The Longest months of Sara Sidle life

Sofia gets up from the couch and her and Sara head outside to the parking lot. Sara gets into one of the crime lab SUV and Sofia gets into her car, then the two of them drivers over to Police departments. When Sara and Sofia walk into P.D. Detective Lockwood head each of them a bottle of water to take into the interrogative room, so they can keep they mouth from going dry doing the interviews. Sofia lean against the wall and put her right hand onto her forehead.

“The only child that is old enough to speck to you is Tina. She been in the house now for eleven years.”

“Sniffling how old is she?”
“Thirteen years old, she was there the longest. The other children are two six-year-olds, three five-year-olds, two four-year-olds, and two three-years-olds.”

“How old was Jimmy’s the boy that die?”

“He was nine-year-old, he was they since he was born. Him and Tina was the original two foster children they take in. They take the other eight in five month ago.”

“Coughing let get this over with.


The three of them walk into the interrogative room one. Sara and Sofia sit down across for the young girl name Tina and detective Lockwood stand by the door. Tina looks up at the two Lady CSI. Sofia leans back in the seat and set the bottle of water on the table. Sara set the case file on the table and open up the case file.
“My name is Sofia Curtis and the CSI to my right is Sara Sidle and we will be asking you some question, do you have any questions before we start?”

“Is Jimmy dead Miss. Curtis?”

“Yes Tina!”
Sofia pulls a tissue out of her jean pocket and start blowing her nose. Sara looks up from the case file and start to talk.

“Tina why did your Foster parents make you sleep in cages?”

“Because they did not want us getting out of our room during the night.”

“Ah-choo did they food you three meals a day?”

“Bless you Miss. Curtis and no the only meal we get was lunch, because the school pays for it.”
“Ahem what about the four year olds and the three year olds?”

“They get breakfast, but that all.”

“Tina did the Jewels ever hurt any of you in anyway?”

“Only if we did not behaves Miss. Sidle.”

“Sniffling that enough for right now Tina.”

Tina gets up and walks out of the room and goes to the waiting area to be with the rest of the children. At the same time Sofia puts her arms on the table, then lays her head on her arm. Sofia then starts coughing into her arms. When she stops coughing, Sofia shuts her eyes, at the same time Sara start talking.

“I want the nine children to be take to the hospital and giving a full work up for physical and sexual abuse, let hold off on talk to Mr. and Mrs. Jewels until we get the children medical reports back Detective Lockwood.”
“Ok, I will go let the social worker know she need to take the children to the hospital and have them check out.”

“I am going to go home now, I am feel to awful to stay at work any longer.”

“That ok, go home and get lots of rest and try to keep some water down.”

“I will try.”

Sofia goes to stand up but fall forward Sara catches her and help Sofia out of the interrogative room and then outside. Sofia looks at her car in the parking lot and rolls her eyes. Sofia slowly starts to walk, but has to stop and lean up against the crime lab suv. Sara and Jim Brass walk up to Sofia and giver her a worried look.

“Let me give you a ride home.”

“My car here Sara.”

“I will driver you car home Sofia, then Sarah can give me a ride back here.”


Sofia hand her car key to Jim Brass, then Sara open up the driver side door and Sara
gets into the suv and Jim help Sofia over to the passengers’ side of the SUV and up the front passenger and then help Sofia into the SUV. Jim then helps Sofia with her seatbelt. He then walks out to Sofia’s Car and gets into the car. Sara pulls out first and Jim follows her over to Sofia’s apartment building. They pull into to the parking lot of Sofia’s apartment building fifteen minutes later Sara and Jim pull into two open parking space next to each other. Jim gets out of Sofia’s car and lock it up and open up the passenger side of the suv and hands Sofia her keys.

“Do you want me to walk up to your apartment with you?”

“No I can make it by myself, you should really not be hang around me Sara you don’t want to catch what I have.”

“I had a flu shoot.”

“So do I!”


Jim help Sofia out of the suv and then hand Sofia’s her purse. Sofia start walks toward the building, as Jim gets into the SUV. He and Sara watch to make sure Sofia get inside the building before Sara put the suv into driver and then driver to P.D. to drop Jim off. Meanwhile Sofia has make it to the elevator and pushes the up button and she was relief that one of the elevator door open up right away, she walks into the elevator and push the third floor button. The elevator stops at her floor and the door open, Sofia walks out of the elevator and head to her apartment, her neighbor Mrs. Clue on the right side has just walked out of the elevator next to the one she was in, as she open up her apartment door. Mrs. Clue walk over and look at Sofia.

“Sofia is everything ok because you are home from work early then normal?”

“No I come home sick I have the flu/stomach flu that going around my work.”

“I am sorry to here that and I hope you feel better soon. Stephanie the neighbor on your left come home from her gymnastics practice early because her knee was bother her.”

“She landed wrong two days ago Ah-choo and it made a pop noise, but she trying to tough it out because there a big meet this weekend, Las Vegas University vs UCLA.”

“I will let you go inside and get some rest.”

“Thank you.”

Sofia open up her apartment door and heads inside the apartment. Once inside Sofia close and lock the apartment door and then heads into her bedroom. She sits down on her bed and pick up the thermometer from the nightstand. She turn the thermometer on and then put the thermometer into her mouth. Thirty second later the thermometer beep and she take it out of her mouth and sees that she is now running a fever of 103.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chapter Sixteen: Close the Jewels case/Apartment fire
Fifteen minutes later at the locker room of the crime lab Sara is clocking Sofia out of work, when Gil walks up behind her and wraps his arm around Sara. Then Gil kisses the back of her head and Sara start to smile.

“Are you going home Sara?”

“No I am just clocking Sofia out I take her home on our way here, because she is really sick.”

“Oh and here the folder that has the nine children medical examine reports for the Jewels case you and Sofia is working on.”

Gil unwraps his arm from around Sara and Sara turns to look at him. Gil then holds out the folder and Sara takes the folder from him.

“Thank you, I will go to the break room and read the reports right now.”

Sara walks out of the locker room and start walking toward the break room. She walks into the break room two minutes later and walks over to the couch. She sits down on the couch and then start to read the children medical reports. Sara was to surprise when reading the report that all nine of the Jewels foster children had several broken bones in different stages of healing. But relief to see that none of the children was sexual asserted. Sara close the folder and at the same time Hodges, Wendy and Dr. Lee come run into the break room and over to Sara. Sara looks up at Hodges, Wendy, Dr. Lee and set the folder on the coffee table.

“What is going on Wendy?”

“The epotheleos on the cage door holders and lock belong to both Mr. and Mrs. Jewels. That was the only thing I can tell you.”

“Thank you Wendy and what can you tell me Hodges?”

“The glass find on the inside and outside come from glass beer bottles.”

‘Anything else Hodges?”


“What do you get for me Dr. Lee?”

“The Little boy Jimmy had several cut on the top of his head that head with glass in them, which I sent to Hodges in the trace lab.”

“Their match the glass you and Sofia find on the inside and outside of the cages.”

“The boy dead from starved Sara.”
“I thought so Dr. Lee.”

At the same time Sara cellphone start ringing, Sara take the cellphone off her hip and sees it is Detective Lockwood calling. She flip the cellphone open and puts the cellphone up to her right ear, as Dr. Lee, Wendy and Hodges set they report on the coffee table and walk out of the break room.

“Hello Detective Lockwood, what do you have for me?”

“I get the reports from Hodges, Wendy and Dr. Lee and have talk to the Jewels and their lawyer.”

“What did they say?”

“They admitted to the abuse and starved the children, I had both of them arrested.”

“Ok, thank you for letting me know. I will fill out the case paperwork and then head it into Gil Grissom, bye.”


Sara flips her cellphone close and put the cellphone back on her hip. Sara then spends the next hour filling out the case report for the Jewels case. She then takes her cellphone off her hip and files the cellphone open. Then Sara dial Sofia cellphone number and Sofia answers the cellphone after the fifth ring.

“Ahem Curtis here.”

“I just call to tell you the epotheleos on the cage door holders and lock belong to both Mr. and Mrs. Jewels, the glass on the outside and inside was from and beer bottles and the little boy Jimmy had several cut on his head with that some type of glass in the cut. “

“Coughing, how did he dead?”

“He dead of starvation. The fostered parents admitted to doing it and since all the evidences point to them Detective Lockwood arrested them. I will turn the case paperwork into Grissom after I hanging up with you Sofia.”

“Ok, at lest the case is close now.”

“Yes it is and I will let you go now. Hope you feel better soon.”

“Me too, bye


Sarah flips her cellphone close and then put the cellphone back on her him. Then picks up the case paperwork from the coffee table. Sara then stands up and walk out of the break room and start walking to Gil’s office. A minute and half later Sara walks into Gil Grissom office and hands the report to him. Then she and Gil go to the locker room and clock out and heads home to get some sleep, because their shift is over. Sara and Gil slept all morning and most of the afternoon and then spent some time with Helen before work.
Tuesday evening Sofia is a sleep in her bedroom and has no clue that a fire has started downstairs in the sitting area by the front doors. Both of Sofia neighbors Stephanie who lives on the left-hand side and Mr. And Mrs. Clue who lives on the right-hand side has come out of they apartments and the three of them see that Sofia has not come out of her apartment yet, Mrs. Clue looks at her husband and start to talk.

“Honey you and Stephanie head to the back staircase, I am going to get Sofia spare key out of it hide spot and get out of bed.”

“That a good idea she probably still sleep, seeing how sick she is.”

Mrs. Clue bend over and take Sofia spare key out from under the small flower pot. She then puts the key into the lock and unlock the door. Mrs. Clue then walk into Sofia apartment and goes right to the bedroom door and open it up. Mrs. Clue find Sofia sound asleep in her bed. Mrs. Clue walks over to the edge of Sofia bed and lightly starts shake Sofia on the shoulder.

“Sofia you need to get up the apartment is on fire.”

Sofia sit up in bed and rubs her eyes and then looks at her neighbor Mrs. Clue with a confssion look on her face and then start coughing. Sofia turn her head away from Mrs. Clue and cough into her right elbow.


“The building is on fire, we need to head to the back staircase and get out of the building.”


Sofia slowly gets out of bed and Mrs. Clue sees Sofia is wearing a pair of black sweatpant and a black sweatshirt. Then Sofia put her tennis shoes on and she and Mrs. Clue walk out of the bedroom into the living room and Sofia grabs her handbag, handgun and police Id and throw them into her handbag, then the two of them leave Sofia apartment and head to the back staircase. When they reach the back staircase Mrs. Clue open up the door and then the two of them start walking down the stairs, Mrs. Clue keep looking over at Sofia every time that she coughs or sneezes as they head down the steps. When Sofia and Mrs. Clue makes it to the break in steps at the second floor and Sofia’s sees Stephanie is sitting on the last step before the break holding her left knee and is crying really hard.

