The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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He has chemisty with the ladies. He has chemistry with the men. Hell, he even has chemistry with most of the lab equipment.

Would you say that he oozes sexuality? :p

I think cdg's got a pretty good handle on what gets us girls going - the right mixture of bad-boy and vulnerability combined with his good looks and amazing body (as pointed out more than once on this thread) that just gives us no hope for not being ridiculously, pathetically and hopelessly attracted to him.

Some days I can just picture him trying to walk with women clinging to his ankles...

"Dear diary,
Today was a good day. It was a little hard to get around with all the women clinging to me as though I were their last hope for salvation, but I guess that comes with the territory. I nearly accomplished my goal of making 100 women swoon in an hour. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself! But I'll have to write more later, I think I'm being made out with right now...yes. yes I am.
Till next time,

:lol: :lol: :lol: man, I kill myself sometimes!
Alright, now, if this thread wasn't so hilarous then you'd probably not find me over here but because it is (and addicting), I'm here, and posting.

40 Pages later and I show my face. ;)
Thanks, MrsG! I'm glad I can slay you with my off the wall humor! Or something...

Dream & I had a whole series of "Dear Diary"s for our fantasmic cdg. They were the product of a very delirous day.... :D
I like that you girls can twist anything into being crude and rude and about The Sexy. I've got a rotten cold so anything to brighten my day is welcome, and once again this place has done it. I've been thinking about the drop of water thing. I'm gonna start on his nose, drip down onto his chest, over a nipple and down over the illiac crest (Google it). After that, who knows?!?!

I'm suddenly feeling a lot better. :D

P.S. Hope everyone here from England and their loved ones are ok. I have a friend living there who was kind enough to call last night to let us know he's ok, which was a relief.
I am hoping that you and yours are ok after that horrific attack in London today too.

OK...if I were a drop of water, I'd like to be just in the middle of his chest and roll down straight. Don't know if that's possible, but it's fantasy, so it is!

When I first started watching CSI:NY I was kinda into Eddie Cahill. I still think he's cute but Danny just grew on me, there is just something about him! I don't know what, but there's just something that makes me want to rip off that lab coat! I think it's that sweet and innocent look (I think he looks that way, anyway) that you see but makes you wonder what he's like when the glasses (and the clothes) come off. :)
Damn! I've missed so much! I only got caught up now. I finally have my computer back from the shop.

Danny is definitely "The Sexy" on the show. He's the eye candy. (Not to take anything away from Flack, but you gotta admit that it's true).

I think it's that sweet and innocent look (I think he looks that way, anyway) that you see but makes you wonder what he's like when the glasses (and the clothes) come off.

^Amen to that! In my mind he's a dynamo between the sheets. (Screw you, PG13-o-Meter, Screw you!)

I would also like to add my thoughts/prayers/condolences to those of you in London. I hope all is OK with you and your loved ones.
amazing body (as pointed out more than once on this thread)

WHAT?! NO WAY! WHERE?! :lol: :rolleyes:
Ah, you guys have me laughing so much, what a way to start my day! Especially after what happened in London yesterday! :(. Me and my bf have family in England and just had to check if by accident they weren't in London that day. Fortunately they are ok, but my heart goes out to the victims and their families!
Thanks to everyone wishing us Brits well, I'm just outside London so me and mine are fine, hope evryone else in this thread in UK are also fine. It was a bit crazed here yesterday cos quite a few kids at the school I work at have parents who work in London but so far I haven't heard that anything happened to them.

Anyhoo, was kind of a sucky day yesterday ( to completely understate matters) but it's so nice to come in and indulge in some lovely shower scene escapism. kmfx the diary slayed me, I nearly choked laughing so hard.
And I gotta go with being a ginormous(sp?) drop that lands on his head and soaks him all over :D
^That's a good question...I don't know, DaWacko. If you've noticed he walks sometimes like his back hurts him then maybe. I know back problems can be very painful, and I don't think they go away without surgery, either. Does anyone know if he had surgery for the injury? If not, then that's possible.

Even in a few hours you've managed to move forward from this, I'll post a pic for ya people later on...if I someday can turn my on comp on...
I don't live near london thankfully, but i do have family there. We managed to get in contact with them and they're ok. :)

Carmine is definately sex on legs. I agree that he seems to ooze (love that word) vunerability and innocence but you just know he isn't.
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