The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Hi to all the new guys to the locker room!!

i am glad we make you laugh!!

and to anyone whos reading this who hasn't posted come on post and join in the fun!! but you know once you are in you can never leave!! :lol:

Yeah i know the finale in the uk on Sat i am looking forward to it.... but then i have taped all the eps for my little brother(god hes 15 and i am talking about him like he is five!! :lol:) so i will be ok until next season i hope!! :devil:
Wow, EasetheMoment and Angelica had no idea you guys were so young. However, that's great for Carmine because the Locker Room is fully stocked with whatever he's into - be it jailbait, his same age (I'm in that ballpark), or older.

I feel so much better now! :D

I can't help it anyway... Carmine's just too cute...

and my youngest crush, Daniel Radcliffe, is still two years older than me. (He's turning 16 on the 23rd, and I'm 14.) But it's doable. Besides, it's not like I'll ever meet them. So I can dream... ;)
yeah well there are people all ages and from all over the world who like him! you just can't help but like him!! :lol:

And is Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter?

its just the name is familiar and i can't remember why?

oh and as i haven't said it in a while... SHOWER SCENE!!!
Daniel Radcliffe is Harry Potter. :D

And I don't think Carmine minds of all this attention from ladies. No matter what their age. And we can always dream!!! :D
Don't worry, Angelica , age is irrelevant around here. Besides, isn't being the object of schoolgirls' fantasies a male fantasy in itself?
Daniel Radcliffe?!?!
ugh, that´s nasty! i´m 20 and thinking ANY cute thoughts ´bout him makes me feel like a pedophile! see, i even couldn´t say "dirty thoughts" ´cause in my head he still hasn´t hit puberty! gah!

but if you´re 14 then i guess that´s ok. ;)

hm, how old is William Petersen? ´cause he´s in competitions for my oldest crush! if he´s older than 50 then he beats my math teacher...but that´s not a fair competition ´cause that thingy with the teach did somewhat materialize...and i´m so over it now.
i think i should keep my crushes in the range of under 40year-olds. so yeah, Carmine´s still in that department. :D
well if your Daniel Radcliffe's age thats fine i am almost 21 so he is out of my age range!!

Carmine i can wish for right!!! :devil: :lol:
Don't worry, Angelica , age is irrelevant around here. Besides, isn't being the object of schoolgirls' fantasies a male fantasy in itself?

Maybe.... I'm not too sure. And why is it that everytime I hear the word 'schoolgirl' I think 'slutty plaid skirt' and 'braids'? Or my head starts playing that "Baby One More Time" video. :confused:

Anyway, although it might be inappropriate for me to say it... shower scene indeed. They give Stella one in "Creatures of the Night," but what about Danny? About how dirty can Stella get, possibly?

Totally agree with you Angelica , schoolgirl is such a dirty sounding word.

Imagine how dirty Danny must be after throwing baseballs and leaping (The Closer was on at the weekend ;)) He desperately needs that shower and we desperately need to see it :devil:
Oh, of course, MrsMesser, he's got to be absolutely filthy after that. he deseperately needs it, and of course we have to see it, make sure he doesn't miss a spot... :devil:

Oh, of course, MrsMesser, he's got to be absolutely filthy after that. he deseperately needs it, and of course we have to see it, make sure he doesn't miss a spot... :devil:


see you are fitting in well here!!!

its all about the shower scene!! :devil: :lol: and getting Danny clean!

a pity our minds aren't that clean!!
Our minds will never be clean. There isn't a shower on Earth that could work that miracle. :lol:

But there's hope for Danny...
and if there is hope for him can we watch??? :devil: :lol:

our minds will never be clean but is that a bad thing.... i don't think so!! :lol: :devil:
and if there is hope for him can we watch??? :devil: :lol:
Now Wiggles, I am so disappointed in you. Just watch? Honestly! :rolleyes:

I dunno 'bout the rest of the Locker Room groupies, but I want in on the action! :devil:

Edit: Well, don't all look surprised. You guys have seen my siggie. For those who need some help with the translation: "I see the good and acknowledge it, but I follow the bad!" Ha! Ain't that the truth! :D
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