The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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i can normally keep my comments in check but it just slipped out!!

i just got the looks from them and i said did i say that out loud? :lol:

i thought thank god i didn't say something worse! :devil:

you guys know what i am talking about! :lol:
Does anyone ever really leave the locker room for a bit? Or are we all confined here (not in the bad way, where its against our will) *lol*

I've been wondering the same. Tho, I have to leave now and then... I don't know how I'll survive two weeks without this thread...
I know I have to take some time of always when I go to check the kingdom me and ThumpyG have down there in Misc... can we leave Danny/Carmine? We'd be nuts!

*and once again she'd like to make a joke about it but sees PG-13-o-meter and hides*
although when i said why doesn't he take his shirt off i got weird looks from the family!! that was one of those things i mean't to keep in my head!

I always get the weirdest looks when I watch with my family. Sometimes when I watch it with my best friend and her husband he either leaves the room to hide or just looks frightened the whole time. AHAHA We tend to talk to the screen *sees PG-13-o-meter* uh stuff. :lol: can we leave Danny/Carmine? We'd be nuts!

Is that even possible? Isn't being here like breathing or something? :D
yeah i watched 'the closer' earlier. I was definately crying out for a shower scene when Danny was throwing them balls. That was a perfect opportunity, and when he had an ice pack on his shoulder. What better way to ease it than a nice hot shower? :D

I think i would get strange looks from my family if they saw me when i was watching that ep especially. :)
I'm bummed. I can't even think any of the PG13 rated stuff. Well, maybe PG13 because I'm one year over that, but nothing more. *pssh* I have a way of crushing on guys so much older than me.
don't feel too bad... i'm 15 and have had and have crushes on Rob Thomas, Kyle Cook and Paul Doucette from Matchbox 20, JR Richards from Dishwalla, and Carmine, of course...
My family has just given in to the idea that I'm nuts when it comes to CSI. I have the most fun watching it with my friends though, cause then we just go off! :lol:
Belated welcome to Angelica and whatshername! (yes, my comp is still in the shop)

Have you ever met a man that wouldn't be at least a little flattered by this kind of attention? Or one that doesn't think about sex at least 12 hours a day? Yeah, he's Carmine, but he's still a man. Everything he could ever want is right here in this thread.


Hey Dream! Yes, my Canada Day was boring, too...except of course for my visit to the Internet Cafe and by extension my visit in here! Gawd, I love this LockerRoom!

Young guys love attention as much as the older ones (who seem to like the reassurance that they "still have it"). So I can totally see Carmine coming here.
Actually, Danny/Carmine is a little "old" compared to what normally turns my head!

Right On, Ookpik! I'm a year and a half younger than Carmine but like you, my tastes tend to run younger...hence my big fascination with Clay Aiken (before you laugh at me, know you are laughing at a few other Locker Room gals, too!)

Angelica, don't worry...I think many girls go through that...digging way back to when I was 14/15, I crushed on older guys and celebs too: Tom Cruise (but NOT anymore!), Rick Astley, Charlie Sheen...and the list goes on. It's FUN, just enjoy it! :D

In case I miss you (which I likely will :( ) Happy 4th of July my American friends!
When I was younger, about 13, the actors I used to crush on were a lot older than me (Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Rob Lowe--the Outsiders were big then). Now that I'm older, I usually go for younger guys, don't know why, I guess that's what I'm more attracted to. But if a guy is attractive, whether he's 28 or 48, he's attractive. I find younger guys more fun to flirt with, though. Carmine looks younger than what he is, and damn, he's attractive! BTW, haven't seen any mention of a shower scene, or his lack of underwear, for some time now! If it's anywhere near hot and sweaty where he is like it is here, I'm guessing he's spending lots of time in the shower!

So anyway, happy Independence Day to all the Americans here!
Thanks for the July 4th wishes! It's already been sounding like a war zone outside and it's only the 3rd! :lol:

Anyways, if a guy is cute, a guy is cute...I don't worry about the age. However, the man is some 8 years and 353 days older than me, which isn't a bad gap at all, so I'm spared the odd glances from my family and friends. :D
it doesn't matter!!! we all like the same guy, regardless of age.... lol
Wow, EasetheMoment and Angelica had no idea you guys were so young. However, that's great for Carmine because the Locker Room is fully stocked with whatever he's into - be it jailbait, his same age (I'm in that ballpark), or older.
Wow, EasetheMoment and Angelica had no idea you guys were so young. However, that's great for Carmine because the Locker Room is fully stocked with whatever he's into - be it jailbait, his same age (I'm in that ballpark), or older.
Ah see, age matters not! Carmine will be thrilled to have fans from all age groups! :)

As for me? I´m the same age as Carmine (well, 3 months older), yes 1973 was a good year! :D. Yes I was old enough to consciously witness Live Aid 20 years ago!

Did anyone see the 2005 version last weekend? Wonder if Carmine was watching? He seems to be into good music!

OK I'm wandering off here... let me rephrase the previous sentence to stay on topic: Wonder if Carmine was watching... commando style! :devil:
That was a perfect opportunity, and when he had an ice pack on his shoulder. What better way to ease it than a nice hot shower? :D

Hmm, I dunno, a massage maybe? :devil: I volunteer (out of the goodness of my heart of course :D )

I think i would get strange looks from my family if they saw me when i was watching that ep especially.

Yeah my family already think I'm far too guy crazy, and especially Danny crazy so it's a really good thing I have my own flat. Specially this week with the Closer and in last weeks On The Job when I got a static shock trying to hug the TV. :lol:
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