The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

24: Redemption, worth the wait?

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  • No, I was disappointed

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  • Could have been better

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Well I have seen a pic of his bare tushy (sp) before. And I must say it was very nice!!
Damn udjat, I missed your devious behaviour. Feel free to use butt shot avatar on the board. I'm not about to get upset about it. ;P
^ I love the pics you have up on the site....I hadn't seen some of those Venezuela pics yet..And one looked exactly like "the grin" from the opening credits
Damn udjat, I missed your devious behaviour. Feel free to use butt shot avatar on the board. I'm not about to get upset about it. ;P
I tried, couldn't get it to be small enough for it to be properly visible! Blech! :(
Damn. Damn. Damn. One lousy deposition and I miss what sounds like a tremendous avatar? That sucks. udjat - you must find a way to upload your censored avatar at so we can all appreciate your handiwork. Dying to see it. csi007 - Thanks for posting the Venezuela pictures on your site. I hadn't seen all of them before. Tasty. I liked the glasses on the head one as it was so Danny. There are some great shots of his gorgeous eyes and I'm really liking the scruff ... it's sort of an "I just rolled out of bed and didn't have time to shave this morning because I was busy giving a repeat performance of what some lucky girl got last night" look. ... or it could be, "I'm hung over and don't give a shit what I look like today," but either way - it's hot. :devil:
I almost forgot to welcome angelwings to all the fun. Good call on the shower shoes - you'll need them around here.
venezuela pictures are amazing especially there's this one pictuer.. he's smiling and he's sooo cute!!!
udjat[/b] - you must find a way to upload your censored avatar at so we can all appreciate your handiwork. Dying to see it.

I have an idea. Upload to photobucket and as long as the webaddy is nice and innocent, how about posting the link in here.

Just stick a warning label before it. Instead of trying to beat the PG-13-O-Meter we could always try to outsmart it :p
I have an idea. Upload to photobucket and as long as the webaddy is nice and innocent, how about posting the link in here.

Just stick a warning label before it. Instead of trying to beat the PG-13-O-Meter we could always try to outsmart it :p
I'l see if I can make it smaller to have it fit the requirements on

And now for something completely different, something I'd like to share with the Locker Room groupies.

I've written my very first fanfic and love to know what you guys think of it.

Reason I'm also posting the link here, is because it's got a little something in it that originated in the Locker Room.

Love to get feedback, just be gentle with me coz I'm only a fanfic virgin and not a native speaker of the english language.

And a big thank you goes out to Dylan (who posted for me on LJ) and awesomepossum (who writes awesome fic IMHO) for the beta-ing.


Mild warning for some explicit intimate scenes and violence, so if that bothers you, don't read it!
I finally saw those Venezuela photos last night. I wanted to take a razor to BOTH of those guys! I'm not into that much facial hair, sorry.
There was one photo where I couldn't tell if our Carmine was hungover or just tired. But it was cute. And he has amazing eyes, even behind sunglasses.
i can't believe i missed that avatar!! i have no luck!

CSI NY is on tonight in the uk the season finale! i can't wait but i think to refresh my memory (yeah right like i need a reason) i will watch the Closer and not just because Danny was hot in it!! :lol: :devil:
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