The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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For some reason, even though I'm 32 and old enough to do what I like, I don't really like my Mum to know who I'm crushing on, and as she's the one I watch CSI NY with I usually keep my mouth shut. It's difficult, trust me. I don't like being judged so that probably has something to do with it. I've got all these movies with Carmine in it and they're stashed away out of reach. :lol: it's like a porn collection I'm ashamed of or something. Eventually it's gonna come out. I just can't keep my mouth closed forever.

There's actually a lot more people here close to my age than I first thought (I'm a 1972. We discovered in the chat the other day that there are Carmine fans aged about 15-40, from all corners of the globe. We're mostly female here though. I'd bet all female unless there's any brave guys out there willing to admit it.

BTW, I watched In Enemy Hands last night. Quite good. I love submarine movies so I probably would've liked it regardless of the 'cast'. :D
Heh, poor csi007 I feel yuor pain. I too have a secret Carmine movie stash my family knows nothing about. ;)
My older sister's an old married lady now (she's 25 I'm 23 but she's been part of an old married couple since she was 19 and doesn't understand my lusting after movie men) and would give me such scorn if I told her I bought movies just cos Carmine was in them. Although I'm so glad I bought In Enemy Hands cos I thought it was a really good movie even if you don't take Carmine into account.
For some reason, even though I'm 32 and old enough to do what I like, I don't really like my Mum to know who I'm crushing on, and as she's the one I watch CSI NY with I usually keep my mouth shut. It's difficult, trust me. I don't like being judged so that probably has something to do with it. I've got all these movies with Carmine in it and they're stashed away out of reach. :lol: it's like a porn collection I'm ashamed of or something. Eventually it's gonna come out. I just can't keep my mouth closed forever.

There's actually a lot more people here close to my age than I first thought (I'm a 1972. We discovered in the chat the other day that there are Carmine fans aged about 15-40, from all corners of the globe. We're mostly female here though. I'd bet all female unless there's any brave guys out there willing to admit it.

I'm the same way with Justin Theroux. I have just about every movie he's in, but they're stashed away secretly. Even though my whole family know about my crush, I just dont want to seem odd. :lol:
I don2t know but I didn2t like it--the fact that he said that...
I doubt he was purposely trying to be negative, try not to worry 'bout it too much! Just look at all the other positive and funny replies he gave us... that is just totally wicked! :)

And don't forget, things can come across differently in a chat.

Betcha as he was writing that he had a grin from ear to ear, with a loving look in his eyes thinking 'Ah, my wonderful fans... gotta love 'em... they seem like such a fun bunch!'

Trying to perk you up here... is it working? :)

yeap :))
Hello all! Been lurking for a while and finally worked up the guts to post. You guys crack me up and I have been known to burst out laughing in the middle of a very quiet library (now, that gets you some funny looks).
Few things I want to say:
1- Love Carmine and his portrayal of Danny (ah, His Hotness!)
2- Want... No, DEMAND a shower scene!
3- Khanada is my fanfic hero (posted one myself: open & shut)
4- Fell of my chair with a big thud while reading the commando comment in the chat.

Watch "the closer" on sat, wanted to kiss his gorgeous muscular shoulder better! :devil: Now excuse while I go and try to work... Work?!

stfrench xx
I've got all these movies with Carmine in it and they're stashed away out of reach. :lol: it's like a porn collection I'm ashamed of or something.
LOL! I hear ya, although I don't want to stash Carmine out of sight, he doesn't deserve that! And in my case it's not my family I'm worried about, instead my boyfriend has noticed a pattern in my movie collection: Carmine, Billy Petersen and Russell Crowe! Oh well! He's cool with it. And if he's not... I'll tease him with his Catherine Zeta-Jones collection! :D

There's actually a lot more people here close to my age than I first thought (I'm a 1972. We discovered in the chat the other day that there are Carmine fans aged about 15-40
Ah another 70's chick! ;) Actually I think it's way cool how there's so many people from different ages who are into the same thing... and what a wonderful thing it is. :devil:

Goes to show, age really does not matter whatsoever! Trust me, I know! :D
I don't see how you can't like Carmine, he's bloody gorgeous and it also helps that he's a great actor (i'm sure they're suppose to be the other way round) :D

I fit into the 15-40 as i'm 17 plus i'm from England so another corner of the globe.
Too true Udjat, age doesn't matter. Carmine is 4 years older than me... Purr-fect :devil:. But I also have the biggest crush on William Fichtner who is 1 year older than my mum! Go figure! :)
yes! yes! and yesssss!!!!! put him in the shower! YES!!
oh jeez.. like all that yelling is gonna help any...
oh well, YESYESYES!!!!
this is gonna sound a bit stupid but does the name "carmine" has any special meaning?? what does it mean?
^ ah, scream your heart out; it´s good for your health!

welcome stfrench and DAnNSfreak! (btw; does DA stand for DnA and NS for Snickers?)

age? ain´t nothing but a number! *does it get any more cornier :rolleyes:*

shower scene? ain´t nothing but pure bliss!

secret stash? don´t have one. i always put up big signs on my CSI tapes ´cause if i didn´t my mom would take them and use them to tape stupid "Incantesimo"! :rolleyes:
The only DVD's I've ever had to hide were Latter Days and Walking on Water, due to there contents (gay themes). But when it comes to all things CSI its cool because my Mum and sister watch it.

I've had more embarrassing TV obsessions so this is normal to them. Although I tried explaining the want of a shower scene to sister yesterday. All I got was a blank stare followed by 10 minutes of cackling :lol:
Although I tried explaining the want of a shower scene to sister yesterday. All I got was a blank stare followed by 10 minutes of cackling :lol:
now, this depends; how old is she?
i never tried to expain to my 12year-old half-sis what CSI is, not even to speak about Danny or the shower scene.
my 27year-old halfsister although; understands me very well! :D
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