The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Alright, now, if this thread wasn't so hilarous then you'd probably not find me over here but because it is (and addicting), I'm here, and posting.

40 Pages later and I show my face. ;)

Welcome to the Locker Room tuesdaymorning ! The girl-talk in this place is just too irresistible to stay away from. Soon you'll have naked Carmine on your mind 24/7 and be wondering when the hell dirty Danny is gonna hit the shower just like the rest of us. :devil:
I'm glad to hear you folks living near/in London are okay, and that your families are as well.

tuesdaymorning, welcome! There's only so long someone can resist the lure of the Locker Room... ;) :devil:

DaWacko, the Locker Room is pretty much always about sex. :lol: If you want to start a separate thread about Carmine's back injury, go for it! :)
Like a horny LR Groupie getting rough with him? :lol:

Meh, it's more fun to fantasize about Danny. You can write anything then. :devil:
A belated welcome to tuesdaymorning...HI!

Boy, what I wouldn't give to be getting rough with Danny. But not too rough because I want his glasses to stay on! ;)
Just lab table shaking, rough, right? :lol: Getting rough with Danny would be hot. He'd be surprised at first, but I think he'd like it. You can tell he's a naughty one. :devil:
^Yeah, that...maybe rattle a few test-tubes and cause a machine or two to need recalibration...but the glasses must be undisturbed. He's totally naughty! I mean just look at him. He looks devilish...but in a handsome devil way. ;)
Getting rough with Danny would be hot. He'd be surprised at first, but I think he'd like it. You can tell he's a naughty one. :devil:

Yeah, beneath that lab coat and glasses look he's got going on lies one naughty boy. I think Danny could definitely go for getting his groove on in the lab. *hearing the sound of breaking glass as test tubes hit the floor*
It's the glasses--it's all about the glasses. Never have I seen glasses so sexy on a man.
Agreed. The glasses are oh-so hot. Maybe since Danny has the ability to make his glasses stay on top of his head while looking into a microscope, he also has the magic ability to keep them securely positioned on his nose during sex. In my mind, the glasses stay on at all times - even during the roughest sex. :devil:
DaWacko, the Locker Room is pretty much always about sex. :lol: If you want to start a separate thread about Carmine's back injury, go for it! :)

^I think it's a good idea :lol:
I'll do that when I manage to get some proof (screencaps)
ok so who has seen the great pics over at!!

from the trip to Venezuela!!

csi007 i love you and your site!!

oh and the the man is totally sex on legs! or sex on a stick!!! :devil:

any other thoughts in my head will be promptly censored!!
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