“Stephanie, what happened?”

“I was walking and my left knee just bulk on me and it hurt really badly.”

Ahem can you put any wight on your left leg?”

“(Crying) no.”

“Ah-choo ok, I will help down the stairs.”

Sofia bends down and put her left arm around Stephanie waist and help her out of the building and across the street. Sara and Gil were the first CSI to get to the scene and check it out and they agree with Jim Brass that the fire needs the night shift CSI to take a look at it as a case since the building owner has no idea how the fire started. Sofia walks over to Sara and Gil and when she reaches then her leg start to give out. Gil Grissom put his right up around Sofia’ waist to support her.

“Sara can you drive me to the crime lab in my car?”

“Don’t you want to get a room at the palm seeing that it just down the street?”

“I have already been there, they only had one room left and I let my elder neighbor Mr. And Mrs. Clues have the room because Mrs. Clue was nice enough to get my spare key out and wake me up and let me know that the building was on fire. Also, they have no family left to stay with.”

Sure Sofia it is no problem, but don’t you want me to driver you to your mom place?”

“I will drive myself there once I feel a little better, I will just crush on the couch in the break room at the lab if that ok with you Gil?”

“That is fine Sofia.”

Gil and Sara help Sofia over to her car and once at the car Sofia hand her key to Sara. Sara walk around to the drives side and at the same time Gil help Sofia get into the car. A few minutes later Sara is driving to the crime lab.
Six days after Sara and Sofia close the Jewels and five days since Sofia Apartment building burns down and Gil and Sara has been letting Sofia stay at they house until she feel better and up to looking for a new place to live.
Chapter Seventeen: Ranch Case
Sara is sitting on the break room couch at the crime lab before the shift start eating a bowl of Reese cup ice cream with horseradish on top of the ice cream when Catherine, Nick, Warrick, Greg and Hodges walk into the break room. The CSI all sits down by Sara and then look over at Catherine who has the case assignments that need to be hand out, because Gil Grissom has take the week off to drive his mom back to Santa Monica, California to pack up her stuff and put his childhood house up for sale. Hodges is looking around the break room mini refrigerator for something to drink, when he looks over at Sara and see what she is eating.

“Sara what in the world are you eating?”

“Reese’s cup ice-cream with horseradish on top.”

“And you say that I eat weird things, but that is weird then I would even eat.”

“She pregnant and pregnant women crave strange foods. Hodges can you go to the trace lab and started doing you job, so I can pass the assignments out.”

“I will in a few moments Catherine.”

Hodges rolls his eyes at the CSI and then grabs a water bottle out of the mini refrigerator. Hodges then walks out of the break room and heads toward the trace lab. After Sara is sure that Hodges is out of hearing ranges, she starts to talk.

“That is weird normally he would have been more rude to us.”

“Maybe he having an off day.”

“Whatever Nick, Cath can we have our assignments now?”

“Yes Greg, you and Warrick are on a 401C Accident on private property and a 434 Illegal shooting.”

“Anyone dead Cath?”

“As of right now no, but the shooting victim is in the ICU at Desert Palm Hospital. Greg you need to go to the hospital and collect the evidence from the shooting victim, Warrick you have the crime scene. Nick and Sara the two of you are with me on a 446-narcotic, 426 Sexual Assault, 419 Dead Body, 424 Abuse and neglect and 421 sick or injury person.”

The six CSI stands up from the couch and then go to the locker room to get they crime kits then head out to the parking lot. Sara gets into crime lab SUV number two, Catherine gets into crime lab SUV number 3, Warrick gets into crime lab SUV number four, Nick gets into crime lab SUV five and Greg gets into crime lab SUV number six. Greg is the first to turns out of the crime lab parking lot and he heads toward the hospital. The second CSI to leave is Warrick and he heads toward his and Greg crime scene. Nick is the third CSI to leave the parking lot of the crime lab and he heads to the hospital to get the SAFE kits from three of the young female victims. Catherine and Sara are the fourth and fifth CSI to leave the crime lab parking lot head out to their crime scenes. Catherine pulls the SUV she is driving into the driveway of the house that the crime happened at first and Sara pulls the SUV she is drive into the driveway behind Catherine. After getting they crime scene kit out of the back of the two SUV Sara and Catherine meet Jim Brass at the front door of the house and Jim has a sad look on his face. Jim Brass looks at Sara first and notice that she has her right-hand rest on her stomach, which has starts to round out and now has a tiny bump. He also notices that Sara is wearing a new pair of dark gray dress pants and a navy short sleeved empire waist shirt. Jim Brass then looks at Catherine and notices she is wearing her favorite red blouse and a pair of black dress pants. Jim then looks behind him and through the front door of the house, then looks back at Catherine and Sara.

“Sara there is a sixteen-year-old girl curl up in a ball on the couch and I want you to talk to the girl, she shared a bedroom with the three girls that was sexual assault and saw what happened to them.”

“She wasn’t sexual assault?”

“No, she a fostered child like the rest of the children here are, but she has only been at the house for two night and one whole day.”

“Basically she has not been here long enough for the fostered father to know how she would react.”

Sara, Catherine and Jim walk into the house and Sara and Catherine set they crime scene kits down by the front door of the house. Then Jim Brass shows Catherine and Sara the girl’s bedroom where the sexual assault happened and the three-year-old dead. Jim Brass then shows Catherine and Sara where the Marijuana is growing in the basement. Once Sara has seen the marijuana, she heads back upstairs and into the living room at the front of the house and walks over to the sixteen-year-old girl that is cruel into a ball on the couch. The teenage girl is five foot four and half inches tall, with dark brown eyes and dark brown medium length hair that is just past the shoulders. Sara push back the very familiar feeling she has and sits down on the couch next to the teenage girl. The sixteen-year-old girl sits up then bring her knees up to her chest and rest her head on them.

“Are you the CSI that I am going to talk to about what happened early tonight?”

“Yes and my name is Sara Sidle. What is your name?”

“My name is Caitlin Ranch.”

“Are you feeling all right Caitlin, because you are very flush and are shivering?”

“I have the Flu and stomach flu that is going around the high school that I go to.”

“Are you up to telling me what happened early to night?”

“You mean I do not have to tell you what happened tonight?”

“You will still have to give me or one of the other CSI on the case a statement, but we can wait until you are feeling better to do it.”

“Coughing, no let just get this over with.


At the same time Jim Brass and Catherine walk into the living room, Catherine picks up her crime kit and heads into the girls’ bedroom and Jim walks over to the couch and looks at Sara and Caitlin.

“I see the two of you are getting along, has she told you anything yet Sara?”

“No, we were just getting to know each other.”

“Ok, I am going to go talk to the neighbors that called 911 after she saw the fostered parents take off in they car without the foster children.”

“That is fine Jim.”

Sara and Caitlin watch Jim walk out the front door and close the door behind him. Then Sara and Caitlin look at each other again and David walks into the house. David carrying his bag in his left hand, stop in front of Sara and Caitlin.

“Hi, Sara, where is the three-year-old girl body at?”

“Her name is Misty and she in the bedroom we all share CSI Willows is in the room.”

“And who are you?”

“My name is Caitlin.”

“Thank you Caitlin.”

“You are welcome.”

David walks away from Sara and Caitlin and into the bedroom Catherine is in. He walks over to the bed the three-year-old Misty’s is laying on and gets to work and Catherine is taking pictures of the crime scene. Meanwhile in the living room Sara and Caitlin has not start talking about what happened because Caitlin is leaning over the bathroom trash can throwing up and Sara is holding Caitlin hair out of her face, Jim Brass had set the tash can next to couch for Caitlin when he had her leave the bedroom where the crime happened at and had her go into the living room to wait for Sara. When Caitlin stop getting sick to her stomach, Sara lets go of Caitlin hair and then Caitlin pulls her knees up to her chest and rest her head on her knees again.

“We can start now!”

“I will be recorder what we are talking about, so we have a record of what you say to me.”
“That is fine.”

“(Push record) can you state your name for the record?”

“Caitlin Ranch.”
“Are you feeling all right Caitlin, because you are very flush and are shivering?”

“I have the Flu and stomach flu that is going around the high school that I go to.”

“Are you up to telling me what happened early to night?”

“You mean I do not have to tell you what happened tonight?”

“You will still have to give me or one of the other CSI on the case a statement, but we can wait until you are feeling better to do it.”

“Coughing, no let just get this over with.


At the same time Jim Brass and Catherine walk into the living room, Catherine picks up her crime kit and heads into the girls’ bedroom and Jim walks over to the couch and looks at Sara and Caitlin.

“I see the two of you are getting along, has she told you anything yet Sara?”

“No, we were just getting to know each other.”

“Ok, I am going to go talk to the neighbors that called 911 after she saw the fostered parents take off in they car without the foster children.”

“That is fine Jim.”

Sara and Caitlin watch Jim walk out the front door and close the door behind him. Then Sara and Caitlin look at each other again and David walks into the house. David carrying his bag in his left hand, stop in front of Sara and Caitlin.

“Hi, Sara, where is the three-year-old girl body at?”

“Her name is Misty and she in the bedroom we all share CSI Willows is in the room.”

“And who are you?”

“My name is Caitlin.”

“Thank you Caitlin.”

“You are welcome.”

David walks away from Sara and Caitlin and into the bedroom Catherine is in. He walks over to the bed the three-year-old Misty’s is laying on and gets to work and Catherine is taking pictures of the crime scene. Meanwhile in the living room Sara and Caitlin has not start talking about what happened because Caitlin is leaning over the bathroom trash can throwing up and Sara is holding Caitlin hair out of her face, Jim Brass had set the tash can next to couch for Caitlin when he had her leave the bedroom where the crime happened at and had her go into the living room to wait for Sara. When Caitlin stop getting sick to her stomach, Sara lets go of Caitlin hair and then Caitlin pulls her knees up to her chest and rest her head on her knees again.

“We can start now!”

“I will be recorder what we are talking about, so we have a record of what you say to me.”
“That is fine.”

“(Push record) can you state your name for the record?”

“Caitlin Ranch.”

“Can you tell me what happened tonight starting from the time all the fostered girls got home from school?

