The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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ooooh yes, forget the soft furnishing, theres only one thing that would be on my mind in his home..... :devil:

oh, hi everyone!
What about Danny's home? Now we know he lives in an apartment. Messy or neat? :D
hmmmm...danny is neat quite clean, he aint the sort of person that would leave pizza boxes around and dirty pants!
See, I think he's messy. Not dirty, because I don't see him leaving rotting food around (ew, but some guys do!), but I don't see him being totally neat either. There might be clothes on his floor. :lol:
like, sort of lived in, hmmmm.. yeh maybe, what about the bathroom, does he have a shower over the bath or a cubical?
hmmm, I also think lived in is how his apartment is. I don't think that he leaves food lying around and such, but maybe clothes here and there for a couple of days and then he picks them up awhen he has the time and does laundry or actually hangs them up.
Very nice Wet!Danny pic. :D

I see Danny being neat. Maybe a few clothes in the hamper, but not messy.

Do you guys think Danny cooks for himself or has takeout a lot? :)

And I see there being a shower/tub combo.
Danny's totally a takeout babe. I bet he loves Chinese food. :D

Ah, could I forget the most important part! I'm all for a shower/tub combo, if just because I wouldn't mind seeing Danny in a bath, either. :devil:
I can see him having takeout a lot too. I think he'd also make some pasta for himself once in awhile though. I love a man who can cook. :p

And I wouldn't say no to Danny in a bath either. :devil:
I see Danny as a cook at home guy and Flack as more of a takeout guy. Some episode gave me that impression - can't remember which one.

I'm all for a shower/tub as long as the tub is big enough two.

I think Danny's apartment is cluttered, but not dirty or gross. I imagine him with piles of books scattered everywhere, some open and flipped over, others just stacked in places.

ohh I forgot the tub/shower combo- what was I thinking, obviously I wasn't!

I think that the shower is part of the tub and that the tub is large

as far as takeout or cook at home, I would hope that he would cook some at home but I think that I am leaning more towards takeout.
Would you really be all that interested in your surroundings? Just need to know where the shower is. :lol:

Good point, though the location of the bedroom might also be of interest. :devil:

Speaking of the bedroom, I just watched Terror Tract (yes, I actually shelled out $30 for a DVD I'd never seen before because I can't find anywhere that rents it and it is only sold as part of a two movie DVD - the other of which I couldn't care less about because it doesn't involve CDG). Pretty decent movie. Carmine is only in the first 30 minutes and his segment ends in the same way The Learning Curve and Fallen Arches do, which is always a bummer. However, on to the important details - plenty of shirtlessness, no ass shot (sadly), a minute or so of kissing, and happily a scene at the beginning involving Carmine in the wife beater he wears so well kissing a lucky girls chest, stomach, knee, inner thigh, and then we don't get to see what else, but she moans like he knows his way around. Damn, I went down the wrong career path. His co-stars seem to score a pretty decent amount of action, albeit simulated.
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