The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Definitely given up. And besides, I've already seen enough of the need to see them again. Even though he is going to the Y to prepare for it...supposedly. :lol: However, thinking back on it, that was the funniest conversation between 40 people and a celebrity I've ever witnessed.
lmao..I know..especially his answer to the boxers or briefs question..

I'm still holding out hope for the shower scene though :D
Definitely given up. And besides, I've already seen enough of the need to see them again. Even though he is going to the Y to prepare for it...supposedly. :lol: However, thinking back on it, that was the funniest conversation between 40 people and a celebrity I've ever witnessed.

I recognize reverse psychology when I see it. Clever, clever! Yes, wouldn't they all be sad if we gave up hope for the shower scene and just stopped watching? Hmmm, wouldn't that make them sad?

It would be especially disappointing if he's working out at the Y in vain. :( Clearly he's willing to show off his body on screen, so why are we being denied the scene we all want? :confused: :devil:
Well put Top41!

I still stand by my idea of stealing him until the writers give us what we deserve (showersceneshowerscene!). But then again if we had him we wouldnt need the writers to write it, we could orchestrate it ourselves. And it would probably be a much better shower scene....
Well, network prudes allowed Dennis Franz in the shower! :eek: So if we can see Sipkowitz's (sp?) butt, why not Danny's??? I guarantee I know which one would make for more pleasurable viewing... ;) :devil:
Oh god. I forgot about that in NYPD Blue. Really, that's disgusting for me to think about. And I forgot about Stella's shower scene earlier in the season. That just proves to me that they're teasing.
Well, network prudes allowed Dennis Franz in the shower! :eek: So if we can see Sipkowitz's (sp?) butt, why not Danny's???
*shudder* I'm so glad I missed that! But I'm standing by lookaboomerang here. Giving up on waiting for that shower scene to happen. Gawd, I'm reeking of reverse psychology. *jumps into shower*
Would you guys believe me if I said it wasn't reverse psychology? I honestly don't think it's going to happen, but if it does, I certainly won't close my eyes.
I don't know if it will happen or not, but hey, I'm an optimist, so I choose to believe. :lol: Alas, I don't think we'd get to see that fine ass (thanks again, Janet & Justin, for setting TV back like 10 years! :rolleyes: ), but we'd see some skin. :cool:
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