“School gets out for me, Stacey Combs, Liz Strep at 2:30P.M. But I stay home from school sick, so Stacey and Liz went and picked up Misty from daycare then come home from school. At 3:30 Stacey went to the end of the street and meet Tracy Combs as she gets off the elementary school bus, she in the five grade and Stacey and Tracey is sisters. When Stacey and Tracy got home, Liz and Stacey started dinner. I am supposed to help make it, but since I have the flu and stomach flu coughing our fostered parents the Cortaid is not letting me help till I am better, because they do not want me to get everyone else sick. Instead of help make dinner I help Tracy on her math homework. Mr. And Mrs. Cortaid gets home right at four o’clock, right as Liz and Stacey is putting dinner on the table. I went into the girls’ bedroom and lay down on my bed and because the smell of the food was upsetting my stomach and I ended up falling to sleep. I do not know what happened next, but when I wake up around 6:30P.M. I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach coughing, so I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom then start throwing up into the toilet. When I get back to the bedroom I lay down on my bed and Mr. Cortaid came into the room after me and closes the bedroom door. Mr. Cortaid then rape Stacey, Tracy, Liz and Misty. But Misty kick him as he went to get off of her and he gets mad at Misty. He then start to strangled Misty, I do not know what happens next because I passes out, but when I come to Stacey told me Misty was dead as the results of Mr. Cortaid strangle Misty and that Mr. And Mrs. Cortaid left and take the car leaving us here alone coughing.”
“Thanks you Caitlin that is all I need from you.”

Jim and Nick walk into the house as Sara turns the tape recorder off. Jim and Nick looks at Sara and Caitlin and Sara can tell by the looks on Jim and Nick face that the two of them are worried about Caitlin who has lay her head against the back of the couch and has her eyes shut and her left hand on her forehead, with her right hand on her stomach.

“Sara I want you to take Caitlin to Desert Palms hospital and have her look at.”

‘I have already lock the SAFE kits from Liz, Stacey and Tracy in the SUV Catherine come here in and I parked on the street to not block you in.”

“Ok and I am going to take the bathroom trash can that is next to the couch with us, incase Caitlin needs to get sick to her stomach. Nick can you help Caitlin out to the SUV, I will be out there in a few minutes.”

“Sure Sarah.”

Caitlin goes to stand up, but her legs give out on her. Nick catches Caitlin and pick her up. Then Sara hand Caitlin the small bathroom trash can to hold. At the same time Jim open up the front door for Nick who is going to carry Caitlin out to the SUV. Nick walks away from the couch and over to the front door of the house, he then walks outside and to the SUV that Sara drive to the crime scene. Nick puts Caitlin down beside the SUV and she leans up against the back door, while Nick open up the front passenger door. Nick then help Caitlin into the front seat.

“Will you stay with me to Sara comes out?

“Sure Caitlin.”

Meanwhile inside the house Sara is looking at Jim and Sara has both of her hands resting on her growing stomach.

“Caitlin told me after Mr. Cortaid strangle Misty that she passes out and when she comes to Stacy tell her that Misty was dead from Mr. Cortaid strangle her and that Mr. And Mrs. Cortaid was gone and they take the car.

“Sara have a nurse do a SAFE kit on Caitlin to be on the safe side. “


Sara walks to the front door of the house and grab her crime scene kit and then walk out of the house and over to the SUV. Sara open up the back door on the drive side and put her crime seat kit onto the back seat. A few moments later Sara gets into SUV, Sara looks through the review mirror and makes sure no one is coming down the street. A few moments later Sara backs the SUV out of the driveway and start drivers to Desert Palms Hospital, at the same time Nick heads inside the house to help Catherine finish processing the crime scene.
Sara keeps looking out of the corner of her right eye at Caitlin, as she drives to the hospital to have Caitlin check out by a doctor. Sara has to stop for a red-light two blocks away from the hospital and as soon as the car stop the SUV Caitlin leans over the trash can and start throwing up. Sara wants to help Caitlin, but has to take off from the light because it turns green. A minute and half later Sara pulls the crime lab SUV into the hospital parking lot and into the fifth parking space of the eighth row. Sara then put the SUV into the parked position, then turns the SUV off. Sara gets out of the SUV and closes the driver door. Sara then goes over to the passenger sided of the SUV and open up the passengers’ door. Sara looks at Caitlin who is still get sick to her stomach and Sara pulls Caitlin’s ponytail back so that the ponytail does not hang down in her face. Five minute later Caitlin stops get sick to her stomach and Sara let the ponytail go. Then Caitlin leans back against the seat and closes her eyes.

“Caitlin can you walk into the hospital or do you want me to get you a wheelchair?”

“I am too weak to walk.”

“Wait here I will go get a wheelchair and push you into the hospital.”

“Thank you Sara.”
Sara closes the passengers’ door of the SUV, then locks the SUV. Sara then walks up to the ER doors and gets a wheelchair. Sara then pushes the wheelchair out to the crime lab SUV. Once at the SUV Sara hits the unlock button on the SUV Remote control Keychain and then open up the passengers’ door. Then Sara help Caitlin out of the SUV and into the wheelchair, a few minutes later Sara pushes Caitlin into the ER waiting area and a nurse walks up to them and Sara and Caitlin sees the nurse name tag say Faith and Sara hold up her Crime lab ID for the nurse to see.

“Can I help you?”

“I need for you to do a SAFE kit on the girl, to check to see if she was rape, because she passes out and does not know. I also need pictures’ take of any bruise that could be on her body. In addition I want a doctor to give her a full check up because she has the flu and stomach flu and can’t keep anything down and is too weak to walk.”

“Ok, lets takes her back to the examine area and get her into a hospital gown.”
“Can Sara come back with us?”


Nurse Faith takes over pushes the wheelchair and Sara follows them to the ER examine area. Once back in examine area, the three of them head into the first curtain area and then Sara helps the nurse get Caitlin out of the wheelchair and help Caitlin sit down on the hospital bed. Sara walks out of the curtain area and pulls the curtain shut, so nurse Faith can help Caitlin into the hospital gown. A few minutes later Nurse Faith open the curtain up and walk over to Sara.

“I am going to go get the SAFE kit, then I will come back and do the kit.”

“When you was helping Caitlin changes do you notice any bruise on her body?”

“There were a few I take the pictures of them for you with your camera.”

Sara walks over to the hospital bed that Caitlin laying on and sit down on the chair that is on the right side of the bed and Caitlin grabs Sara’s left hand. The Nurse comes back two minutes later and does the SAFE Kit and also take pictures of the bruise on Caitlin’s upper thighs. Then the nurse looks at Sara with a look that let Sara knows that Nurse Faith wants to speak with away from Caitlin.

I will be back in a minute Caitlin.”

“That is fine Sara.”

Sara stands up from the chair and follows the nurse out of the exam area. The nurse closes the curtain around the exam area and then the nurse and Sara walk over to the nurse desk to put some distance between them and Caitlin, so there is less chance that Caitlin will hear them talking.

“What did the SAFE Kit tell you?”

“She was rape.”

“Were there any signs of past sexual abuse?”

“Yes at lest four other times.”

“Thank you for letting me know.”

Sara takes the SAFE Kit and her camera from the nurse and then walks over to the exam area that Caitlin at and sits down on the chair by the hospital bed. Sara then set the camera on the floor and set the box that the SAFE kit was put into for transport down on the floor next to the camera. Caitlin lifts her head up and reaches for Sara hand and Sara takes Caitlin hand then lay her head down on the pillow. A few minutes later a doctor and a new nurse, who name tag say Tine Brown come walks over to Sara and Caitlin and the nurse put a ear thermometer in Caitlin’s left Ear. The ear thermometer beeps thirty seconds later and the nurse takes the thermometer out of her ear, and looks at thermometer display to see what it say. Nurse Brown then writes a note onto Caitlin chart.

“She has a fever of 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit, Dr. Steven.”

“Caitlin, can you tell me what symptoms do you have?

“Coughing. I have a very sore throat, a cough, been running a fever and have not been able to keep anything down for three and half days. In addition am really cold and really weak too.”
“Have you pass out?”

“Yes a couple times Nurse Brown, After I see my fostered Dad strangled my three-year-old fostered sister to death this evening and when my fostered Mom wakes all the girls up for school this morning.”

“While did she get you up?”

“To have me use the bathroom before all the other girls need the bathroom and to check my fever. I pass out walking back to the bedroom from the bathroom. Stacey one of my fostered sisters catches me before I hit the ground.”

“Nurse Brown, I want you to put an IV in Caitlin left arm and start her on IV medicines to reduce her fever and to help her stop throwing up, Also an IV to rehydrate her.”
“Yes Dr. Steven.”

Nurse Brown walks away from Sara and Caitlin and gets the stuff to start the IV and the IV medicine bags too. She comes back a few minutes later and start Caitlin IV. Nurse Brown then helps Caitlin into the wheelchair and pushes the wheelchair Caitlin is siting in up to hospital room 204. Once up in the room Nurse Brown help Caitlin into the hospital bed and then Caitlin pull the cover up. Sara had come up Nurse Brown and Caitlin because she could not leave Caitlin until a social worker gets there. Sara sits down on the Lazy boy that is on the left side of the hospital bed and then turns on the TV and start flip through the stations.

“Stop flip through the station and let stay on this channel, look the Wizard of OZ is just starting.”
“Sure Caitlin.”

Caitlin and Sara start watching the Wizard of Oz and four minutes later a social worker walks into the room and over to the couch that is on the wall across from the hospital room door and sits down on the couch and look at Sara. Sara looks away from the tv and looks at the social worker and see it is Mrs. Hope.

“You can leave now Miss Sidle.”

“Can Sara can you stay till I fall asleep?”

“Sure Caitlin.”

The three ladies go back to watch the Wizard of Oz and fifteen minutes later Caitlin is asleep. Sara stands up from the lazy boy chair and pick up the SAFE kit and camera. Sara then walks to the hospital room door and walks out of the room, the Social worker follows Sara out of the hospital room and closes the door behind her.

“Is there anything you need to tell me Miss. Sidle?”

“Caitlin was rape after she passes out by her foster dad.”

“Poor girl, she been through and enough in her life and she did not need this. Here a copy of Caitlin case files along with the copy of Stacey, Liz, Tracy and Misty’s case files. I would read them through when you get free time.”

Mrs. Hope holds the cases files out and Sara takes the cases files from the social worker. Then Sara and Mrs. Hope gives each other a sad and Sara start to talk.

“I will read the girls cases files and thank you. I need to get the SAFE kit to the DNA lab and get the same trace that the nurse found when doing the SAFE kit to Hodges.”
Sara walks away from the social worker and five minutes later Sara is driving to the crime lab. When Sara pulls the crime lab SUV into the parking space for SUV number two, there are tears running down her face. Sara puts the SUV into the parked position and turns the SUV. She then grabs a tissue from the box of tissues set on the floor of the passengers’ side of the SUV and wipes the tears away. A few minutes later Sara walks into the crime lab carry her crime scene kit in her left hand and the SAFE kit and camera in her right hand. Sara checks the evidences into the lab and then put her crime scene kit in Gil Grissom office. Sara goes and gives the DNA evidences to Wendy and then Sarah walks to the trace and when she gets to the trace lab find no one in the in lab, She pulls one of the stools up to the counter and sits down on the stool. Sara then set the evidence she needs Hodges to run on the lab table and as she is waiting for Hodges to get back to the lab she starts to read Caitlin’s case files from social service. Hodges comes into the lab ten minutes later and walks right pass Sara, like he did not even notice she was in the lab and walks over to his desk. Hodges sits down on his desk chair and puts his head down on the desk then closes his eyes. Sara clear her throat to get his attention, but he does not look up at Sara.

