The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

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:D Thank you thank you to all the birthday wishes...the flip flops were a last minute just fit...and I'm gonna go write more, cause it's fun.

I'm glad the locker room is warm, it's kinda rainy here. :p
Happy Birthday Dream! Personally I wasn't paying much attention to the flip flops or his feet..too busy looking elsewhere...
You know, when he and the guys lined up to take that shot for Wahlberg, I bet he had *no idea* how it would come back to haunt him. :lol:

Yes... little did he realise that this simple gag has instead driven a lot of fangirls crazy...

I have this pic on my HD but sometimes I'm too scared to open it because of the sudden appearance of many bums on my screen XD
though I try to avert my eyes all the way to the right...

oh and Birthday greetings to you Dream
Am a bit late in responding here (internet connection wouldn't cooperate!), but happy b-day Dream. Blow out them candles on the b-day cake, make a wish! I hope your wish will come true! :)

Mind you, if that wish involves Carmine, I wanna be in on it! :devil:
happy b-day Dream. Blow out them candles on the b-day cake, make a wish! I hope your wish will come true! :) Mind you, if that wish involves Carmine, I wanna be in on it! :devil:

Orgy at Dream 's house? Count me in. :devil: Of course, the b-day girl may not be willing to share Carmine - it being her birthday, not ours.
Orgy at Dream 's house? Count me in. :devil: Of course, the b-day girl may not be willing to share Carmine - it being her birthday, not ours.
Ah no, me thinks Dream is in a sharing mood today! And besides, if we put on our cutest puppy-dog faces and bat our eyelashes, she's so gonna give in! :D

Dream, don't 4-get to PM us your home address, will catch the next flight out! :p

WOOHOO! Par-tay! :devil:
^ are too true...I want him all to myself for my birthday...I need the celebration and all! :devil: of course I can have a party before hand so ya'll can bask in my good fortune!

You guys crack me up...thanks so much for the happy birthday...I'm hopin' I get what I wish for too...and if it has do with Carmine...maybe I'll tell you maybe I won't! :devil:
:( Hmph! Carmine-hogger!

Nah kidding! :lol: Yer right, it is your b-day after all! (Damn me for not announcing mine when I had the chance! :p)

You do realize if it does involve Carmine, we insist on you sharing details! :D
Udjat - are you getting this? I don't think Dream is in a sharing mood after all. :( Dream - you can have him to yourself just this once because it is your birthday wish we're talking about here, but next time Udjat and I are seriously on the next flight to Canada.
LMAO...oh that's just done and done...if there were a first time that even LEAD to a next are all welcome!

I'm sure he'd love it! :devil:
but next time Udjat and I are seriously on the next flight to Canada.
You better believe it! :D

And Bitten, shooting a video sounds like a plan to me... from behind the potted plant, eh? :)
next are all welcome! I'm sure he'd love it! :devil:

What man wouldn't? That just gave me quite a naughty idea. I believe Carmine's birthday is next month. Only fair that since you get it your way on your birthday, it should be his way on his birthday. I suggest we all jointly offer up the gift of group sex on his birthday. That is likely one gift he hasn't received yet (or maybe he has?).
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