The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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ok, read it!

hehehe, he visited the netherlands; i guess Udjat gonna bite her ass off now for not being a crazy stalker fan-girl and tracing him down! :lol:

ah, and what can i say? he´s got a good taste in music, gotta give it to him there.
hehehe, he visited the netherlands; i guess Udjat gonna bite her ass off now for not being a crazy stalker fan-girl and tracing him down! :lol:
Ugh, you know it! That is exactly what I thought when I read it! Hmph, it's not fair. For once the man is in my neck of the woods and I didn't know! :(

Betcha anything he went to Amsterdam, which is about a half hour drive from where I am...BOOOHOOOOOO!!!!

Can I scream now?
:lol: yes, you may scream now.

ah, amsterdam(n) third fav city in the world! (ha, now you´re probably surpirsed how come it´s not my number 1)...but i won´t go on ´bout that now-this ain´t the place nor the time for that.
ah, amsterdam(n) third fav city in the world! (ha, now you´re probably surpirsed how come it´s not my number 1)...but i won´t go on ´bout that now-this ain´t the place nor the time for that.
Hmph, everyone from overseas always goes to Amsterdam, I'm sure Carmine isn't any different. Guess it's the most logical thing to do, Amsterdam is right next to the airport.

But erm... Carmine, if you're reading this, come to Utrecht next time, it's a great city! I'll show ya the sights :D
what exactly do you mean by "sights"? :lol: :devil:

you know what i was very suprised by? how different the rest of the netherlands is from amsterdam...
ok, this is bad; i can´t stay on-topic for the love of God!

gah! must´s hot...yes...

:rolleyes: i´m so bad with staying on-topic...
:lol: it better be next season..or maybe he'll get the writers to tease us a while

Imagine the avs and signatures after that episode airs...I won't need Danny Sim anymore lol
what exactly do you mean by "sights"? :lol: :devil:
You have a dirty mind, young lady!

....oh wait... so do I! :devil:

Carmine, I will show you any of the sights you'd like... my shower... my bed... my sm parlour... ::snort:: did I just say that? :lol:. Hey what can I say, Holland is a beautiful country! :D
I feel so cheated. I missed the chat because of stupid thunderstorms.

I like Carmine... just not enough to risk having my laptop fried by the lightening :p
ı've read the transcript and god he's cute... has a bit of a different attitude though, something weird about him that I couldn't name yet...
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