“Hodges did you not notice I am here and have trace evidence I need you to run!”

Hodges lift up his head and looks at Sara, he then rolls his eyes at Sara then lays his head back down on his desk.

“Put the evidence in the in box and then go away.”

“I need the evidences run right away Hodges!”

“I will get to when I feel like it Sara, now leave my lab!”

“Hodges it the only evidence you have to run, can you just run it for me right now?”

“Sara don’t start thinking you get special treatment seeing that you are pregnant, because you do not. At lest not in my lab, now get out of my lab.”

“I do not want special treatment I just want to know what this funny looking pink hard stuff is Hodges?”

“Fine Sara.”

Hodges stands up from his desk chair and walks over to the counter. He puts on a pair of latex gloves and then open up the evidence bag that the hard pink item is in.
Hodges then put the evidence under the microscope and looks at it. He then runs some other tests on the evidence, while Sara is reading the case file.

“I know what it is Sara!”

“What is it Hodges?”

“It pink plastic that break off of a pink doll bed.”

“Thank you for running it for me.”

“Here is the the printout of my results, now get out of my lab!”

Hodges holds the printout out to Sara and she takes the printout from Hodges and despite him wearing a pair of latex gloves Hodges hand feels warm to the touch. Sara looks at Hodges and notice that he is now holding his stomach.

“I say to get out of my lab Sara.”

“I will in a minutes Hodges, but is everything all right because you are holding your stomach and have start to look green?”

Hodges does not answers Sara back he just run out of the trace lab and down the hallway to the men’s restroom. Sara stands up and grabs the five girls’ case files and set the trace printout of her evidence on top of the case files. Sara then walks out of the trace lab and start looking around for Nick and Catherine, so she can tell Nick and Catherine what she learned from Hodges. Sara finds Nick and Catherine sitting at the table in the break room looking over they copies of the girls social service files. Sara walks into the break room and sitting down on the table across from Catherine, who break is to the break room couch.

“Catherine or Nick when the two of you process the girls’ bedroom did you find pink plastic doll bed that was breaking?

(Nick and Catherine) yes, why are you asking?”

“The Nurse, find a break piece of pink plastic when she was doing Caitlin SAFE kit.”

“The fostered Dad rape her too?”

“Yes Nick and he used a foreign body too.”

At the same time Wendy walks into the break room and then walk over to the table. Wendy hands Sara, Nick and Catherine each a printout and then Wendy start talking really fast because she want them to know what she found out when she run the DNA.

“The DNA that was found in all five girls’ match the fostered dad and his DNA was in the database because of being a foster parent and navy officer.”
“I will call Jim Brass and let him know.”

Nick stand up from the chair and walk out of the break room to call Jim Brass. At same time Sara and start yawning into her left hand, when she stop yawning Sara start to talk.

“Cath, I am going to go home and take a shower and get something to eat and try to relax for a little while, then I will come back and work on the case some more.”

“That is fine, if it anything importing comes up I will call you.”

“Thank you.”

“Sara clock out, so I do not get yell out for you working too many hours.”


Nick walks back into the break room and walks over to Catherine and Sara and at the same time Wendy walks out of the break room to head back to the DNA lab.

“I will clock you out just go Sara!”

“Thank you Nick.”

Sara stand up from the chair she is sitting on and then grabs her copies of the cases files and her purse. A minute and half later Sara walks out of the crime lab and gets into her Kia sportage. Sara then heads home and once home Sara head straight up to the master bedroom. When Sara walks into the bedroom drops her stuff on her and Gil’s bed and then goes into the master bathroom to take a long shower.
Author Note: I thought I should point out the reason Grissom mom is name Helen and not Betty like in the show in this fan fictions and Catherine Family life and the other fan fiction that goes with this one, the reason for this is I started writing this fan fiction way before the eleventh season of the show, which is the first time season that Gil Grissom mother appear on the show and her name was revealed to be Betty Grissom in the episode Two Mrs. Grissom and I chose to keep the name Helen instead of Betty, because I think Helen’s match Mrs. Grissom personal better then Betty.

Chapter Eighteen: Caitlin Ranch-Sidle part one
As Sara is taking her shower she starts to have a flashback of the day that she turned sixteen in 1987, Sara was still a sleep at seven o’clock in the morning on Wednesday the 16 of September, Mrs. Cats who is Sara’s very pregnant fostered mom walk into Sara’s bedroom and over to her bed. When Mrs. Cat reach Sara bed and she sit down on the edge of Sara’s bed. She then Light shakes Sara to wake her up, Sara rolls over and looks at her fostered mom knowing that this is her last week with Beth Cat and Bob Cat. Sara is a little sad to be leaving them and having to go to another home, but she has no choice with the baby due in a few weeks because they want to have a year alone with their first biological baby without worry about a fostered child with a trouble past like Sara past. Sara sat up in bed and looks at the clock on her nightstand and it say 7:06 A.M. She rubs her eyes and then hug Mrs. Cat.

“Happy sixteenth birthday. Mr. Cat is making all of us pancakes for breakfast and then we are all going to the zoo, out for dinner and then to a driver in to see a movie tonight for your birthday seeing that there is no school today because of teachers in service.”
“Great and it sound like a lot of fun, but are you up to it Beth?”

“Yes Sara, I am up to it.”

“Did you obgyn tell you that it alright for you to be on your feet all day seeing that you are due in a few weeks?”

“Yes my obgyn says it is fine.”

“Ok, let go get some breakfast Beth!”

“And open up your Birthday gifts Sara.”

I will be in the kitchen in a few minutes, I have to use the bathroom first. “

“That is fine Sara.”

Mrs. Cat stand up from Sara’s bed and walks out of Sara’s bedroom, at the same time Sara gets out of bed. Sara walks out of her bedroom and then heads to the bathroom. Two and half minutes later Sara walks into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen table and Beth Cat head her the first gift from her and her husband. Sara looks at the first gift that is wrapped in pink wrap paper that says happy sweet sixteenth birthday on it. Sara slowly opens the gift and then takes the lid off of the box the gifts in. Sara is over joy when she looks into the box and sees a real fingerprint kit like the one CSI use. Sara hug Beth then walks over to Bob and gives him a hug. Beth then hands Sara the second and last gift. Then Sara sits back down at the kitchen table and open up the gift and it is a Forensic Science textbook that she was looking at last week when the three of them were at the book store, Sara jumps up and hugs her fostered Mom and Dad again. Mr. Cat start to talk as Sara hug him.

“Go put you gifts in your bedroom, then come back out here, because the pancakes are almost done.

Sara picked up both of her gifts and skipped into her bedroom and set them down on her bed. Sara then skipped back out to the kitchen and she sits down at the table again, right as Bob her fostered dad set a plate in front of her with three pancakes on. Sara and her fostered parents enjoy the breakfast and then go get ready to head to the zoo. The three of them have a great day at the zoo and then have wonderful dinner. But what Sara love the most was watching Young Guns with them at the drive in movie theater and Sara wishes that the day would never end but it does. Sara gets brought back to the present time when she hears the house phone ring, but then remember that Sofia is there. Sara is relieved when she hears Sofia answers the phone. The next thing Sara hears is Sofia knocking on her bedroom door, Sara turns the water off then get out of the shower and dry off, then puts on a gray nightshirt and gray PJ bottom. Sara’s open up the bathroom door and then walks out of the bathroom and over to the master bedroom door. Once Sara gets to the bedroom door she open up the door of the master bedroom.

“What is up Sofia?”

“That was Catherine that was on the phone, She want you to call her back.”

“Did she say what she was calling for?”

“Not sure, I ask if it was about the case and she said no.”

“She probably just want to check to see if I am hold up ok, the case Nick, Catherine and I are working on deal with five fostered children and one of the girls in the case was find dead. You know how I get on case deal with fostered children.”

“Yeah that probably it.”

“I will call her back in a few minutes, but first how are you feeling today and how did you doctor appointment go this morning?”

“Good the doctor said I could go back to work on Saturday, I am happy about that. I felt well enough the last couple days to even start looking for a new place to live, but I have not found one yet.”

“Take your time, you do not need to been in a rush to find a new place.”

“I stop by the lab early to drop Greg off some dinner and to pick up by check for my pay sick leave and see Hodges, he was acted really out of shorts. I saw him run to the guys’ restroom ten times doing the hour and half that I was at the lab.”

“You notice that to I thought it was just me, He was really rude to me tonight too and holding he stomach and look a little green to and when he handed me a printout his hand felt hot, like he was running a fever.”

“I need too answers my cellphone it Greg calling me.”

“Go on I will call Catherine back.”

Sofia walks into the bedroom that she is staying in and takes her call from Greg and Sara picks up the cordless phone in the master bedroom and dial Catherine’s cellphone number. Catherine picks up after two rings.

“Willows speaking.”

“Hi Catherine, it Sara what did you want when you called?”

“I need to tell you something, you know the teenage girl Caitlin Ranch from our cast tonight, Ranch was the girl birth mother last name, did you read Caitlin Ranch case file yet?”

“I start from the case history that was from when she was sent to her first forester home, I skip pass by the birth family history, why?”

“Caitlin birth Father is a Saturn Sidle; Which is your brother, her mother Kate Ranch dead when she was three years old, She want and live with Saturn until she was six-year-old, then he was arrested for sale drugs and for killing three police officers. He got life in jail, the social worker is bringing Caitlin to Grissom and your house because you are her only live family members, beside for her grandmother Laura Sidle, but the social worker say your mom can’t take her granddaughter and the social worker also tell me why your mom could not take Caitlin Sara. In addition Mrs. Hope was sitting in the lazy boy watching Caitlin sleep and doing case work on her laptop, when Caitlin wakes up and looks at her and asks Mrs. Hope if you were relation to her birth father Saturn Sidle. Seeing that you look a lot like he did, so Mrs. Hope put your name into her database and pull up your file up and see that Saturn Sidle was your older brother.”

“Thank you for letting me know Cath.”

“Are you ok with this or do you want me to tell them to put her in another fostered home?”

“No, have Mrs. Hope, bring Caitlin here, I did not want her to have to be put into any more fostered home. I am going to call Gil and talk to him about legal adoption Caitlin, and get a hold of my bother and get him to sign his parental right away.”

