The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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Heh..I still have my money on episode 7..for that moment..I remember Carmine put it quite nicely in the chat lol

We're on #4?!?!?
I think my money was on episode 6, because I think that might be the Tanglewood follow-up. It would be sweet to have a shower scene in that one.
Maybe they can spread it over 2 episodes


:lol: Hey EllaJ, do you mean 2 shower scenes in 2 consecutive episodes or 1 shower scene spread over 2 episodes? Now that would be sweet! :devil: Almost 2 hours of danny in the shower. Mmmmm, wet Danny! :devil: Sign me up for that one! :D
I am so glad to be back online at home so I can talk about Danny more. Actually, while I was getting my cable hookup today for the tv and the internet, the cable servicewoman wanted to make sure that the cable worked with the internet so she had me hook up my laptop with the internet to check. My wallpaper on my laptop is a picture of Danny, with a pair of boxers on (too bad he's got those on :devil: ) and she asked me if he was my boyfriend! I laughed and stated that I wished he was!
lol someone asked me the same thing i had a picture of greg and an someone from my old school goes is that your boyfriend i said what you said no i wish he was :lol:
I am so glad to be back online at home so I can talk about Danny more. Actually, while I was getting my cable hookup today for the tv and the internet, the cable servicewoman wanted to make sure that the cable worked with the internet so she had me hook up my laptop with the internet to check. My wallpaper on my laptop is a picture of Danny, with a pair of boxers on (too bad he's got those on :devil: ) and she asked me if he was my boyfriend! I laughed and stated that I wished he was!

I would have said "Yeah... in my dreams..."

i was just laughing after when she asked me and they was like whos in your picture i was like GREG SANDERS FROM CSI VEGAS AND HIS REAL NAMES ERIC SZMANDA they was like ok
I've decided to return to this thread! I haven't been in here in ages cause I couldn't keep up, but I'm back again!
well i have been quiet of late so..

hi to all the new people to the locker room i am glad you guys have fun here!!

And i have to mention the SHOWER SCENE don't i??? :devil: :lol:
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