The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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top41 im writing that email now but stil dont know what to write? where is the email link because i cant find it and has anyone got a kidnappign plan
top41 im writing that email now but stil dont know what to write? where is the email link because i cant find it and has anyone got a kidnappign plan

No kidnapping plans, no, because they're illegal. ;) Seriously, talk of that should probably fall to the wayside, okay? :cool:

As for what to write Carmine, I'd suggest telling him about what you like about Danny, and maybe mention some of your favorite/scenes Danny was in. Carmine seems interested in people's reaction to his character, so I'm sure he'd enjoy hearing what you have to say about that! :D
all ive wrote so far is "i think you play a really good part is csi:ny and your my favourite character" any other ideas im stuck
^bambam, it's Carmine's birthday tomorrow (the 24th). That should give you a little something more to write about. ;)

Lookaboomerang, yup, I guessed it wasn't reverse psychology on your part. ;) Oh well, right?
What was your favorite episode that featured Danny prominently, bambam? What made you first notice his character?

I think I noticed him right away, in MIA/NYC (the Miami crossover) because he really has a presence. Something about him demands that you notice him and it's hard to look away after that. The impression continued in "Blink" when I found Danny to be opinionated and clever, questioning things if they didn't make sense to him (something that clearly got under Mac's skin). He blew me away in "Outside Man" when he conveyed just how much Danny cared about the case he was working and how much it affected him through the expression on his face at the end. The words were powerful, too, but the look of devastation and puzzlement as he tried to rationalize what happened and couldn't was so moving and sad. To see that he wasn't yet jaded by the job, that he can still be affected, gave us a lot of insight into his character.

That's the kind of stuff I think he wants to hear about.
^I also like how Danny is so real. I just watched On the Job and, well, I guess the praise should go to Carmine as an actor here because every line he delivered and every gesture he made really captured the emotion Danny was supposed to have felt. It was a beautiful performance. And I'm not just saying that to kiss ass to birthday boy. *explains to PG-13-o-meter that the last line was not meant to be taken literally*
I think he's the most relatable character on the show. His emotions are so close to the surface and he reacts to things like a normal person would, not like Super Cool CSI Person would. Danny is so human, so vulnerable, so fallable-it just makes him more interesting to watch because last time I checked, none of us were perfect.

"On the Job" is a great example, because honestly, who wouldn't have done what Danny did in the subway? If someone shot at me, I'd shoot back! And it's hard to fault him for wanting to defend himself. Mac was a cold automaton in that episode--distant and clinical--while Danny was all wounded emotion, unable to reason his way through a situation that was extremely traumatizing.
He's definitely the most interesting character on the show. Carmine's pretty good at portraying the tortured, broken soul that is Danny Messer. I'm really excited to see what will happen this season with him. There should be some good things coming up, with Aiden leaving and then the whole supposed Tanglewood thing coming up.
"i think you play a really good in csi ny, you are also my favourite character in that show, i also think that you are a great actor and should keep on acting."

ive wrote this so far ill tell you when i sent it
Yes, props definitely go to Carmine for his portrayal of Danny. I honestly can't see any other actor playing Danny, and I don't think you can say that about every role on television, or even in the CSI shows. The actors are all usually high caliber, but Carmine does stand out. He's got a hell of a character to play, but if he wasn't up to the task I don't think Danny would be half so appealing. There are plenty of men who couldn't have carried the scenes where Danny was close to tears in "On the Job," but Carmine made it seem real and believable. The situation was tearing Danny apart, and he conveyed it so powerfully.
Sure, bambam! :) Don't forget to wish him happy birthday, too.
here is the last bit of the email "i also would like to wish ypou a happy birthday have a great day" im going to sent it then :)
He's definitely the most interesting character on the show. Carmine's pretty good at portraying the tortured, broken soul that is Danny Messer. I'm really excited to see what will happen this season with him. There should be some good things coming up, with Aiden leaving and then the whole supposed Tanglewood thing coming up.
Me too, I wonder how much Aiden leaving will effect Danny (depending on how she departs). I can`t wait for more information on Tanglewood.
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