The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

  • Yes, it was brilliant

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Well actually it was more like early this morning (2am) for me...hehe..couldn't sleep last night
I hear ya, same here! Where d'ya think the fanfic came from? Well, partially anyways! :)
That was an excellant story!! I really love fanfics about Danny but there just aren't enough of them!
I used to write a lot. I've written some pretty good (read: porno) fanfic in my time too. It's not something I'm hugely into, so if you guys could link me to some of your faves I'd appreciate it. I'm not well and I need to fill in time for a couple of days until can go out again. :)
Those pics from Carmine's trip are great!! I wish there was a way to get the one of him in just the black tank top and khakis by himself. Now that is a hot pic!
Great Pics at!!! I love the one that EllaJ is using for her avatar.
Udjat- read your story. It was very good. I especially liked the ending. That was very cute. I could so see Aiden doing that to Danny.
Having seen the Venezuela and a few other pics I have to say, although vests are not my, and several other people here, most favourite item of clothing it does seem to be Carmine’s! So far I’ve seen pics of him in white, red, black and grey vests. Just need three more colours and he’ll have one for every day of the week. He should at least have a blue one to match his eyes.

I wonder if the different colours was his idea, or did he go shopping with some else. You know what men are like, they find an item of clothing they like and then just buy lots of it. :rolleyes: I can imagine him going into a shop and picking up 7 white vests in his size thinking ‘this will do’ and the person with him saying ‘oh really Carmine, if you’re going to get all vests at least get them in different colours so people know you change your top every day’.
you could totally imagine that!! but i agree he should have a blue one to bring out the colour of his eyes!!

oh and shower scene!! :lol: :devil:
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