The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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Viva Las Vegas, is the first episode I've ever heard Nick call him "Super Dave". I'm pretty sure that's the first time he ever called him that because I don't remember him saying it in Season 4.
I think i remember it in Crow's Feet too, when Catherine was squeezing Nick's lovely arms, and David walks in and apologizes and Nick says 'It's ok Super Dave'..or maybe this is another episode.
Ok the episode is CSI where Grisholm is investigating the hanging of the Little person at the Little person convention.

He says during the episode that he has a genetic disorder, and at the end he visits what looks like a school for deaf people. Could he be deaf? or was he deaf at some point and had an implant?

Im confused help!
I think he is partially deaf; The end scene where Catherine hugs him? He was at a hospital, awaiting surgery to either have an implant implanted :lol: (<<Sorry I was very amused by that) or something that I have no idea how to explain it.

And I hope that wasn't too confusing; My brain isn't working today so you'll have to excuse the stupidity!
Gris has a genetic disorder which he inherited fom his mother that was causing him to eventually lose his hearing, if not treated soon.
I just rememberd, this disorder is called Otosclerosis. The medical definition:
It produces an abnormal growth of bone of the inner ear that results in a slow, but progressive, asymmetric hearing loss.

Hope that helps!
Hey, just because I started the thread doesn't mean I have all the answers! :lol:

I'd suggest going to TWIZ TV and looking up the transcipt for the season 3 finale. I believe the disorder or whatever it is comes up a few times in that ep.
Hey, just because I started the thread doesn't mean I have all the answers! :lol:

:lol: Yeah, then Baba would have to change his/her name to AuntAggie! :lol:

Hmm.. I thought hippies are all about love and not war, too! :confused: I guess in tv-land, anything is possible :p
Hey, just because I started the thread doesn't mean I have all the answers! :lol:

Why doesn't that surprise me? Honestly, just can't get the staff around this joint...*man, oh man... :rolleyes:*

Grissom's mother was afflicted with otosclerosis, a genetic condition which rendered her completely deaf shortly after the birth of her only child.

This is taken from the CSI companion book.

And this from

Grissom also suffers from otosclerosis, a degenerative hearing disorder which he inherited from his mother. Left untreated, he could have gone completely deaf. Still as his hearing continued to deteriorate, he postponed the inevitable surgery that would stop further hearing loss. When asked why he'd let it go this far, he said: "I was hoping it would go away."

Hope this is helpful :)
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