The Naughty Picture Thread: Vegas Style! P2

Laurence: Hey, Marg! Quick, call for an ambulance?
Marg: What happened? Heart attack?
Laurence: No. He ate in the studio commissary.
Marg. That explains it. One stomach pump coming right up.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: George, call the police. I just strangled a guy in my office.
George: WHAT! How did it happen?
Laurence: He told me he prefers Grey's Lobotomy to CSI.
George: Whew. That's a relief. Justifiable homicide.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Now, that's strange. I ran the dead guy's fingerprints through the database and it told me he already died on CSI Miami, CSI New York,twice on Cold Case, once on Murder She Wrote, also Diagnosis Murder, Criminal Minds, The Closer...
Laurence: Hey, Marg! Quick, call for an ambulance?
Marg: What happened? Heart attack?
Laurence: No. He ate in the studio commissary.
Marg. That explains it. One stomach pump coming right up.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: George, call the police. I just strangled a guy in my office.
George: WHAT! How did it happen?
Laurence: He told me he prefers Grey's Lobotomy to CSI.
George: Whew. That's a relief. Justifiable homicide.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Now, that's strange. I ran the dead guy's fingerprints through the database and it told me he already died on CSI Miami, CSI New York,twice on Cold Case, once on Murder She Wrote, also Diagnosis Murder, Criminal Minds, The Closer...

BRILLIANT So funny:guffaw: and always, I'm so glad you still posting on this crazy thread :bolian:
Laurence: Hey, Marg! Quick, call for an ambulance?
Marg: What happened? Heart attack?
Laurence: No. He ate in the studio commissary.
Marg. That explains it. One stomach pump coming right up.

---=== OR ===---

Laurence: George, call the police. I just strangled a guy in my office.
George: WHAT! How did it happen?
Laurence: He told me he prefers Grey's Lobotomy to CSI.
George: Whew. That's a relief. Justifiable homicide.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Now, that's strange. I ran the dead guy's fingerprints through the database and it told me he already died on CSI Miami, CSI New York,twice on Cold Case, once on Murder She Wrote, also Diagnosis Murder, Criminal Minds, The Closer...

actually laughing out loud - this was briiliant.

BILLY:: "Geez I come back to town, to have a chat with Jorja, and lookie-loos surround me like vultures, and a camera too":rolleyes:

JORJA:: "Calm down Billy, it's the name of the game, and why are you back"?

BILLY:: "AH, I missed all of you, I'll return soon":cool:

JORJA:: "Atta boy, just keep smiling, and bartender, give me a shot of Vodka":beer:

BILLY:: "Seems like old times":D
Billy: Way to go, Hodges.
Sara: Yeah, one for the record books.
Billy: Your 10,000th slap in the face. Any woman here that hasn't slapped you yet?
Sara: You're number 1. Wooooo hooooo!

---=== OR ===---

William: Uh, Jorja? You're supposed to avoid the paparazzi, not buy them drinks.
Billy: Way to go, Hodges.
Sara: Yeah, one for the record books.
Billy: Your 10,000th slap in the face. Any woman here that hasn't slapped you yet?
Sara: You're number 1. Wooooo hooooo!

---=== OR ===---

William: Uh, Jorja? You're supposed to avoid the paparazzi, not buy them drinks.

:lol: GOOD ONES~Dynamo1


RAY:: "Why am I standing in the background, I should be up front"?:confused:

ARCHIE:: "Wanna sit here Ray"?:shifty:

SARA:: "You're fine Ray, just smile and be nice";)

CATH:: "Don't fret, well take another one, and you can be up front":scream:

HODGES:: "Hey, why am I on the end, Ray, and am I really taller than you?:angryrazz:
Sara: Ray, you need to stop letting your friend Stevie Wonder from using the camera. He can never seem to get it in focus.

---=== OR ===---

Archie: Ray, I see you in the monitor. Quit writing "KICK ME" on my shirts.

----=== OR ===---

Catherine: How do you like my Vogue pose? Madonna would be jealous.

---=== OR ===---

Ray: Hey, Hodges. Get off that milk crate, Munchkin.

GREG:: "WOW, that guy is pretty scorched, I don't want to touch him":vulcan:.

NICK:: "So, what you saying, you want me to do it":confused:

GREG:: "Where's Super Dave, he won't mind at all":shifty:

NICK:: "I think he's on his way, so start processing the car":cardie:

GREG:: "OK, [thinking to himself, always telling me what to do]:rolleyes:
Nick: Didn't you hear me tell Hodges to be carefull with the marshmallow roast?
Greg: He never listens to anyone but Grissom.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Hey! That's cheating.
Greg: Yeah, Doc. IF you are going to do the limbo under the crime scene tape, you can't use the crutches.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Won't they ever learn? Drunk driving, changing the radio station, texting, and reading a map, while putting on make-up is very dangerous.
Greg: She must have had enough arms to be an octopus to do all that.
Nick: Didn't you hear me tell Hodges to be carefull with the marshmallow roast?
Greg: He never listens to anyone but Grissom.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Hey! That's cheating.
Greg: Yeah, Doc. IF you are going to do the limbo under the crime scene tape, you can't use the crutches.

---=== OR ===---

Nick: Won't they ever learn? Drunk driving, changing the radio station, texting, and reading a map, while putting on make-up is very dangerous.
Greg: She must have had enough arms to be an octopus to do all that.

:lol: The limbo one and the one about Hodges only listening to Grissom how true :rolleyes:


SARA:: Ha-Ha-Ha, good one Nick your still the best jokester on the team, and I'm so glad to be back wih all of you":lol:

CATH:: "That was funny Nick, we need your sense of humor:thumbsup:

NICK:: "Ah shucks, my pleasure want the hear another one"?:confused:

RAY:: "I've got one, did you hear about the guy who walked into a bar with his horse"?:eek:

NICK:: "Go for it Ray":vulcan:

SARA:: "So another fun guy, how cool this is":cool:

SARA:: "Say what, who's leaving, you've got to be kidding":wtf:

NICK:: [background] YUP, it's true, so come over here and I'll tell you what I know":vulcan:

SARA:: [dazed and confused] "I don't believe this, damn, who's next"?:confused:
Jorja Fox: TV Guide says CSI is not renewing Liz Vassey's contract for next season.
George Eads (off camera): Looks like Hodges will have to do without Wendy.
Jorja Fox: Yes, I know. I just took pictures of him crying.

---=== OR ===---

Nick (off camera): What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost.
Sara: Worse. You won't believe what Ecklie borrowed my camera for.
Nick: Let's see.
Sara: I'm warning you. You don't want to.
Nick: OH MY EYES! Poke them out. I'll never get that image out of my head.

---=== OR ===---

Catherine (off camera): Is that Grissom's hat behind you?
Sara: Yeah. Even with him gone, his hat still follows me around. I can't get rid of it.
:lol::guffaw::lol: OMG this one is priceless as always "I just took a picture of him crying" I'm sitting her cracking up.. good one Dynamo1 all of them:guffaw: BTW I think she'll be back:shifty:
Catherine (off camera): Okay, Sara, Gil. Take ten paces and then turn and shoot. Ten, nine, eight.....


Sara: Gil would you please stop following me. I know I said I wanted to spend more time with you, but this is a little creepy.


Sara: Gil, I know the marriage therapist said that allowing yourself to be led around blindfolded by me would help build trust, but this whole taking a picture every ten minutes is annoying.

Gil: I just want to know what I missed after our hike. I've never been to this part of the state park before.