The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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MrsG, I need some context for that sig of yours! :lol: You've got to tell me what prompted his character to say that... :devil:
I'll help with the massage. :D

And I agree, who would want to cover up a nice scar?

And this thread has made me laugh after crying about the London tragedy. Thanks guys!!!
MrsG, I need some context for that sig of yours! :lol: You've got to tell me what prompted his character to say that... :devil:

The quote is sadly devoid of any sexual context. :( He said it to a co-worker who was apparently not moving fast enough during a drill. The reason it stuck with me and was so funny to me is that I had to beg my boyfriend, who is incidentally not a CDG fan (gee, I wonder why), to watch the movie. "Get your hands off your pecker" is CDG's first line in the movie, so the boyfriend smirks at me and says, "Looks like another quality role." :D

SassyJ and csi fanatic - yes, they cover scars in movies. You must live a very long way from Hollywood if you think the beautiful people in movies are actually that beautiful in real life. They spend a very long time in makeup before shooting and any imperfections are camoflauged. What can't be covered that way is re-touched afterward. An example: Catherine Zeta Jones has a trachiotomy scar at the base of her neck which is always covered up. Personally, I think it's horrible that the things that make people unique are covered in movies, but that's just the way it is.
I'm been having a laugh all day to stop myself from thinking about it too much. I knew that when my sister came home from work that she would cry. We don't live near London but its like her second home.

I'm so glad she wasn't there today.

And to brighten up the thread again... am I sensing another person who doesn't mind scars? :devil:
you guys are hilarious. After i've had a crappy day all i have to do is sit down and read this thread and my mood lifts. Your brilliant. :lol:
To all of you in London/near London...I hope all of you and your loved ones are safe. My heart goes out to you guys.

The quote is sadly devoid of any sexual context. :( He said it to a co-worker who was apparently not moving fast enough during a drill. The reason it stuck with me and was so funny to me is that I had to beg my boyfriend, who is incidentally not a CDG fan (gee, I wonder why), to watch the movie. "Get your hands off your pecker" is CDG's first line in the movie, so the boyfriend smirks at me and says, "Looks like another quality role." :D

Ha! Well, it just goes to show that the man is sex on a's always something dirty with him. :devil:
the man is sex on a stick

:D Very cute. Never heard that one before. I'll have to use it. Reminiscent of that sucky shopping mall fast food chain Hot Dog on a Stick ... see, I can link anything to discussion of that man's hot dog. :devil:
Sex on a stick is one of my favorite phrases, and I think it describes Danny perfectly. He's so sexual; he just exudes a kind of raw sexuality. His movements, his tone, the look in his eyes--it's all very sensual. It's hard to put my finger on, but it's a big part of what draws me to the character.
Bingo, baby. I couldn't agree more. Danny has plenty of unattractive character traits (unattractive to me, anyway), but there is always that underlying sexuality that makes the character absolutely mesmerizing.
^Yep, even when he's pissing me off (like in "The Dove Commission" when he was being a bona fide brat), I can't take my eyes off him. He's an endlessly compelling character.

So is he The Sexy of CSI then? :devil:

He so is The Sexy! :devil: :D
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