The Life & Times of Sara Sidle

very sad chapter- actually it made me mad!

dont make it too sad or bad or mad! :( Are you going to have to get rid of joshie eventually? or are you gonna keep him in the story?

next chapter soon please! :D
Quoth_the_raven, geesh. First of all, this is absolutely amazing (uh... I'm still on the first page :)). If I owned a publishing company, I'd sign you on in a second. Unless you're already a writer, that is! But I have a question. How much of the details are actual details from the show? I know that you love Sara, so I'm guessing that most of it is... for example, I know that her mother killed her father. What I can't remember is why. Was there abuse in Sara's past?

Regardles, I'm so mad that I have to leave and tutor right now! I WANT TO READ!
Ah, okay, first of all- THANK YOU! :D Second of all, on details, her mother did kill her father, but they don't tell you necessarily why in the show. In Nesting Dolls, Sara's speech toward the end strongly suggests abuse: 'The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital'. And another fact from the show was that she found marijuana under her brother's bed. That's really all the facts from the show I took :p I'm glad you like the story! :D
what did they mean when they told you you were being mean to josh? or was it sara?

cant wait for the next chapter! :)
I guess they meant that I was being mean to Sara. The whole review was:

"You do know you're being mean to the character? Please let them catch that low-life."

i wouldn't let that bother me. not that its bothering you. well, i wouldn't know because i don't really know you real well. yes i'm mumbling and stuff..

btw, this is off subject but, damn! quoth_the_raven You're sure fast at posting. I saw your posts thing and it like said 1677 or some random number like that yesterday, and today i look and it's already on 2111 or something.. :lol: yes i'm like that. w00t!
Quoth_the_raven, geesh. First of all, this is absolutely amazing (uh... I'm still on the first page :)). If I owned a publishing company, I'd sign you on in a second.
Yup. :) When I first read your story last year I thought you'd be at leat 16 or above 20. Then I read your post in the "Everyone's Age" thread and I went: *thud* You're soo young but soo articulate! You should write novels. It can bring you plenty of Cash Blings! :eek:

About the ninkampoop who dissed your work, ignore him. :p This is fiction and anything can happen in fiction. In this world Sara can even run away with me and we'll play barbie all day! :D

Post your next chappie soon! ;)