“Ok and I think you are doing the right thing.”

“I know I am, I need to go now.”

Sara hit the off button on the cordless phone and then set the cordless phone in the holder on the nightstand. Sara the walks over to the dresser and grab her cellphone off the top of the dresser and dial Gil Grissom cellphone number. Gil picks up after three rings.

“Hi Sarah what is going on?”

“Gil, I just found out that my older brother has a sixteen-year-old daughter name Caitlin and that my brother is in jail for sale drug and kill three police officers and in jail for the rest of his life and her mother dead when she was six-years-old. I want to adoption Caitlin and give her a better life, are you ok with adoption my niece with me?”

“Sure, baby, if that what you want to do?”

“If I have Mrs. Hope. The social worker fax you the forms for my bother to sign away his parental right away will you go and talk and get him to fill out the paperwork?”

“Sure Sara, call me back as soon as you talk to the social worker and let me know what she said. He might have already singed the forms have you looked to see if there is a copy of that form already signed in her case file?”

“No, I will flip through the case file right now, give me a few minutes.”


Sara set the cellphone down on the bed and then pick up Caitlin case file and start to flip through the file and the four page into the file is the form that Sara is looking for and she is happy to see that her brother say his right away.

“My brother already signed a form to sign his parental right away, but he also write on the form that he want them to try and find me first before a family adoption her!”
“What bedroom is she going to sleep in?”

“How about the bedroom Sofia staying in, Sofia can move her into the apartment that is over the detached two car’s garage in the back yard.”

“That would work, I need to get going but I love you and really miss you Sara.”

“Me too and I can’t wait until you get home, bye.”

“Bye Sara.”

Sara flips her cellphone close then walks down the hallway to the bedroom Sofia has being staying in. She stops at the open door and knock on the door frame of the bed. Sofia has just flips her cellphone close and she looks up to see Sara standing at the bedroom.

“Hi Sarah do you need something?”

“Yes, Caitlin Ranch from the case I am working on with Nick and Catherine is my brother daughter. He in Jail and signed her parental rights away, but put on the form that the social workers had to find me before someone adoption her. The social work is bringing Caitlin over here and Gil and I are going to adoption her.”

“You want me to move into the apartment above the detached two car’s garage in the back yard right, so she can have this room?”

“If you don’t mind?”

“It is fine Sara and it will give me more personal space until I find a place of my own.”

“It has two bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and a living room.”

“That is fine Sara, way more space then I need.”
Sara help Sofia gathers her clothing and other items and then helps Sofia move them up to the clothing and items out of the main house, the two of them walk into the back yard carrying the few bags and box Sofia has. When the two of them reach the light tan stucco-detached garage with an apartment above, the color of the garage matching the house. Sofia and Sara walk up the staircase that is on the outside and on the left-hand side of the garage. Once at the top of the staircase Sara unlocks the apartment door and then hand Sofia the key. The two of them walk into the apartment and Sofia sees the two of them are in the living room, there is a light blue couch in the center of the room with maple side tables on each end of the couch, the back of the couch is to the kitchen with is on the right-hand wall of the apartment if standing outside looking at the garage and is on the right end of the apartment if standing in the door of the apartment. To the left-hand side and in the center of the apartment if standing in the apartment door is a small hallway that leads to the two bedrooms, there is one door on the right that is bedroom number two and one door on the left-hand side that is bedroom number one. The bathroom is between bedroom number two and the kitchen. Sara and Sofia carry Sofia’s few bags and box into bedroom number one that have cream colored wall. The headboard of the full sized maple bed is up against the center of the wall across from the bedroom door, Sofia sees the closet is on the right-hand side of the bedroom door if standing in the bedroom door and the maple dress is up against the wall on the left side of the bedroom door, if standing in the bedroom. Sofia notice that there are maple nightstand on each side of the bed, as the two of them set the bags and the box down on the floor. Sofia’s make up the bed with the peach colored fitted and unfitted sheets, pillow cases and quilt that has peach, ivory and tan patches that Sara’s had grabs from the hallway closet on their way to the apartment that is over the garage.

“The second bedroom has a bed, nightstand and dresser in the room two, if you have family that want to visit you and stay over night, let me know and I will giver you sheets, blanket and pillow cases for the bed.”

“Thanks for letting me know Sara.”
“You are welcome and there are glasses, mug, plates, et cetera in the upper cabinets and silverware in the drawers of the lower base cabinets. I will go put the bath towels, hair towels, hand towels and washcloth in the bathroom for you and then I will leave so you can get settle in.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

Sara welcome out of the bedroom with bath towels, hair towels, hand towels and washcloth and then walks into the bathroom. A few minutes later Sofia is sitting in the living room of the apartment and watching tv. The tv is up against the wall across from the couch and to the left-hand side of the apartment door if sitting on the couch looking at the tv and apartment door. Sara is in her and Gil’s house and is upstair in the bedroom that going to be Caitlin and she changing the sheets, pillows cases and putting a clean bedspread on the bed. Sara had just finishes remaking the bed when the door bell rings. Sara heads downstairs. Once downstair Sara open up the front door of the house and lets Mrs. Hope and Caitlin into the house.

“Sara can you show me where I will be sleep?”


Sara takes Caitlin two bags, one large purple bag and a purple gym bag and then take Caitlin right hand and the two of them walk upstairs and Sara’s lead her to her bedroom. Mrs. Hope follows them upstairs. One standing in Caitlin’s bedroom Sara looks at Caitlin and then Sara looks at Mrs. Hope. At the same time Caitlin is looking around the bedroom and sees that the headboard of the full sized maple bed is up against the center of the wall across from the bedroom door and there is maple nightstand on each side of the bedroom. There is also a maple dresser up against the center of the far right-hand wall if standing in the bedroom door. Sara looks at the alarm clock that is on the right-hand nightstand if standing in the bedroom door to see what the time is.

“Caitlin’s I know we just meet last night, but I am you only family around that not in jail or mental health residential treatment center, but if you want you and my soon to be husband will adoption you and you can live here for now on?”

Caitlin stop looking around the bedroom and runs up to her aunt and gives Sara a hug bear hug. Then Caitlin step back and give Sara a huge smile and Sara smile back at Caitlin.

“I love it if you and Gil Grissom adoption me, thank you I have been looking for you for so long and I am so happy that I finally find you Sara.”

“I am sorry about that when I move away from San Franciscan I forget to update my address with the mental health residential treatment center that your grandmother is in, but I did update my address with social service there.”

“That would be my fault that I or my co-workers did not find Sara sooner, seeing that you had your mother last name, I keep forgetting to look for family members on your father side; which is why I never connect you and Sara Sidle to be relation to each other until you ask me in the hospital and remind me that your father last name is Sidle and wasn’t his sister name Sara Sidle?”

“That is ok, you find her now Mrs. Hope.”

“I will go back to the office and started get the paperwork for you to adaption Caitlin together.”

“For me and Gil Grissom to adaption her. He is my fiancé, we are get marry on April 7 2007.”

“So you getting marry in three weeks and 12 days?”


“Congratulate Miss. Sidle, I will get the paperwork together for Gil Grissom and you to adaption Caitlin Ranch.”

A Sara and Caitlin walk back downstairs and see Mrs. Hope out. Then the two of them go back upstairs. Once in Caitlin’s bedroom, Caitlin sit down on her bed the left-hand side if standing in the bedroom door. Then Caitlin lay her head onto the pillows and Sara pulls the cover up for Caitlin and then kiss Caitlin on the forehead.

“I am going to get the thermometer and then I going to check your temperature, it feels like your fever gone up since you get here.”

“Ok, coughing I am starting to feel all oogy again.”

Sara walks out of her nieces’ bedroom and then walks to her and Gil bedroom. Once Sara is in her and Gil bedroom Sara’s walk into the master bathroom and takes the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet. She then walks out of the master bathroom, then walk out of the master bedroom and down the hallway. Sara then walks into Caitlin’s bedroom and walks over to the bed. Caitlin slides over on the bed so Sara can sit down on it with her. Sara sits down on the bed and turn the digital thermometer on. Caitlin takes the thermometer from Sara put the thermometer into her mouth and the two of them waits for the thermometer to beep. While the two of them wait for the thermometer to beep Sara walks into the bathroom that has a door connect to Caitlin room and get a washcloth then wet the washcloth down with cool water. Then Sara brings the wet washcloth out to Caitlin, right as the thermometer start to beep. Caitlin takes the thermometer out of her mouth and hands the thermometer to Sara. Sara looks at the digital display on the thermometer, then set the thermometer down on the nightstand. Sara then wipes Caitlin face off with the wet washcloth then fold the washcloth in half and has Caitlin hold the washcloth on her forehead.

“How high is my fever now, Sara?”
“You are running a fever of 102.8 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“Coughing it went back up, since the nurse took it at the hospital before she releases me to come here.”

“How high was it then Caitlin?”

“The fever had went down to 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“Do you think you could keep some Tylenol down?”

“No, I am still really nauseous.”
“Ok, I just keep cooling you down with cool washcloth. Do you want me to leave so you can get some sleep?”

“No, stay I want to talk some more.”

At the same time Sofia walks up to the bedroom door and knock on the door frame, Sara and Caitlin both look at Sofia who has the cordless phone up to her left ear as she looks into the bedroom.

“Come in and who is on the phone?

Sofia walks into the bedroom and walks up to the end of the bed and notice that Caitlin has a wet washcloth on her forehead and that the sixteen-year-old look pale.

“Catherine, she wants to know if you can come back into work?”
“Sara please don’t leave me coughing!”

“I won’t Caitlin.”

“Cath, Sara need to stay home with her niece Caitlin because she still sick.”

“Can I talk to sure?”


Sofia walks up beside Sara and hold the cordless phone out and Sara takes the phone from Sofia and put the phone up to her right ear, then start to talk to Catherine, as Sofia and Caitlin watching Sara.

“What do you want Cath, because I really need to stay home with Caitlin!”

“She is sixteen-years-old, she able to stay home by herself Sara!”

“Cath, she does not want me to leave and she still running a fever of 102.8 degrees Fahrenheit and is still really nauseous!”

“Ok, stay home with your niece, Nick and I can interview the fostered parents without you.”

“thank you Cath.”

Sarah hangs up the cordless phone and then set the phone on the nightstand, at the same time Caitlin looks at Sofia who is leaning on the wall that is on the right-hand side of the bedroom door, if standing in the bedroom door.

“Who is the lady lean against the wall across from me?”

“Caitlin this Is Sofia, Sofia this is my niece Caitlin.”

“But why is she here?”

“The apartment building I was living in burned down last week, I am staying in the apartment above the garage until I can find a new place to live. Do you mind if I sit down on the end of your bed?”

