The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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You could always do like that chick on Ally MB, and you could lick some whipped cream off of the guy's nose. ;) :cool:

After that I knew I had to post my two cents for the week :D

I was working on a part of my fic yesterday, and as I was typing I had a vision (makes me sound kinda crazy, doesn't it? hehehe). Out of nowhere, this image flashed into my brain and I typed a line I know you'll all be proud of. Not sure if or when in the fic it'll happen, but I wanted to share. Maddie, the female lead, is trying to tell Danny she's pregnant...

“I thought you were on the patch…” he said.
Maddie nodded. “I am. You wanted to peel it off with your teeth the other day, remember?”
He grinned at the memory. “Oh yeah…”

Now there's a thought to take to bed with you at night :devil:
Awww MrsG. ::smoochies::! I'll go threesome with you and Carmine any day! Ah, what the hell, we'll invite godofmediocrity as well! The more the merrier, eh? I'm sure Carmine won't mind! :D
I'm sure he wouldn't mind ... and neither would I. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Physique-wise, the man has no flaws! ::sighs:: ;)
You are so right about that.
that was really funny. :lol:

I can't wait to see it in the fanfic.

stfrench: what fanfic have you wrote. I've probably read it but i'm not sure. :)
Zelda, I freaking love your fic. I've been reading it right along since you've started writing it and it only gets better. I'm so excited to see what's gonna happen next!
Maddie, the female lead, is trying to tell Danny she's pregnant...

“I thought you were on the patch…” he said.
Maddie nodded. “I am. You wanted to peel it off with your teeth the other day, remember?”
He grinned at the memory. “Oh yeah…”
That is hysterical. :lol: :lol: :lol: No idea why I didn't notice that when I was here a few minutes ago. Love it and can't wait to read that in a fic.
You guys are too much.

Hey Udjat, now that I'm over 100 posts, can you please make me an avatar? I know exactly what pic I want- over on his site, that Emilia's Photo Shoot folder, number 29. (Oh, crap, that's the one you have... well, then,any pic,unless you don't mind if I use the same one)and the phrase "We can dream..." Thanks!

Zelda, I freaking love your fic. I've been reading it right along since you've started writing it and it only gets better. I'm so excited to see what's gonna happen next!

Thanks so much!! I'm having a lot of fun writing this one. Then again, I get to do whatever I want to Danny, so who wouldn't have fun? :p
Maddie, the female lead, is trying to tell Danny she's pregnant...

“I thought you were on the patch…” he said.
Maddie nodded. “I am. You wanted to peel it off with your teeth the other day, remember?”
He grinned at the memory. “Oh yeah…”
That is hysterical. :lol: :lol: :lol: No idea why I didn't notice that when I was here a few minutes ago. Love it and can't wait to read that in a fic.

It's comin'...but if for some reason that line doesn't make the cut, I'm writing a whole new fic just to use it :cool:
^ looking forward to it. You have to use that line somewhere, it's just too good not to use it. I can imagine danny saying that. *slips into dreamland*
No, you need to use that line. It'll fit in great with they way you portray them with each other. This is, quite possibly, my favorite story on right now. Seriously.
zelda49 your fanfic sounds intriguing, I cannot wait to read the rest of it. :)

the part where Maddie is trying to tell Danny about being pregnant made me laugh, only because I am on the patch and I just didn't think about anyone ripping it off with their teeth!
Ladies, that threesome/foursome...Having trouble keeping track here...Doesn't sound all too bad...You know I'm open to new experiences and anything once sounds about right to me :devil: :lol:

:lol: That's priceless! I think I want to read your fic now. :)

It's almost like this one time at a debate tourny, I was making out with a guy, and when I went to take his dress coat off, some condoms fell out of the pocket. I picked them up, and his face turned 5 shades of red. I smerked and asked, And what are these exactly? His face turned even more red, as if that was even possible, and he said, Ummm...Balloons?:lol:

God, it was great...It's times like these that make life sweet. :lol:

I'm starting to sound like that band geek on American this one time at band camp :lol:

But I have to tell you...I've got some of the best stories...My life has had its share of strange events, but at least it's not boring to be me. :lol:
Ho-hum, I'm bored...

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