The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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There's a 25% chance of a physical encounter happening with a fictional character? :lol: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

Danny just exudes sex; it's one of the most fascinating things about him. Whoever does the wardrobe for the show is spot on with Danny. The glasses? The hair? The slightly rumpled clothes that fit him just perfectly? Yes, kudos. :D

Then there's Carmine's performance, which I maintain is very nuanced. Danny's intensity, his emotions which are always so close to the surface, even the way he speaks--all make him endlessly enticing.

The man is sex on a stick. :D
There's a 25% chance of a physical encounter happening with a fictional character? :lol: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

:lol: Oh...Well, aren't you a damn riot. ;) Just remember...I'm a blonde, so I'm allowed stupidity....Don't get too close though, you might actually catch my stupid. ;) :lol: :cool:

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone...I was refering to Carmine...(Mockingly) For clarification purposes, Top...Beginning to fiddle with my blonde hair. :lol:
As much as I think tattoos are cool and look great on guys, I am way too big a wimp to ever get one myself. Pain = not good in my book. :lol: Ask Bitten, who along with midnight tried to get me to get my ears pierced. It didn't work. ;)

Chicken! It doesn't hurt that much, promise. I'll come and pin you down, I mean hold your hand while they do it.

Still, I love a nice tattoo on a man. There's something decidedly sexy about it.

I think the tattoo is nicely highlighted by the exceptional arms. I'd like to lick it.

I miss the blond highlights. :(

Me too, heavy sigh.
Chicken! It doesn't hurt that much, promise. I'll come and pin you down, I mean hold your hand while they do it.

That's what they said, but I am difficult when it comes to unnecessary pain. You're more than welcome to try; no one has succeeded yet.... ;) Apparently, I'm difficult. :confused:

I think the tattoo is nicely highlighted by the exceptional arms. I'd like to lick it.

Those perfectly sculpted arms don't hurt, no. :lol:

Me too, heavy sigh.

Maybe he'll go blond in the second season. They say blonds have more fun, and Danny sure could use some fun... :lol:
Pain = not good in my book. :lol: Ask Bitten, who along with midnight tried to get me to get my ears pierced. It didn't work. ;)

Oh come on now! We totally would have gotten you to do it if Claire's hadn't closed at the highly unreasonable hour of 6pm. On a Friday. Wtf was that about?
^Dude, you did not stand a chance. :lol: Remember how stubborn I was like, all day? :lol:

And it was 7pm I think...I cleverly diverted you guys to White Hen for some water. :devil:

Now if Danny had been naked, and giving the piercings, you might have stood a chance. Sucks for you guys that he ain't real! :lol: ;)
Sorry, I gotta side with Top on this one. I'm all for everyone's inalienable rights not to punch more holes in their head than nature intended. Needless to say, I don't have pierced ears either... or anything else for that matter. I've considered a tat (still do occasionally) but I'm getting to that age where I gotta consider what it'll look like when I'm say... 60 or 70.

Now Danny? Sign him up for a soapy, hot water tattoo check by the entire locker room.
^Amen to that! We need to see all the tattoos Danny might have. It's research, and I believe in being thorough. :)

I ran across a book at work called Drama Kings the other cracked me up because it made me think of Danny. :lol:
Yeah but thing was, midnight and I wanted more piercings anyways (something to remember the trip by...that and ear piercings are addictive) so we didn't get ours done either. :(

Khanada, you'll consider a tattoo but you won't pierce your ears? Ear piercing doesn't even hurt, whereas a tattoo is a bunch of needles injecting ink into your skin.
^Yeah, I know--I did feel bad for you guys. I was surprised that they closed that early, honestly.
Pain's not necessarily the issue in my case. Hell, I can draw my own BLOOD so needles don't bother me. Plus, I said I considered a tattoo but I'm still ink-free.
I've considered a tat (still do occasionally) but I'm getting to that age where I gotta consider what it'll look like when I'm say... 60 or 70.

If you get the tattoo in an area not likely to accumulate excessive fat or be subjected to the ravishes of time they hold up quite well. The closer to the bone, the more painful, but less wrinkles, so better staying power, and a beautiful tattoo with reinking come senility. Upper part of the inner thigh, boobs- bad ideas.

Now, Danny - I hope the second season sees the return of the highlights, the introduction of the episodic shower scene, a blind eye by the FCC so I can get an eyeful, and of course Flack professing his undying love to Danny.

Needles don't bother me. Nor does pain, i mean i'm one of those crazy people that give blood so i'd be buggered it either of them bothered me. :)

I don't know what it is that puts me off. I think its the fact that it stays with you for the rest of your life. I'm one of those indecisive people as well so i'd spend ages contemplating a tattoo, thinking 'am i going to still like it when i'm 50'.

I'm really quite strange. :lol:
All you have to do with that is find something that you absolutely love, and you'll never have to worry about wanting to get rid of it...I have one on the outer right part of my left breast...It's of Pandora's Box (The box from Hellraiser) It's really nifty, and I love it to death...So do people who see it...I get compliments on it all of the time, and I'm sure it's not because of its location. ;) :lol: :cool:
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