“No, just don’t bounce the bed.”

“I won’t.”

Sofia walks over to the end of the bed and careful sit down on the bed without bounce the bed and Caitlin give Sofia and smile. Caitlin also notices that Sofia looks a little pale and tired.

“Sofia are you alright you look a little pale and tired?”

“I am fine.”

“She just get over having the flu and stomach flu at the same time.”

“How long did it take before you could keep any food down Sofia?”

“I could not keep food down for eight days, I was able to keep water down on the six days, but if I tried eating any food, the food just come back up.”

“She starting to getting tired of stay home and resting.”

“I so am, but my doctor will not let me go back to work until Saturday.”

“Sara’s cans the two of us redecorate my bedroom to make the bedroom look more like a teenage bedroom?”

“Caitlin right Sara’s the bedroom looks like my grandmas’ bedroom and not a teenage bedroom.”

“Sure Caitlin. What color would you like your room to be?”

“Light purple for the base color with pink, dark purple and red rose paint along the top and bottom of the walls.”

“(Sofia and Sara) That sound really cool Caitlin.”

“And want a light purple bedspread and matches sheets and pillow cases, it that all right Sara?”

“Yes we can do that Caitlin.”

“Thank you Sara, I am getting tired. I am going to lay down and go to sleep now.”

“That is fine Caitlin.”

Sofia stands up from the end of Caitlin bed without making the bed bounce and walks out of Caitlin Bedroom. At the same time Sara takes the washcloth of her nieces’ forehead then kiss Caitlin on the forehead, as Caitlin falls to sleep. Sara’s pick up the thermometer and the cordless phone off of the nightstand then walks out of her niece’s bedroom and then walks into her and Gil bedroom. Sara put the phone back onto the cordless phone base that on the nightstand that is on the right-hand side if standing at the end of the bed. Sara then walks into the master bathroom and lays the wet washcloth out on the edge of the bathtub. Sara walks back into Gil and her bedroom and lay down on her bed to get some rest herself.
Chapter Nineteen Caitlin Ranch-Sidle part two!
Sara is trying to sleep but can’t because the babies keep moving, as she lays in bed trying to sleep she starts to have a flashback, it is the night of her birthday and Sara goes to bed hoping that when she wakes up in the morning that the stomachache she has would be gone and the stomachache is just from having way too much fun and eating too much food. But in the back of her mind Sara knows that the stomachache probably will not be gone, because for the last few days she has been feeling ache, tired, feverish and she hasn’t had an appetite. Sara’s alarm clock start buzzes in her ears at six o’clock on Thursday morning, she rolls overs and hits the off button on the alarm clock. Sara then rolls back over and closes her eyes. The long she lies in bed the more nauseate that she is getting from smelling the bacon, eggs and toast her fostered dad is cooking for breakfast. Sara pushes how nausea she is to the back of her mind and gets out of bed. She then throws on a pair of light-colored blue jeans and a tank tap, then goes into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom she brushes her tooth and then combs her hair, normal she would just leave her hair down but today she pulls her hair into a ponytail. Sara then hears her fostered mom Beth walking down the hallway.

“Sara have you got out of bed yet?”

“Yes, I am just finish doing my hair in the bathroom.”

“Hurry up Bob has breakfast almost done.”

At the same time Beth walks up to the bathroom door hold her back, Beth looks at Sara who has just finish put her long dark brown hair into a ponytail and remembers the day three years ago yesterday that Sarah comes to live with them on her thirteen birthdays and is thinking that Sara’s has grown up a lot in three years. When Sara first came to live with them, she had not even started having her menstrual cycle yet. In addition Sara had a fear of man because her first fostered dad sexual assault her for a whole year that and with seeing her mom stab her Dad seven times in the heart the day after she turned twelve years old. The events that she had lived through had Sarah a very shy and afraid teenage girl that likes to keep to herself. She spends most of her time reading or studying in her bedroom.

“Beth, is everything ok?”

“Yes just remembering the day you come to live here is all. Are you ready to come downstairs for breakfast?”

“I will meet you downstairs in the kitchen. I need to use the bathroom and then I going to grab my backpack out of my bedroom.”

“Ok, Sara but hurry it up because you are already run late, I want you to have time to eat before run out the door to walk to school.”

“Ok Beth I will try to hurry up.”

Beth starts to walk away from the bathroom, as Sara closes the bathroom door. She really did not need to use the bathroom but needs to take her temperature, but does not want Beth or Bob to know that she was is feeling good or has a fever, because she has three tests in school today. Sara gets the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet and then puts the thermometer into her mouth. Sara then sits down on the edge of the bathtub and wait a minute. After a full minute she takes the thermometer out of her mouth and sees that she indeed has a fever and it was 102.1 degrees Fahrenheit. After she put the thermometer away, Sara goes back to her bedroom and grabs her backpack off of her bedroom floor. Sara then slowly walks downstairs trying hard to forgot how nausea the smell of the food is making her. A few minutes later Bob and Beth see Sara set her backpack down on the couch before walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the kitchen table. Bob walks over and set down a plate full of bacon, eggs and two pieces of toast in front of Sara, then Beth hands Sara a glass of apple juice, a few moments later Beth and Bob join Sara at the table for breakfast. Mr. Car look at Sara who has start to eat a piece of toast.

“So Sara’s are you ready for your algebra 2, Science and English tests today?”

“I guess so Bob.”

Sara set the toast back down on the plate, Mrs. Cat looks over at Sara and notice she only take one bite of toast and has not touch the rest of her breakfast yet.”

“Sara’s you only eat one bite of toast and you really need to eat breakfast hat way you have enough energy to take all three tests this morning.”
“I do not have an appetite this morning.”

“At lest eat your toasts Sara.”

“Ok Bob and can I eat the toasts as I walk to school?”

“(Mr. and Mrs. Cat) sure Sara’s you need to get going anyway, I don’t want you to be late for school.”

Sara stands up from the chair she is sitting on and then pick up the two pieces of toast. Sara then grabs her backpack and walks out of the kitchen. Then Sara starts walking to the front door of the house to leave foe school, but Bob’s stop Sara and hand Sara’s her lunch bag. Sara puts her lunch in her backpack then leave for school. Once at the high school Sara goes to her first class which is algebra class. Once in the classroom she walks to the back of the classroom and walks over to the desk that is in the corner that is by the window. Before sitting down to review her notes, Sara open up the window to let the wind blow into the classroom, because she is burning up and can’t cool down. She then moves her desk closes to the window. The bell rings for class to start rings and the rest of the class comes into the class room. The algebra teacher Miss. Simpson walks into the classroom and start passes out the test.

“All right class you have the whole hour to take the test, but if you get down early start working on chapter six, seven and eight in your textbook.”

Sara and the rest of the class start taking the test and Sara finish her test within her normal twenty minutes, then Sara walks her finish test up to the teacher’s desk and puts the test on the done pile. But instead of starting the new chapters she lays her head down on her desk and closes her eyes until the bell to head to second hour rings. In second and third hours classes Sara takes her tests and finish in twenty minutes like the math test, then lays her head done on the desk and lab table after taking the tests in English and Science classes too. At the start of fourth hour, which is lunch hour for Sara and her best friend of three years Katie and Sara is exhausted. All that Sara wants to do is sleep, but know if she brings the lunch home uneaten Beth and Bob will give her the speech about how eating three meals a day is the most important part of the day. Sara and Katie walk into the lunch room and sit down at a table by the lunch room doors, half way through lunch Katie sees that Sara has stops eating her peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich and that Sara is staring into space. She also notices that Sara has started to look really pale.

“Sara’s are you alright?”

“Yes, I just need to use the restroom.”

“Sara’s I am worry about you because you went to sleep after the tests in are last three classes and have only take a few bites of your sandwich before you stop eaten it.”

“I don’t have an appetite gagging today.”

Sara start gagging again and the stands up then runs out of the lunch room and down the hallway to the girl’s restroom. Once in the restroom Sara runs into the first stall and drops down in front of the toilet and start throwing up the toast and few bite of lunch that she ate into the toilet. When Sara does not come back into the lunch for the rest of lunch Katie walks into the girls restroom with her backpack and Sara backpack.

‘Sara’s are you in here.”

“I am in the first stall.”

“Are you come to fifth hour?”

“Retching no I am going go to the, retching.”

“To the nurse station and then you are going to home sick?”


“I will sat you backpack by the stall that you are in.”

“Thank you Katie.”
When Sara has finally stop getting sick to her stomach four and half minutes later, she heads to the nurse stations. Sara sit down on the chair by the nurse Finn’s desk.

“What brings you to see me, Sara Sidle?”

“I just throw my lunch up in the girls’ restroom and I am exhausted and achy all over, can I have a pass to go home sick?”

“I need to check your temperature to write down on the school forms if you are running a fever, but I will write you a pass to go home after taking your temperature.”


The nurse take Sara temperature and find that Sara is running a fever of 103.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Can I leave school and walk home now?”

“You can go home sick, but I am calling Mrs. Cat to come pick you up from school.”


Ten minutes later Beth and Bob come running into the school nurse station and right over to Sara who has fallen asleep on the recover couch that is across from the nurse desk. Bob picks up Sara and carries her out of the nurse station and outside to the car. Once at home Bob carries Sara into the house and upstairs to her bedroom. At this point Sara fall to sleep until her cellphone stars ring in her ear two hours later. Sara rolls over in bed so she is facing the nightstand and pick up her cellphone. Sara sees that it is unknown phone number so set the cellphone back on the nightstand. Sara then gets out of bed and Sara walks out of her bedroom and down the hallway and up to Caitlin’s open bedroom door to see that her niece is still sleep. Sara head back into her bedroom to call Catherine to let her know that she is talking tomorrow, which is March 6 and March 7 off to be home with Caitlin.
Chapter Twenty: First ultrasound!
On March seventh at elven o’clock in the morning, Sara is laying on the exam table in exam room number four and she is having ultrasound. Caitlin is sitting on a chair by the door of the exam room, watching Dr. Moonstar do the ultrasound and Sara, Caitlin and Dr. Moonstar are listing to the babies heartbeats through the ultrasound speakers. Dr. Moon points at the ultrasound screen and looks at Sara with a smile on her face.

“Do you and Gil still want to know the sex of the babies?”


“You are having a baby girl and a baby boy and both babies are health.”

“I am having a daughter and a son?”


Dr. Moonstar wipes the extra gel off of Sara’s belly and then Sara puts down her blue empire waist blouse that goes past the waist pant of her black dress pant. Sara then looks over at Caitlin who is wearing a pair of black workout pants and pink long sleeve shirt and sees that her niece has started to look tired and flushed, at the same time Dr. Moonstar check to see how big Sara’s belly has gown since the last appointment. Ten minutes later Sara and Caitlin walk into the waiting room of office of Dr. Moonstar officer and Warrick and Tina walks over to them. All four of them smile at each other and Caitlin sits down on the first chair of the first row of chairs and then rest her head on the back of the chair and shut her eyes, as Tina start talking to Sara.

