The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Yes I did, you freak. I even forwarded you the email! Of course, twas a few years ago. Maybe you just forgot.

Could be...I was never into that, so it might not have registered as well, as say, your response from Carmine the other day...???
haha him screaming wasnt we on about this last night?

It's actually from the episode "Til Death Do We Part" if I recall correctly. Someone just got a screencap at like the perfect moment, because I've never even caught it on screen! :lol: But it cracks me up to no end.
lol you to are cracking me up wot the heck is grape jello..inquiring minds want to know

Grape Jello. It is a grape flavored gelatin snack. Oh, never mind, it is a long story. A long, kinky story.

Isn't jello in the US what we call jelly in the UK and to add to the confusion, jelly in the US is the same as jam here in the UK?
Maybe it's because I'm not a big lover of jelly, but the thought of a bathtub full of the stuff makes me feel queasy rather than kinky.
oh i dont know, i wouldnt mind being in a bath full of jelly with danny, as long as there was squirty cream on hand to go with it :devil:
My good co-mod fixed it for me and didn't make fun of me for it. :lol: Color me impressed! :D

Well, I was going to but then I realized I was too lazy to be witty that night. You lucked out. :D

:lol: Mods can be bad girls, too. :devil: ;)

Hell yeah! Haven't ya'll ever seen "Mods Gone Wild!"? :lol:
I think we should stick to the shower scene, it's more hygenic than sitting around in food. ;)
^Sitting around in food? :lol: Heh, that cracked me up big time. :D

But yeah, the shower scene is what we're all about. :cool:
lets terroise(sp) the writters

Let's not. ;) They're good people. I have faith that one day they'll give us our shower scene. :devil:
Heh..I still have my money on episode 7..for that moment..I remember Carmine put it quite nicely in the chat lol

We're on #4?!?!?
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