The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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I've got a question, and it's been bothering me since I saw this episode.

It's from CSI:LV, episode 4x18 - Bad To The Bone - [The CSIs investigate when a single man - Walter Darian - beats another man to death in a casino parking garage. They quickly discover that their extremely short-tempered suspect may be responsible for another murder]

Okay, at the end of the episode, Grissom goes to the evidence room and starts going through Walter's things, starting with his shirt. I've always wondered why he does this, since the case is over, why does he want to go over the evidence again..?
I think but I´m not sure that that was to to show that the case isn´t over yet. And that there is still a lot of things to look at. But there´s not an actual reason IMHO.
Yes, I get that impression too ^^^. I assume it has something to do with the storyline and there are further unanswered questions that need to be looked at. Maybe to show that the case can not always be fully solved in the 45 minutes :lol: But I agree, it's not really clear why they have ended the episode like this.

Also, knowing Grissom's character too - he is curious, so if there is something about the case that still does not make sense (whether it is pivotal to its outcome or not), Grissom woould try to find the answer :)

But I have done some looking around on the internet, and can't seem to find any solid explanation that answers this question.
does anyone know in which episode sara is "pinned" against the wall by grissom? i've just seen pictures and have no idea what it's from, thanks :D
does anyone know in which episode sara is "pinned" against the wall by grissom? i've just seen pictures and have no idea what it's from, thanks :D

"Invisible Evidence" Season Four.

Thx for your thoughts Carwashfan and Wibble :)
I think the episode you're looking for is 'Invisible Evidence' from season 4 :)

Here is a link to the transcript for you if you wish to check out what is said in that scene exactly :) It's a little over half way down the page.

Hope that helps ;)
hey i have another question, why in "A bully for you" do we see Sara taking a shower? I was just watching that and I couldn't figure out why. Also in one eppy (don't remember which one) Mia says to Greg "Sara told me you didn't lose your virginity till you were 22" does anyone know when greg told sara this or if it is even screened? thanks
She's taking a shower so we can see her using lemons to try and get the smell of decomp out.

And I don't believe they ever show Sara telling that to Mia. It's probably just some behind the scenes convo they had.
oh is that the episode that greg says she smells like death or something? sorry i'm confused

Yes, and then he says, "But a real man wouldn't mind". It's the episode where she meets Hank the paramedic.
I just finished watching the "Silencer" episode, CSI Miami. At the very end, there is a scene in the lab during which the background music is an operatic style duet, soprano?, possibly electronic or new age recording. We have heard it on other shows before and can't find out what it is. Any help would be appreciated. My wife says that would be her "happy place" music if I could get her the recording. Much obliged.

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