“Sara how did your ultrasound go?”
“The ultrasound went great.”

“Did you find out what sex the twin are and if so what is the sex of the babies?”

“Yes Warrick and I am having a boy and a girl.”

(Tina and Warrick) Congratulate on having a girl and a boy.”

“How was your ultrasound Tina?”

“Great Sara, we are have twin too and they are very health and bigger then most sixteen week old fetus.”

“That great to hear Tina, I need to get going because I need to get Caitlin home, she still fighting the flu and stomach flu and I think her fever start to go back up.”

“She did not want to be home alone?”

“No coughing I want too spent as much time as I can with Sara, o I can get to know her before my cousins are born. Is it I or is the wait area really cold?”
“It you sweetie and you looking feverish.”

“I feel feverish to Warrick, coughing (into left hand).”

Tina walks away from Warrick and Sara and up to Caitlin. Tina then put her hand onto Caitlin’s forehead, which feels warm to the touch. Tina takes her hand off of Caitlin’s forehead and at the same time Warrick and Sara walk up beside Tina, who is looking down at Caitlin with a worried look on her face.

“Caitlin, what was your temperature the last time you check it?”

“99.6 degrees Fahrenheit.”

“It feel like your fever has gone up, come downstairs to the ER with me and I will check your temperature?”

Caitlin does not say anything just shut her eyes again, Sara look at her niece and then look over at Tina Brown.

“That sound like a good Idea Tina.”

“You work in the ER Tina?


Caitlin stands up from the chair and then the four of them walk downstairs to the ER and Tina has Caitlin sit down on the hospital bed in curtain area one. Tina walks over to the nurse counter and grabs her stethoscope and a thermometer. Then give Warrick a kiss on the lips and she kisses him back.

“I need to get to work and you need to go home to get some sleep Warrick.”

“I love you Tina.”

“I love you too Tina.”

Tina watching Warrick walk out of the hospital and then Tina walks over to Caitlin who is holding Sara’s right hand. Tina turns the digital thermometer on and then puts the thermometer into Caitlin’ mouth and the three of them wait for the thermometer to beep. When the thermometer beeps thirty second later, Tina takes the thermometer out of Caitlin’s mouth then takes a look at the thermometer.

“You running a fever of 102.9 degrees Fahrenheit Caitlin, can you keep anything down yet?”

“I was able to keep some water down today.”

“I am going to give you some Tylenol to take with a cup of water and a small cup of jell-O eat and once you eat the Jell-O I am sent you home with Sara to get some rest.”

Tina walks out of curtain area one and goes and gets the Tylenol, water and Jell-O’s then come back and gives them to Caitlin. Caitlin eats the jell-O first then take the two Tylenol with a drink of water. After she had finish the water Sara and Caitlin head outside to Sara’s SUV and then the two of them head home. Fourteen and half minutes later Caitlin is walking upstairs. A minute later Caitlin walks into her bedroom and lays down on the bed. She then pulls the bedspread up and falls right to sleep. At the same time Sara goes into the master bedroom and calls Gil. His cellphone ring three time then he picks up.

“Hi honey, how are you doing?”

“I am doing well and so are your son and daughter.”

“We are have one of each Sara?”

“Yes we are Gil.”

“That great Sara, me and my mom are just about to leave to come home because
everything is packed into the moving van and the house is now up for sale.

“Ok. I will see you when you get home. I might not go into work tonight because I have to wait and see how Caitlin doing and if see ok with me leave her here with just Sofia.

“Caitlin is still sick?”

“Yes, she kept some water down and so far the Tylenol and Jell-O that Tina Brown, give her at the hospital. But she is still running a fever, achy all over, a sore throat and a cough.”

“What was she doing at the hospital?”

“She went to my obgyn appointment with me and by the time it was over she was really cold and look feverish so I take her downstairs to the ER and had Tina took her temperature, she then had Caitlin take some Tylenol and eat some Jell-O with it.”

“Ok and I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Sara flips her cellphone close and set the cellphone on the nightstand. Then Sara’s
lies down on the bed and close her eyes. Sara then put her hands on top of her stomach and smiles when she feels her son and daughter kicking. In just the few days that Gil has been gone she has gain ten more pounds and she had to go up to the next size in maternity clothing. Sara slowly starts to fall asleep and at the sometime starts dream about Saturday, September, 19,1987, Sara wakes up her alarm clock going off. She has been dread today because her social worker is coming to take her to a new foster home. She would not mind leave so much if she wasn’t sick, but she has not kept anything down for two days now and is still run a fever of 103.9 degrees Fahrenheit. She knows that she will be fine at the new foster home because it where her best friend Katie lives too, who is also in fostered care. She just does not feel up to ride in a car even if it only for two blocks. She hears Beth open up her bedroom door, but does not roll over because she is too nausea to move. Beth walks into the bedroom and walk over to the bed. Mrs. Cat the sits down on the edge of Sara’s bed and feels her forehead.

“Sara’s your social work just called she going to be here in two minutes to get you and take you to the new home.”

“ I not up to moving gagging can you talk to her when she gets here and......”

Sara stop talking and put her hand over her mouth and looks at Beth. Who grabs the trash can next to Sara’s bed and hands the trash can to Sara, who take her hand off her mouth and grabs the trash can and then start throwing up into the trash can. At the same time Beth pulls Sara’s hair out of the way, so it does not get into her mouth.

“I will try Sara.”


At the same time Bob walks up to Sara’s bedroom door with Mrs. Rich Sara social worker, Beth looks over at Bob and then he leads Mrs. Rich downstairs to the living room. Two minutes later Sara and Beth walk into the living room and Beth has her right arm around Sara who is still hold the trash can and throwing up into the trash can. Sara and Beth walk over to the Lazy boy chair and Sara sat down on the lazy boy. After Sara stops throwing up, Sara rest her head against the back of the chair and closes her eyes. Beth walk over to the social worker with a worried look on her face.

“Mrs. Rich is there anyway that you can change the day Sara goes to the Cooks house, because she is really sick and not up to ride in a car?”

“I am afraid not I have to go out of town after I drop her off because of a family emergency, so this morning the only time I can do it.”

“Can one of the other social workers take me over to the Cook house when I feel better Mrs. Rich?”

“Sara’s you know that not how it works, now come on we need to get going.”

“I will go get you bags Sara.”

“Thank you Beth.”
Sara goes to stand up but her legs are too weak and she starts to fall forward, Bob catch Sara and picks her up and carry her out to Mrs. Rich car. Mrs. Rich open up the passenger seat door and Bob set Sara onto the front seat and put her seatbelt on just as Beth walk outside and put all four of Sarah’s bags into the truck of the car. Beth then walks over to the front seat and heads Sarah her backpack.

“I put your new Forensic Science textbook and fingerprint kit in you backpack.”

“Thank you Beth, I forget to park them, by the time I pack everything else last night I was really dizzy and then I start to get sick to my stomach again.”

“It is ok and I hope you feel better soon.”

Beth close the car door and then Bob and Beth walks toward the house. A few moments later Bob and Beth watch as Mrs. Rich pulls out of the driver, Sara looks out the car window and sees Beth is crying. She can tell my just looking at Bob and Beth face there are thinking did we make the right choice about taking a year off from having a fostered child in the house after the baby born, should we have let her stay. Sara closes her eyes for the rest of the ride because the movement of the car is making her really nausea and she is thinking to herself what Mr. Cook might be like, she has met Mrs. Cook when she went over to study with Katie or bring her homework when she misses School, but Mr. Cook has always been at work when she came over. Katie would not let her into the house if he was home. Sarah starts to cry half way to the Cook house and grab her stomach because it has starts to hurt really badly and she just wants the car ride to be over with. Mrs. Rich stops for a red light and looks over at Sara.

“Sara, you better not throwing up in my car.”

“I will try not too.”

The rest of the ride to the Cook house Sara has her eyes closed and her left hand over her mouth, as soon Mrs. Rich had stopped the car and put the car in parked position Sara open up the car door and get out of the social workers’ car. Sara then runs up to the two story house and in through the front door that her friend Katie had just open. Sara then runs upstairs and into the bedroom she and Katie are going to share. Sara then runs right into the connected bathroom and kneels down in front to the toilet and starts vomited. Katie walks into the bedroom and set Sara’s bags down on her bed along with her back that Sara left in Mrs. Rich’s car.

“Sara are you ok in there?”


“Are you still sick?”


“I will put you things away for you.”
Katie walks over to Sara’s bed and switch her bags onto her bed just as Sara walks out of the bathroom and over to the bed Katie took her bags off. Sara sits down on the bed and slips her shoes off, she stands up longer enough to pull the cover down then get into the bed and Katie pulls the cover up for Sara.

“Thank you for bring up my bags.”

“You are welcome and Mrs. Cook will be upstairs to talk to you after she is done talking to Mrs. Rich and you will meet Mr. Cook at dinner to night and you have to sit at the dinner table no matter how sick you are.”

“What room does Mr. and Mrs. Cook sleep in?”

“The master bedroom downstairs, we have the old master bedroom they add on to the downstairs last year.”

At the same time a group of six children comes run up to the bedroom door and then into the bedroom. Three girls counting Katie and three boys are now siting on Katie’s bed looking at Sara beside for the youngest girl who is setting on her toddled bed that is across from Sara’s bed and Sara is smile at the little girl. A young boy with light brown hair and blue eyes looks at Sara and then start to talk.

“Katie, so this is Sara?”

“Yes Jimmy.”

“Hi Sara.”
“Hi Jimmy, how old are you?”

“I turn four years old today along with my twin Sister Jamie, she is the little girl that just crawl into your bed with you.”

Sara looks at the little girl that laying beside her on the bed and she looks just like her brother Jamie has light brown hair and blue eyes. Jamie starts to give Sara a hug. Sara takes her arm out from under the covers and hug Jamie back.

“Are you clod Sara?”


“The oldest boy sitting on my left is Ted and the boy sitting on my right is David. The two girls that are sitting on my lap are Star and sunflower.”

Sara looks over at Katie’s bed and sees that Ted has red hair and brown eyes, David has blonde hair and green eyes. Sara then notices that Sunflower and Star have strawberry hair and hazel eyes and look like the two of them could be sisters, at the same time Ted start to talk to Sara.

“I am fourteen, David id ten and Sunflower and Star are twin sisters and are five years old.”

