The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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In the original locker room, the question was raised about his full name and the consensus was Carmine Dominick Giovinazzo. Dominick is his father's name I believe.
Dominick?? Strange coincidence... Carmine and my brother look alike and my bro's middle name is Dominic, minus the K. I'm now shuddering at the thought that Carmine and my brother have the same middle name.
Haha yeah... I think I've asked this question beofre but; is he Italian? He looks like one and his last name sounds like one.
Small reference to the new CSI:New York Book Dead of Winter As soon as I read this I had to post it here. Dont worry its nothing that spoils the plot:

On page 66 of the book Stella makes reference to Danny going home and having a shower. See we arent the only ones. Who knew Stella was a locker room groupie as well.
I'm back, yay. :D

^She does seem to have a soft spot for him. :lol:

That's great news to hear adder574 our wishes have finally been recongised, to a certain degree anyway. :D
Dude, Stella wants a piece of that. Who can blame her? Danny's sexy. Does she tell Danny to take a shower, or just make mention of the fact that he did?

So, I wonder if this author knows about the Locker Room and threw that in as a gift to the Locker Room Groupies. It would be an awful big coincidence otherwise. ;) I say we show our gratitude by going out and buying his book! We need to encourage this kind of thing. :D

I like that Danny and Stella are paired for a case in the book. Honestly, I think they'd make a cute couple on screen if CSI ever went that way (not that they ever would). They'd have the right combination of heat (because they're both passionate people) and angst (because Danny is difficult, period). I think it could be interesting.
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