The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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JayneEmilysRealm said:
Lizzy_004 said:
I can't believe it's just another 36 hours till I see *** again.. but it's probably for the last time in my whole life. :(
I wouldn't be too sure of that, and I think you know why ;)

Nah-uh, I'm sure. We'll never see each other again...
Hope you get better, never_a_promise.

I can't believe I ate so much that now I feel like throwing up... :(
kazzy said:
DaWacko said:
I can't believe how badly I was bitten by the mosquitos yesterday. Probably some 50. They found my ankles delicious.

I cant believe there ARE mosquitos in Finland but none in England. :rolleyes:

Liar! :eek:

I sincerely hope you were joking kazzy, because if not, you should see my legs! I have at least 10 bites on them! :eek: (and they're itchy :( ).
wibble said:
kazzy said:
DaWacko said:
I can't believe how badly I was bitten by the mosquitos yesterday. Probably some 50. They found my ankles delicious.

I cant believe there ARE mosquitos in Finland but none in England. :rolleyes:

Liar! :eek:

I sincerely hope you were joking kazzy, because if not, you should see my legs! I have at least 10 bites on them! :eek: (and they're itchy :( ).

Are you kidding me? Ive NEVER been bitten before, especially not in Devon. :eek: That's weird because I thought it was cos mosquitos just didnt like England for its weather. Wrong, apparently! :lol:
With all this mosquito talk, I can't believe how glad I am that it's winter over here. Considering I seem to always get bitten no matter what, and I'm allergic to mozzie bites, and I live in the country that it pretty much just mozzies...
But at least it's not summer :D
I can't believe that everyone's getting bitten by bugs and I seem to be the only one unaffected. :D Not to rub it in or anything.

I can't believe as soon as I typed all that I saw a spider the size of a...a... ew. Just picture a big hairy spider, walking by me. I'm so freaked out!
i cant believe i like orlando bloom when i never did before, it was potc that did it, i just came back from it and i cant believe how crantasic it was
I can't believe that my crush on Justin Timberlake is starting to come back and it's all because of his new single, SexyBack. He does have fine dance moves though...
i cant believe i just remembered that justin timberlake was my first crush, and i thought it was colin farell :( and i cant remember the dream i had about justin is screaming back at me :lol: and that was in 2002 and i was 9 ;)
Hollis said:
I can't believe that everyone's getting bitten by bugs and I seem to be the only one unaffected. :D Not to rub it in or anything.

What's your address? I'll grab few hundred and will send those to your place :p
Actually this year is the worst mosquito year in last... erm... 10 years or so.
I can't believe I'm just nearly going to graduate from University.. probably.. eventually.. this sucks.. aarghh.. I need to get this off my chest.. *goes to things I can say out loud thready*
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