The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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You might be thinking of the end of Bloodlines (season 4), where Sara says she is happy for Nick being recommended for the promotion. this one , I can't think of any others it might be?
Yea, that's it! I was trying to organize my screencaps by episode and totally forgot about that episode, and my sister borrowed my dvds! Thanks!
I have another question about CSI LV
the Grissom vs the Volcano episode
what was the name of the soul singers wife? I'm trying to make a point of reference in a fic I'm working on and I want to make sure I have her name right
and what was his name too? I remember his manager called him "the prince of soul"
but I forgot his name :confused:

Thanks :)
i feel ridiculous asking a "which episode was it?" question, but i just can't help it at this point...

which episode is it when faye minden goes to nick and says that her sister didn't up and walk away; that she was murdered by her adulterous husband and burned in an oil barrel?

and which episode is it when the mom kills her daughter because she thinks shes stealing her boyfriend??

fanks guys!
I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I was just trying to figure out which episode is the one where there is the murderer that has that jaw cartilage condition. (where he clicks it very faintly) I don't remember the season or the episode or anything, any help would be much appreicated.

O.k. Im hoping this is the right place to ask this.
1) What exactly was the original script of Gum Drops?
2)I have heard there was a different Script for Committed .Is this true? If so what was it?
I'm not sure if this'S already been asked. Please forgive me for not to read the whole thread but I've just seen Grave Danger again and I was wondering what Nick's said to Grissom when he was recording the "goodbyes" for his family and friends. They just shown Gil and he said something like "It's okay." so I guess Nick must've told something like "I'm sorry that I failed and disappointed you".:(

Does anybody know what Nick was saying exactly? I was so curious when the epi aired the first time but I never thought of searching the net. :rolleyes:

Yes..that's what I wanted to know. :)
for chocolate_bunnys question, in the original script for gum drops grissom was supposed to be in it and was supposed to be like nick. ie leading the investigation and believing the little girl was still alive. i think there was a scene in hotel (since the case was out of town) where sara and grissom shared a room. im not sure, but there might be copies of the script floating around the internet.
as for committed having an alternate script ive never heard that.

Yurek, i think nick says 'i never meant to disappoint you' and grissom says 'you never did'

hope i helped :D
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