The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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I have one on the outer right part of my left breast...I love it to death...I get compliments on it all of the time, and I'm sure it's not because its location.
Proof that you actually are blonde. :lol: I'm gonna have to say location is likely a factor.
I have one on the outer right part of my left breast...I love it to death...I get compliments on it all of the time, and I'm sure it's not because its location.
Proof that you actually are blonde. :lol: I'm gonna have to say location is likely a factor.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What I meant was...It's not like it's jumping out with my cleavage or anything...It's a little bit higher than that...You can see it when I wear tank tops or moderate v-cut shirts...Stuff like that...Oh wait...I just did it again, didn't I? :D :lol: :D :lol: :cool:

Even though I'm a blonde, and just proved it, you still want me right? ;) :p :lol: :cool:

Disclaimer before a riot breaks out - I'm not making fun. I like big noses. They're fucking sexy.

Do you really think he has a big nose? I thought it was just right, not too big and not too small. It's all subjective I suppose. We can all agree on the sexy bit though! :D
Pain's not necessarily the issue in my case. Hell, I can draw my own BLOOD so needles don't bother me. Plus, I said I considered a tattoo but I'm still ink-free.

What is the issue then? I'm just curious, people's quirks interest me and believe me, I can't say I'm not quirky myself. At the age of 22 I still have to have my mom in the room if I get shots, yet I have seven piercings total, two in one ear, three in the other (one is cartilage) and the other two are...well, I won't say but suffice it to say they're a matching set. :lol:


Even though I'm a blonde, and just proved it, you still want me right? ;) :p :lol: :cool:
Of course. You and Udjat are my girl-crushes. :D

csilifeline - I think he does have a big nose. However, I like strong features on a man, so it enhances his sexiness in my opinion. Every single feature on that oh-so-handsome face is perfection to me.
Even though I'm a blonde, and just proved it, you still want me right? ;) :p :lol: :cool:
Of course. You and Udjat are my girl-crushes. :D

csilifeline - I think he does have a big nose. However, I like strong features on a man, so it enhances his sexiness in my opinion. Every single feature on that oh-so-handsome face is perfection to me.

Awww, aren't you the sweetest thing. :p :cool:

(According to the next comment)<raises hands up in praise> Amen, Sister G. :D
hehehe. I have no idea what's going on...

just saw the trailer for The Learning Curve. Yeah, I know, it's old, but I just wanted to see it to see if it was worth watching. OMG it looks f---in' good! I wish they were showing it on cable- I dunno if my mom will let me buy it on DVD. But I sooooo want to watch it. Wow.

Angelica - You MUST watch "The Learning Curve." Aside from the opening scene in "The Big Brass Ring", it's the closest thing you'll see to Carmine porn. Plenty of hooking up. On that basis alone, I highly recommend it.
Of course. You and Udjat are my girl-crushes. :D
Awww MrsG. ::smoochies::! I'll go threesome with you and Carmine any day! Ah, what the hell, we'll invite godofmediocrity as well! The more the merrier, eh? I'm sure Carmine won't mind! :D
I think he does have a big nose. However, I like strong features on a man
Hmmm, didn't think it was that big either! But you are right, it is a strong feature on Carmine. It's beautifully shaped tho. Love the little speck on there especially! :)

Physique-wise, the man has no flaws! ::sighs:: ;)
^ no flaws at all *says dreamily as looks back at picture to inspect it* :D

I haven't seen 'the learning curve' yet.

I would definately have to ask my mom's opinion before i got a tattoo. i know she'd say no. Whether or not i listened to her would be another thing. :D
He is bloody perfect! How annoying is that?! :D
Yeah I like tatoos on a guy as long as it's not an overkill. It's that "bad boy" kind of thing that gets me! *purrs*
"The learning Curve" sucks, Crazy4Danny. But I will raise my hand up and be honest, I have watched it several times for the yummy goodness that is Carmine in it... The haircut, not so much, but the bare chest on display... a lot! :devil:
Edited to say: Thanks Udjat for your review on! :D That was so sweet of you! There will be more! I am working on my next one with my top 3 Danny fantasies: Danny in the shower, food on Danny and Danny tied up! :devil: :lol:
Edited to say: Thanks Udjat for your review on! :D That was so sweet of you! There will be more! I am working on my next one with my top 3 Danny fantasies: Danny in the shower, food on Danny and Danny tied
up! :devil: :lol:
You're very welcome! I put your nic on alert-mode on, so I should receive an e-mail when you post another one or an update! Yikes, can't wait! :)
He must have a big nose. ALL the guys I like have big noses. I have such a thing for them.
He must have a big nose. ALL the guys I like have big noses. I have such a thing for them.

You could always do like that chick on Ally MB, and you could lick some whipped cream off of the guy's nose. ;) :cool:

Oh...The things you can scratch and sniff...I'm one sick bitty. :D :lol: :cool:
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