At the same time there is a knock on the bedroom door frame and Mrs. Cooks walks into the room and over to Sara’s bed and sit down on the edge of the bed. Mrs. Cook then feels Sara’s forehead. Katie stands up from her bed then walks her foster brothers and sisters out of the room and downstairs. Katie comes back into the room three minutes later with the thermometer in her hands and hands the thermometer to Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Cook then hands Sara the thermometer and Sara puts the thermometer into her mouth.

“Are the children playing downstairs in the basement play room Katie?”

“Yes beside Jamie who asleep next to Sara.”

It has been long enough so Mrs. Cook takes the thermometer out of Sara’s mouth and look at the thermometer to see if Sara is running a fever, as Sara start yawning and Katie sits down on her bed.

“You have a fever of 103.7 degrees Fahrenheit Sara.”

“I am sleepy.”

“Go to sleep, I will have Katie wake you to come to dinner when Mr. Cook gets home.”

“Ok Mrs. Cook.”

Mrs. Cook stands up from the bed and walks out of the bedroom and at the same time Sara eyes start to close and a few seconds later Sara is sound asleep. At six o’clock that evening Sara feels Katie lightly shake her. Sara rolls over and at the sometime Jamie jumps up onto Sara’s bed cause it to bounce. Katie pick Jaime up right as Sarah put her hand over her mouth. Sara jumps out of bed and then runs into the bathroom. Sara comes back out of the bathroom a minute later and walks over to Jaime.

“It is all Jaime, I am fine I did not have to throw up after all.”


“We need to go downstairs to the dining room for dinner.”

Katie hold Jamie walks out of the bedroom first and Sara follows her best friend downstairs and into the dining room. Five minutes later dinning is going very slow for Sara, who is sitting at the dinning room table stare at a full plate of food, that Mr. Cook had put onto her plate despite the fact she telling him, she was too sick to eat anything. Sara is also try hard not to leave the table, but half way through dinner Sara can’t fight the feeling that she is going to get sick to her stomach. Sara jumps out of the chair and runs out of the dining room and into the nearest bathroom. Once in the bathroom Sara drop to her knees in front of the toilet and start throwing up into the toilet, when she gets back to the table Mr. Cook takes Sara by the right arm and pulls her upstair into her, Katie and Jamie’s bedroom and then he throws Sara down onto the bed.

“You never leave the table, no matter what!”

“I had to throw up.”

“I do not care, never leave the table.”

Sara stands up and starts to walk to the bathroom and Mr. Cook grabs her left arm and punch her in the face with his right hand. Mr. Cook throw Sara back onto her bed, at the same time Jamie and Katie walks into the bedroom, but stays by the bedroom door and Jamie start yelling.

“Stop hitting Sara!”

“Stay out of it Jamie.”

“Mr. Cook, Jamie right. Leave Sara alone, she is sick.”

“Both of you stay out of it.”

With that Mr. Cook walk away from Sara and grabs a hold of Jamie and then Mr. Cook throw Jamie across the room and onto her bed. Jamie hits the wall with a loud bang. Sara gets off the bed and walks over to Jamie side and kneel down beside the little girl at the same time Mr. Cook grab Katie throw her across the room and Katie lands on Sara’s bed. Mr. Cook runs over to Katie and start fighting with her. At the same time Jamie hears Sara beside her. Jaime try to stop crying but is in to much pain and the little girl start cry harder.

“Jaime are you ok?”

“(Crying)No it hurts and my leg won’t move!”

“Don’t move Jamie.”

At the same time Ted walks up to the bedroom door and see what Mr. Cook is doing to Katie and sees Sara crawl over to Mr. Cook. Ted sneak into the bedroom and goes over to Sara and Sara start to whisper to him.

“Call 991, he throw Jaime across the room, she hit the wall really hard and she it a lot of pain and can’t movie her legs.”

“Ok, Sara crawl back over to Jamie before Mr. Cook see you.”


Sara crawl back over to Jamie and sing quietly to her to help keep Jamie calm, at the same time Ted sneak back out of the bedroom. The room becomes really quiet when Sara and Jaime hear Mr. Cook hit Katie over the head with a lamp knocking her out. A few moments later Sara Mr. Cook has grab Sara and he throws her onto Katie’s bed beside Katie is on Sara’s bed knock out. The next think Sara sees is Mr. Cook gets on top of her and then he pulls Sara pants off.

“Get off me, get off.”

Mr. Cook does not get off Sara, but three minutes later Sara here loud foot steps out in the hallway and then the foot steps are coming through the bedroom door, Sara looks out of the corner of her eye and see police officers in the bedroom.

“Stop what you are doing to the girl and put your hand behind you back.”

Mr. Cook would not get off Sara, so two police men pull him off and Sara stands up from the bed and run over to Jaime. Jamie takes a hold of Sara right hand and Sara start sing to Jamie again. A minute later the EMT walks into the bedroom and put a neck brace on Jamie and then puts the little girl onto a stretcher, but Jamie would not let go of Sara’s head.

“Can you come with us seeing that you need to be check out anyway and the girl will not let go off you?”


The EMT carrying the stretcher Jamie on out of the room and Sara walk beside the stretcher still holding Jamie hand. A few minutes later Sara and Jamie are heading to the hospital. The whole ride to the hospital Jamie would not let go of Sara’s hand, but once at the hospital the doctor made Jaime let go of Sara.

“No, I want Sara to come with me.”

“She can’t go back to the operation room with us.”


“I will be here when you come out of surgery.”

Sara see the doctor and nurse take Jamie away and then she stop dreaming about the past and start dream about Gil and her on the beach. Sara then feels someone is shaking her left shoulder try to wake her up. She rolls onto her back and then open her eyes to see Caitlin is sit on the edges of the bed stare at her with a very worry look on her face. Sara sit up in bed and runs her hands through her hair.

“Sara who is Jaime you keep shouting her name and saying you will be ok and I will be here when you get out of surgery and did not stop until I shaking you and then you start saying Gil’s name.”

“She is one of the girls I was in foster care with and our fostered dad threw her across the room and she hit the wall really hard and break her back, the doctor was able to do surgery fixes her back, but she never walks again and has been in a wheelchair since that day. I was only in the Cook home for half a day when that happened. The fostered home I came from Mr. and Mrs. Cat took my friend Katie and Jaime and her Twin brother Jimmy and I in after the police arrest Mr. Cook for physical and sexual abuse fosters children for the past six years. The other six children in the house end up live in the house next to the Mr. and Mrs. Cat’s house.

“So you know what fosters care is like?”


Sara and Caitlin start talking to each other about what life was like for them in the different foster homes they’re had be in and do not stop talking until it is time for Sara to get ready for work. Caitlin let her aunt go into work because she is feeling better and is ok staying at the house because she is not alone because Sofia says she would hang with her.
Chapter Twenty-one: Wedding
The past three weeks and five-days Sara, Gil, Helen and Caitlin have been getting ready for Sara and Gil April 7 wedding, which is today at four o’clock. Three of them have also repaint Caitlin bedroom Light purple, with pink, dark purple and red rose paint along the top and bottom of the walls. Right now Gil, Warrick, Greg and Nick are getting ready in the basement for the wedding. Sara is standing in front of her full length mirror in her and Gil’s bedroom and Caitlin is tying the ribbon into a bow at the back of Sara’s dresses.

“Is the dress too tight or to lose?”

“The dress is fine.”

“Caitlin can you tie my ribbon why I tie my mom?”

“Sure, Lindsey.

Caitlin, Lindsey and Catherine are wearing light purple dresses with spaghetti straps and the dresses have dark purple rose on them, with a light purple ribbon around the waist that ties in the back. Caitlin walks up behind Lindsey and ties the ribbon and Lindsey tie Catherine’s ribbon. Sara, Caitlin, Lindsey and Catherine look at each other and Lindsey and Sara who is standing next to each other both have their hands resting on their growing belly and Lindsey’s belly is a little large and round then Sara, seeing that Lindsey is having triple. At the same time there is a knock on the bedroom door and the ladies then hear Nick voice through the door.

“It is getting near the time for y’ all to come downstair.”

Sara walks over to the bedroom door and open up the door just a little, so see can make sure Gil is not with Nick, which he is not. Sara open up the door up and Nick looks at Catherine, Lindsey, Sarah and Caitlin with a look of shock on his face.

“Y’all look great today, Are you ready.”


The five of them walk downstairs and to the slide glass door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard. The flower girl that is relation to Gil Grissom and who first name is Amanda has brown hair and blue eyes, just like Gil who had blue eyes and hair was brown before going gray. Amanda is wearing a knee length light purple dress that has cap sleeve and dark violet roses on the dress. Amanda walks down the alley throwing rose petals onto the ground, she is followed by Lindsey, Caitlin and Catherine. When the music here comes the bride starts playing the wedding guest all stands up and Nick takes Sara left arm and Sara takes Nick’s right arm, then the two of them walk down the alley. When Nick and Sara reach Gil, Nick let go of Sara’s arm and gives her to Gil, who takes Sara hands and now Gil and Sara are standing face to face. Gil looks at his beautiful bride and he is total blowing away at how beautiful Sara looks with her hair down and curled and in her white wedding gown that has purple roses along the top and bottom of the gown. Father Tom looks at the groom and bride and then looks out of the wedding guests who have all just sit down.

“We are here today to join Sara Sidle and Gilbert Grissom in holly matrimony and Sara and Gil has written their own vows, you can begin Gil.”

“I never believe in love at first sight until I saw you for the first time in one of my seminar that was about bugs on a murder victim and I never thought I would see you again. Then you come to work at the Las Vegas crime lab and I left you hanging for too long because I did not want to risk either of our careers until December of 2005 when I finally ask you out and you said yes, since then I know that the two of us were meant to be together forever. Will you take my hand in marriage and be my wife?


Sara holds out her left hand and Gil puts a Victorian white gold wedding band that is thin onto Sara’s finger in front of the Victorian engagement ring that was made to fit up against the Victorian engagement ring, seeing that both the ring and band are part of a matching set.
“Sara’s you can say your Vow now!”

“Gil, I never love anyone until the first time I saw you at the seminar that was about bugs on murder victims and from then on I know that once day we would be together. I did not mind how long it took for the two of us to get together the wait was with it and I never wait to be without you again. Will you become my husband?”


Gil holds out his left hand and Sara puts a white gold wedding band onto Gil’s ring finger. Then the two of them take each other hand again and Smiles at each other.

“You can kisses the bride now.”

Gil pulls Sara closer to him and start kiss Sara on the lips and she kisses him back. The two of them kiss each other for a whole minute, then Sara and Gil pull away from each other and turn to facing the wedding guests. Then Gil and Sara take each other arm and walk down the wedding alley.

“Inductions Mr. and Mrs. Grissom and the two of them want you to join them inside the house in a few minutes for the wedding reception.”