The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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:lol: Bitten I love how you punctuate your points! 'Naked Danny' 'Danny in the shower'...or just a lovely picture... *grin* vera nice! :p
its not that people were bashing carmine on this thread but some people had mentioned him in the past and not reffering to his character and i just dont like it, but yes everyone has their opinions. If they want to attack carmine or danny, they can and should because it is their opinion, but keep in mind it does bother some people.
Am i being a bit harsh?
No, that was my job. :devil:

You mean besides the shower scene, and how big his feet are? ;) :D :cool:
I'm gonna burst your bubble...

If they want to attack carmine or danny, they can and should because it is their opinion, but keep in mind it does bother some people.
Some people=me. Like I said before, I have no problem with people bashing Danny, but Carmine is a real person and I think that should be off limits, especially in a CSI forum for fans. If this was an anti-CSI site then maybe I would feel differently. I probably wouldn't be here at all.

Seriously, what if I started posting how much udjat annoys me, or how with wish DaWacko would just go away (no harm guys, your names are just the first ones that came to mind)? I know that wouldn't be allowed here, so how is bashing Carmine any different? Does he need to sign up and make his presence known before he gets the right not to be insulted?

Anyway, having said that, I stand by my apology, and the fact that I completely overreacted in that thread. I was having a bad day or something and I came across as a right psycho. I just don't like people being negative towards other people that way, on the internet or in real life. There's too much badness in the world, people. Try to not contribute to that so much. :p
You mean besides the shower scene, and how big his feet are? ;) :D :cool:
I'm gonna burst your bubble...

It doesn't burst my bubble because I happen to believe it's directly related to nose size...




Disclaimer before a riot breaks out - I'm not making fun. I like big noses. They're fucking sexy.
yeah i completely agree with you csi007 you are so right and i commend you for what you said. He is a real person and should be treated like any one of us here in the thread. His character has nothing to do with him.
Guys, I know some of you are upset about the other thread, but this one isn't really the place to discuss it. There are a million positive Danny threads; let's enjoy those ones. :cool:

As for Carmine, he knows he's got fans here. ;) No one is universally liked, not even (try not to be shocked!) me! I'm pretty sure there's someone in Podunk IA (or was it Poughkipsee, NY?) who hates my guts. :( It's hard, but I survive. So will Carmine. ;)

Ladies, tell me, is this not beautiful? Look at that serious look, those pensive eyes, that determined set of his mouth. Look at that expression of deep concentration, how his eyebrows are furrowed. Look at his slightly disheveled hair, and tanalyzingly slightly open shirt. The man is breaktaking.
^Well, that person is Podunk is kinda deranged... :D ;)
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