The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Maybe Carmine deliberately dresses badly as a kind of defence... 'If I look bad then maybe they won't recognise/try to jump me'.
:lol: but he can´t top brad pitt as tyler durden; that was such a bad example of how to dress it was almost good!
csifeline, the white shirt mitigated it, a little. But oh my. I agree...Adam looks kinda goofy with the beard, too. Let's just say the two could have used a stylist along for the trip. ;) :lol:

NikkiH, yeah, isn't that picture of Danny something? Kudos to the photographer who took that! It's perfect.

Aw, good for him for standing up to the Nazis! Why does it not surprise me that he played a spirited, outspoken character? :lol: ;)
man he looks hot in that promo pic. It's like looking at two completely different people. If i'd just seen that pic i won't have thought Carmine played Danny. They look so different.

Carmine definately needs help getting dressed. I'm sure we could give him a tip or two. :devil:
I know...they do look like two different people, don't they? The expression on Danny's face, it's like, "Come into my lab. Seduce me." :lol:
^There's a pic there--in the Mexico batch--of Carmine standing in front of a promo pic of Danny. I swear, that pic is just one of the many reasons I love Danny. Look at that 'come hither' look he has in the promo pic.

EDIT: This is the pic I'm talking about. You can see Carmine's tattoo in it, too. But Danny...yowza! :eek: :D That look...

But Carmine *really* needs to take some wardrobe tips from Danny. He's wearing some truly terrible outfits in those pics! :lol:

I don't understand what is wrong with what he is wearing. He is totally hot in that picture!

Although I would say that. I have a thing about arms... especially if there are tattoo's :lol:
Oh, he's got great arms. But he should have just gone shirtless. :devil:
you can just imagine him saying it in his gorgeous new york accent *starts daydreaming*

Its amazing how a suit and glasses can really change your appearance. I definately like Danny's sense of dress. :)
^There's a pic there--in the Mexico batch--of Carmine standing in front of a promo pic of Danny. I swear, that pic is just one of the many reasons I love Danny. Look at that 'come hither' look he has in the promo pic.

Doesn't get much hotter than that. There isn't a single thought that comes to mind that I can accurately elaborate on without sending the PG-13 O-METER into convulsions. :devil:

Carmine *really* needs to take some wardrobe tips from Danny. He's wearing some truly terrible outfits in those pics! :lol:

You girls are all being much too harsh on our beloved Carmine. First, none of us give a shit what the man wears because if we had our way, his clothes would hit the floor immediately. Second, while I agree with Top that tank tops are to be worn in the backyard, the man can rock a wife beater like nobody else. Those arms are simply f-ing beautiful and I thank him for exposing them as often as he does. Wise man knows where his strengths lie. :)
Doesn't get much hotter than that. There isn't a single thought that comes to mind that I can accurately elaborate on without sending the PG-13 O-METER into convulsions. :devil:

For some reason your post made me think...TWINS! :lol: I don't know why I didn't get that idea before. Heh. Anyways, yeah, I'm about 5 seconds from royally pissing off the Meter, so I'll refrain. :lol:

You girls are all being much too harsh on our beloved Carmine. First, none of us give a shit what the man wears because if we had our way, his clothes would hit the floor immediately. Second, while I agree with Top that tank tops are to be worn in the backyard, the man can rock a wife beater like nobody else. Those arms are simply f-ing beautiful and I thank him for exposing them as often as he does. Wise man knows where his strengths lie. :)

:lol: Well, I think we can all agree his clothes would look best on the floor. :lol:
For some reason your post made me think...TWINS! :lol: I don't know why I didn't get that idea before.

Oh sweet Jesus, Top , are you talking about being in the middle of a Danny and Carmine sandwhich??? You are, without a doubt, the most brilliant person in the Locker Room! Why has this idea never come up before? I'm utterly speechless with delight. *reaching for vibrator now - be back in 5 minutes* :devil: :devil: :devil:
OOH! I love men wearing hats. I have a thing about men and fedoras. :D

And MrsGiovinazzo , Your avatar almost made me faint. And can we even say the v word around here? :eek:
MrsGiovinazzo , Your avatar almost made me faint. And can we even say the v word around here? :eek:

Thanks. Credit for the avatar goes to goodbyetuesday at Live Journal. I wouldn't know how to make an avatar to save my life. As for the v-word, I honestly have no idea if that's okay or not. Top, let me know if I need to edit that out.
^Uhhhhh...I don't know, honestly. I never made it past the Danny/Carmine sandwich. :D Where's a drooly icon when I need one??? :lol:
I think it's probably too close to call. The PG-13 O-METER may have been too stunned to decide whether to bitch-slap me for that one or not. :D
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