The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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^ WHOO HOO! I get to party with Dream in 10 days! Make sure you hang on to loverboy till then, kay? :devil:
I suggest we all jointly offer up the gift of group sex on his birthday. That is likely one gift he hasn't received yet (or maybe he has?).

Ooooh, now you're talking! :D MrsG., you have the best ideas!

And even if he has received a gift like that before, I doubt he's gonna deny receiving it again! Oooh-ah, bring-it-on! :devil: I'll rush over to my mailbox and send him an e-mail.... right now!

Yeah... as if! :p
I suggest we all jointly offer up the gift of group sex on his birthday. That is likely one gift he hasn't received yet (or maybe he has?).

Ooooh, now you're talking! :D MrsG., you have the best ideas!

Why thank you, Udjat . Of course, I think you and I may be tied for being the naughtiest girls in the Locker Room. Though Bitten is certainly right there with us. :devil:
WHOO HOO! I get to party with Dream in 10 days! Make sure you hang on to loverboy till then, kay?

You want me to hang onto him for ten days?? :devil: Consider it done! LOL

Okay, Dream , your birthday wish simply cannot last 10 days. You get him to yourself on your actual birthday only. Udjat and I will be arriving on the first flight tomorrow morning. Kindly make sure all his parts remain in proper working condition until we get there. :)
Why thank you, Udjat. Of course, I think you and I may be tied for being the naughtiest girls in the Locker Room.
Well... I try! :devil: ...stop twisting my rubber arm! :p

Ah, MrsG., ::big sigh:: we seem to think alike! Two strong intelligent women, in the prime of their lives, who are direct, sincere, know exactly what they want, who don't take any bullshit and are always respected...........ah, who am I trying to kid, lead the way to that Carmine-orgy! :devil:
Okay, Dream , your birthday wish simply cannot last 10 days. You get him to yourself on your actual birthday only. Udjat and I will be arriving on the first flight tomorrow morning. Kindly make sure all his parts remain in proper working condition until we get there.

*sigh* Oh all right fine if I must share I must...but I still get the whole day with him right? *laughs at frightened look on his face* Perfect! ;)

He'll be working just fine when you get here...I promise :devil:
Ah, MrsG., ::big sigh:: we seem to think alike! Two strong intelligent women, in the prime of their lives, who are direct, sincere, know exactly what they want, who don't take any bullshit and are always respected...........ah, who am I trying to kid, lead the way to that Carmine-orgy! :devil:

You're killing me. :lol: I'm working on that Carmine-orgy. Just advised Dream that we'll be arriving at her house in the morning ... now if only Carmine would be kind enough to join us. :devil: And, yes, Dream , you do get him to yourself for the entire day today, but remember that you promised video to Bitten , so keep it clean ... NOT. :devil:
I'm killing ya... I don't wanna do that!

OK, I promise, from now on I'll behave! :) Can't risk having any DBs around here!

Ah, screw it, I'm not fooling anyone, giving up behaving badly is like giving up nicotine... which in my case will only happen when pigs grow wings! :D (or if I ever get pregnant....whoa, where'd that come from! :eek:)
Mrs.G I'm shocked you would even suggest to keep it clean! :lol: if there is video there will be no cleanliness...ahaha

I'm a dirty woman in my mind! :p
Happy birthday, Dream! Take good care of Carmine, I'm getting on a plane in the morning and flying west for a go at him! I may bring along a pilot's uniform for him to wear, so I can't promise he'll have any energy left when I'm through with him, sorry! :) My guess is Dream will wear him out so that he won't have any energy left for the rest of us!
^ LOL Ookpik you're guess is right! I like the pilot's uniform idea...although he hasn't been wearing much since he got here... :devil: Oh no I gotta crawl outta the gutter or I'm gonna have bad thoughts all night now! :lol:
Don't trust udjat with making avatars. You're just asking for trouble. :D
Awww, but I'm such a good girl! :D

Hmph! :( won't anyone ever trust me again? Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn't trust me either! :lol:

Btw, trouble is my middle name, just read my fanfic! ;)

Shame on you Dylan ganging up on me together with csi007, you're supposed to be on my side. Gah, you so both loved my avvie! Double :p!

Could you make me one, please? Just one with Danny. Nothing too fancy. I don't have enough energy to think of a cute quote.

And those assets of his are eye-poppin'!

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