:

GRISSOM:: "Little does the team know, I'm a secret drinker, thank's to Jim, who had a bottle of boos stashed in his desk. I'm so sick of all of this horror, I need a vacation, bad.. what to do, Oh crap here comes Ecklie" [hides drink]:(
Grissom: Who needs *burp* eghspenshive lab equipment to identify *hiccup* thish drink when I can do it *burrrrp" in one sip.

---== OR ===---

Grissom: Ecklie, you have driven me to drink, and now I'm going to drive myself out of here. Take this job and shove it.
:lol: funny Dynamo1 as always~


GRISSOM:: "HMMM, so do you think this is the ladder they climbed up on"?:confused:

WARRICK:: "Looks like, I'll fingerprint it":(

GRISSOM:: "Looks to perfect, and like a ruse":cardie:

WARRICK:: "So, should I do this or not"?:shifty:

GRISSOM:: " Of course, but I'll bet you'll find the gardeners prints on it":vulcan:
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Warrick: Tell me again... Why the ladder?
Grissom: Sara and I are going to elope and run off to Vegas to get married.
Warrick: You are already in Vegas!
Grissom: Oh yeah.

---=== OR ===---

Warrick and Grissom (singing): ...and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

---=== OR ===---

Grissom: Start climbing.
Warrick: It's your bugs. You go get them. Why should I?
Grissom: I'm afraid of height.
Warrick: So get them off the ground.
Grissom: I'm afraid of bugs.
Warrick: :eek:
Great ones as always Dynamo1


NICK:: "Ok here's my stash of nickles , can't lose too much with nickles":vulcan:

SOFIA:: ""And here's my voucher, it's for $100, not much but better than you're $20 dollar win Nick":rolleyes:

NICK:: "I hope Grissom doesn't find out, we'll be on his sh..list like Warrick":(

SOFIA:: "I ain't gonna talk":wtf:
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