The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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Thanks a bunch Bitten for those pictures! Now how can I concentrate? :D The man is just too beautiful for his own good! God, is it weird that my heartbeat just increased tenfold?
Hee! I bought Gwen Stefani's album at the week end and in one of the songs (Bubble Pop Electric), she sings "Tonight I'm gonna give you all my love in the back seat" and for some reason I can't fathom, Danny's picture just popped in my mind! :devil:
I also apologise for overreacting to that thread. I'm all for people having their own opinions. :)

Now about those pics. Man he looks gorgeous when he's all serious.


What ep is that pic from?

I have to say, he's gorgeous in Blink. :D
I only just watched it. I didn't become a fan until the middle of the season and it was repeated on tues night over here. That and being on holiday means i missed out on the gorgeousness until sat.
Same here, Crazy4Danny! I didn't actually realise that His Hotness was err, hot until the Tanglewood episode. But I watched (and taped!) Blink on Tuesday and I watched it again at the week-end (because it's more fun than ironing :)) and I just squeeeeed during the scene where they were on the barge and the top of Danny's overalls is off and tied around his waist and the sleeves of his T-shirt are rolled up! Squeeeeee! Sorry, I'm 12 again! :D
Especially when it's a beautiful tatoo on an equally beautiful shoulder! :devil: Sorry, I feel another squeeeee coming! :D
Actually, could you really see the tatoo in this scene? Cos I didn't pay attention to it! Probably too busy squeeeing! :lol: But if so, my reaction would be *thud* + *purrs* that someone who looks so sweet (what with the blond highlights and all!) has actually a little dangerous side to him (what with the tatoo and all!). Don't ask me why, but tatoos have this air of danger to me.... Probably because at 28 I'm still afraid of what my mother would do to me if I had one done! :lol:
Tattoo = Air of danger.

Nice to know :devil:

And yeah you see the tattoo in the first episode. I remember watching the scene the first time round and squee-ing :lol:
Ah, a beautiful tattoo on a beautiful man! Bliss! I love tattoos on a good-looking guy! Just don't like an overkill of tattoos a la Tommy Lee... but then again I don't find him a good-looking guy! :lol:

Carmine makes the tattoo work, doesn't he! :D
^ he does make the tattoo work.

I'd like a tattoo but there are two things stopping me. One is my mom. She'd problably kill me. And the second is that, as of this minute i'm not old enough. I could probably pass as being 18 but i'm not actually 18 until November. :(

Back to subject. I never realised how sexy he was with highlights. I'd seen screencaps but until you see him actually as danny in an episode with highlights, it didn't really hit me. (if that makes sense)

I thought he was really funny when we first see him in 'Blink' with stella. :lol: that had be laughing. I love a guy with a sense of humour.
As much as I think tattoos are cool and look great on guys, I am way too big a wimp to ever get one myself. Pain = not good in my book. :lol: Ask Bitten, who along with midnight tried to get me to get my ears pierced. It didn't work. ;)

Still, I love a nice tattoo on a man. There's something decidedly sexy about it.

I miss the blond highlights. :(
Pain = not good in my book.
Now that kinda depends, doesn't it! There's pain and there's pain! You gotta distinguish between them. :devil:

Still, I love a nice tattoo on a man. There's something decidedly sexy about it.
Absolutely agree with you there! Although I wonder if I'd find a tattoo as sexy on Carmine if it hadn't been that cool tribal on his arm, but a little heart on his butt...... yeah, I probably would! :p

I miss the blond highlights. :(
They're home sick, they wanna come home! :(
I'm fine with pain... just waiting for the cash. As soon as I get it I'm booking in to get inked. Pain is my friend :devil:

Although this is coming from the gal with 1 eyebrow piercings and 2 lip piercings so take no notice :lol:

There is just something about tattoo's. I find them such a work of art and could study them for hours. It would be a bonus if the person with them was nice to look at. Wouldn't mind studying Carmine for hours muwah!
A tattoo on his ass? Well we know he doesn't have one (unless it's new), but Danny could have a tattoo on his ass. We need a shower scene to properly showcase this tattoo.
Breathtaking?!? I swear infront of God and all the saints...That man is walking sex!!!! :cool:

The nose thing...Well, sign me up to be the official tester of this theory...If he ever wants a lovechild, I'd more than willingly volunteer...And that tattoo...Good googleymoogley...I think my face just turned red...Is that even possible? :D

Ok, I think I'm done now before I get into trouble. ;)

Seriously though...Aside from the fact the man is great eye candy, there's something else about him that makes him very appealing to me, in a completely respectable way believe it or not...I can't quite place it though...I'll never actually know for sure unless I have some kind of physical encounter with him (and I'm keeping it clean here ladies :D) which will in all actuality have at least a 75% chance of never happening...Still, it would be nice to compare notes sometime (Some of you know what I'm talking about :cool:).

Strickly non-sexual and respectful here (Looks up at the first half of her post) Don't mind that...I'm a bit frustrated at the moment. :lol: ;) :D :cool:
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