The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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^Wet, naked, and in handcuffs? Please, please, please tell me all at once. :devil:
Now Wiggles, I am so disappointed in you. Just watch? Honestly! :rolleyes:

I dunno 'bout the rest of the Locker Room groupies, but I want in on the action! :devil:

Edit: Well, don't all look surprised. You guys have seen my siggie. For those who need some help with the translation: "I see the good and acknowledge it, but I follow the bad!" Ha! Ain't that the truth! :D

you know i wasn't sure the meter would let me away with it so i played it safe!! :devil: :lol:

well we all have dirty minds a shower might help!!

but like Top said there isn't a shower in the world could do that!! :lol: :lol: but if Danny's in their i doubt we would mind right??? :lol:

EDIT: you know i really have to see In Enemy Hands!!!
I just looked at the news bullets thingy and followed the link to those pics of Carmine and Adam at the press thing...Carmine was only in a few of them but ooooooh those arms :D
^There's a pic there--in the Mexico batch--of Carmine standing in front of a promo pic of Danny. I swear, that pic is just one of the many reasons I love Danny. Look at that 'come hither' look he has in the promo pic.

EDIT: This is the pic I'm talking about. You can see Carmine's tattoo in it, too. But Danny...yowza! :eek: :D That look...

But Carmine *really* needs to take some wardrobe tips from Danny. He's wearing some truly terrible outfits in those pics! :lol:
^Wet, naked, and in handcuffs? Please, please, please tell me all at once. :devil:

Unfortunately, the visuals on that one aren't as kinky as they sound. :( He was taken as a prisoner of war. But he was soaking wet, shivering, frightened and holding his wet clothes in a ball in front of his manhood. Damn those clothes! A few moments later, he was handcuffed (unfortunately, his clothes were back on at the time). How tasty is that??? I wonder which would be more frightening to him - being handcuffed aboard a German submarine during WWII or being captured by the Locker Room groupies and handcuffed? :devil: By the way, I think his captors went about things all wrong in that there were just so many unexplored options there. :D
Heh I never really noticed his clothes :D I need to find that Danny pic now though. And I'm liking the facial hair
Unfortunately, the visuals on that one aren't as kinky as they sound. :( He was taken as a prisoner of war. But he was soaking wet, shivering, frightened and holding his wet clothes in a ball in front of his manhood. Damn those clothes! A few moments later, he was handcuffed (unfortunately, his clothes were back on at the time). How tasty is that??? I wonder which would be more frightening to him - being handcuffed aboard a German submarine during WWII or being captured by the Locker Room groupies and handcuffed? :devil: By the way, I think his captors went about things all wrong in that there were just so many unexplored options there. :D

Damn. :( Who took his clothes off? :devil: And why oh why did they put them back on? What a mistake. Bad Germans! :lol:

Let's just say he wouldn't have any clothes on if the Locker Room Groupies handcuffed him. :devil:

Khanada, I'm of an opinion that generally tank tops on guys belong in the backyard and should stay there. :lol: Look how nice Adam looks in his buttondown shirt! But the black tank top is better than the other two shirts from the other galleries.

It gets worse. No man should ever wear that shade of red, ever.

And yeah, I'm mean. But the guy needs a woman to dress him. :lol:
Yeah. I felt kind of bad to be thinking nasty thoughts when Carmine's character was a prisoner of war and frightened. And that scene when he's handcuffed and the knife is held to his throat? Wow! :p

I agree that Carmine needs some wardrobe tips from Danny. :lol: I love the come hither look and smile though.
Yeah. I felt kind of bad to be thinking nasty thoughts when Carmine's character was a prisoner of war and frightened. And that scene when he's handcuffed and the knife is held to his throat? Wow! :p

Yikes--what happens? Tell me he doesn't die in this movie, too! :lol:

I agree that Carmine needs some wardrobe tips from Danny. :lol: I love the come hither look and smile though.

Yeah, they both have a 'come hither' look, but I love the pic of Danny looking over his shoulder. That's damn sexy.

Don't get me wrong--Carmine looks nice, too. But that promo pic of Danny? Damn. Someone knows just how to appeal to the audience. :lol: In the white lab coat, too. Oh yes. :devil:
^Oh, don't get me wrong...naked is best, of course, but the array of different colored tank tops has got to go. :lol:
^There's a pic there--in the Mexico batch--of Carmine standing in front of a promo pic of Danny. I swear, that pic is just one of the many reasons I love Danny. Look at that 'come hither' look he has in the promo pic.

EDIT: This is the pic I'm talking about. You can see Carmine's tattoo in it, too. But Danny...yowza! :eek: :D That look...

I'm coming, I'm coming...OW **** off PG-13-O-METER, that wasn't as bad as it sounded! Really it wasn't. Why don't you believe me? It's not like I've ever had thoughts of CENSORED BY THE PG-13-O-METER about Danny before. OK, point taken.
But Carmine *really* needs to take some wardrobe tips from Danny. He's wearing some truly terrible outfits in those pics! :lol:

At least he had a white shirt on over that red vest, Top41 . Maybe Carmine deliberately dresses badly as a kind of defence... 'If I look bad then maybe they won't recognise/try to jump me'.
Adam looks like he's doing a dark haired impression of Grissom.

So, has anyone got screencaps of 'In Enemy Hands'? :)
Hey. I didn't say buttoned up shirts, I meant like he wore in the beginning of the season. :D Like in "Blink" when he was on the barge.

And I totally agree about the Danny pic behind Carmine. I would start watching CSI:NY if I wasm't already if I saw that pic!!! I'd be like "Who is that hot guy?!" :eek:

And Carmine's character doesn't die thank goodness. He just gets threatened for giving the Nazi a dirty look.
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