The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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So what are we supposed to do? Oh man, the withdrawal symptoms are going to be baaaaad! :(
I only started taping the episodes after Tanglewood so that's not many!
Does anybody know when we can expect the first season on DVD in the UK?

I said I would look into it and I have. Found that on Tuesday 19th July Channel 5 will be showing the Miami/NY crossover followed by the first episode of NY.

So we won't be going without for months ;)
woot *does summersaults* that is excellent news. I'm sorted. Not only will i miss the episodes i didn't get to see but it'll also bridge the gap between seasons. Thats great.

I know how you feel Angelica. I'm only 17 so Carmine's a little out of my age range as well. :) Your fitting in fine.
Welcome, Pumpkin! I hear his tattoo is a tribal one but not sure what it means. I wonder if he has any more? Another reason for an up-close shower scene!

but you know once you are in you can never leave!!

Yeah, the Locker Room: Hotel California...or the mob!
ugh, i should probably rent "Black hawk down" again. it is one of my fav movies; despite Legolas...although he was pretty good in that movie!

I have actually realise that the last episode of CSI:NY is showing on Saturday here in the UK. Gah... No... Can't take it... Help! :(
i sympathize with you there; they canceled CSI:NY here last week. :(

nooooooooo they can't!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Wow, EasetheMoment and Angelica had no idea you guys were so young. However, that's great for Carmine because the Locker Room is fully stocked with whatever he's into - be it jailbait, his same age (I'm in that ballpark), or older.

I met this dude who look like Daniel everytime i saw him i call him Harry Potter....he is the same age as me anyway....but i like Carmine more... :D

I feel so much better now! :D

I can't help it anyway... Carmine's just too cute...

and my youngest crush, Daniel Radcliffe, is still two years older than me. (He's turning 16 on the 23rd, and I'm 14.) But it's doable. Besides, it's not like I'll ever meet them. So I can dream... ;)
Wow, EasetheMoment and Angelica had no idea you guys were so young. However, that's great for Carmine because the Locker Room is fully stocked with whatever he's into - be it jailbait, his same age (I'm in that ballpark), or older.

I feel so much better now! :D

I can't help it anyway... Carmine's just too cute...

and my youngest crush, Daniel Radcliffe, is still two years older than me. (He's turning 16 on the 23rd, and I'm 14.) But it's doable. Besides, it's not like I'll ever meet them. So I can dream... ;)

sorry i make a mistake...this is the right one..

I met this dude who look like Daniel everytime i saw him i call him Harry Potter....he is the same age as me anyway....but i like Carmine more...
:D :D
Our minds will never be clean. There isn't a shower on Earth that could work that miracle. :lol:

But there's hope for Danny...

YES I WANT TO SEE HIM IN THE SHOWER!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:
ooooooh.... I finally get my new glasses and the first pictures I look at to test them out are of Carmine and the tattoo.

What a beautiful day :lol:
csi007 - Thanks for the beautiful images of the tat.

I watched In Enemy Hands last night. Great movie and would be even if Carmine weren't in it. But he was, which made it that much better, and let me just say: Wet Carmine. Naked Carmine. Carmine in handcuffs. I hadn't considered Carmine in handcuffs previously, but believe me, I am now. I wanna handcuff him to my bed and [CENSORED BY THE PG-13 O-METER] the holy [CENSORED BY THE PG-13 O-METER] out of him. :devil: :devil: :devil:
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