The ~I Can't Believe~ Thread #3

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i cant feckin believe a flatmate clled me at 9am, knowing i cant get into my uni house - cos i live 45/50 miles away and in pain, not being abled to walk, and needing rest. - at 9am!!! asking for the fecking internet router and again for another seemingly point.
i cant feckin believe he would call the landlord of the property just to get something from my room!!!!!! :mad:
i cant believe im not going to the hospital til tomrw :(
i cant believe i was ALMOST gonna miss the WC today :(
i cant believe its nearly 5 days since i twisted my ankle :p
I can't believe Jayne's post
I can't believe my server is still operational
I can't believe my teachers liked my designs!
saras_girlfriend said:
I can´t believe Jayne has died :eek:
I can't believe im gonna start crying because of the dream i had. I cant believe that jayne died in that dream. I cant believe how much it scared me.

it better not be real btw
so..your gonna cry over a dream? about a silly dream.

i cant believe no one cried about my painful real life injury, where i actually got hurt and nearly died... but fine, im not important!! and yes, it still hurts! and gonna see a doc tomrw! or now, not like im gonna be missed or whatever.... :rolleyes:
defiantDittohead said:
so..your gonna cry over a dream? about a silly dream.

i cant believe no one cried about my painful real life injury, where i actually got hurt and nearly died... but fine, im not important!! and yes, it still hurts! and gonna see a doc tomrw! or now, not like im gonna be missed or whatever.... :rolleyes:
not to start anything...but yes i will cry over a dream....not as if you care or anything.
obsession_360 said:
defiantDittohead said:
so..your gonna cry over a dream? about a silly dream.

i cant believe no one cried about my painful real life injury, where i actually got hurt and nearly died... but fine, im not important!! and yes, it still hurts! and gonna see a doc tomrw! or now, not like im gonna be missed or whatever.... :rolleyes:
not to start anything...but yes i will cry over a dream....not as if you care or anything.

please don't let a war start out, admittedly they can be fun to read but are usually extremely harmful! I'm sure we all don't want one! Pretty please :) :p

I can't believe how happy I have been today - haven't felt this happy in months! :D I don't really know why I am this happy either... strange... :lol: (<--- that's what I've been doing all day! :lol:)
Can we please be a bit careful when we joke about things, and that it actually comes across as a joke? Like by adding smileys for example. Otherwise it can sound like you're flaming someone. It helps if you use the 'preview post' button to check - if you're unsure, it's probably best not to say anything.


I can't believe my battery charger for my digital camera appears to be knackered. *grumbles*
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