The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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I'm sure this is nothing new here (lol), but I just gotta get this out of my system: Billy is SOOO the hottest guy on earth!!! He's twenty years older than me, but what? Actually I think he's getting even hotter the older he gets! :D
Isa believe me, you're not the youngest here *cough*newflame13*cough*. i'm only 20 though :) age doesn't matter when WP/Grissom is involved :D (but i kinda like him a bit more when he was younger *looks around and runs for life*)
Yeah, and I'm 23 :D
But hey that's only 30 years difference :lol:
He's HOT and that's all there is to it. What can we do about that, huh?

I'll only be able to watch the finale tomorrow :(


I'm SOOOOO excited!

And it's a one hour episode. Even cooler ;)
Holla I'm the youngest. I'm 14 Hehehehe.
But it doesn't matter. The Hottness is stil hot!!!!!!
I'm dying waiting for the finale
i'm so happy i'm not alone!!!!! :D that there are actually even younger people in love with him!!! woohoo!! :D ya'll made my day :)
Hey Adzix, GrissomFREAK, I think we met somewhere else ;)
Yeah, and you're all right...age (the fan's age or his) doesn't matter because this guy is just TOO hot :D
Well- you'll all love this--- I've got a friend who found me on an AOL Billy site wh's 70 :eek: and she said in the beginning of our e-mail friendship- (lives in California) "I thought I was the only one crazy about this guy, and haven't ever fallen for someone before or since my hubby died" till I found him- now I find there's millions of women that feel the same way- and I don't want to see him with wife or Sara or Cath or Lady Heather- or anyone else" if just want to swoon over him alone" :lol: :lol: :lol:-she's still is very active- works-excerises so she's not some old lonley woman- just another age thing-conerning Billy baby :p it so doesn't matter- ;) and newflams13 I've got a friend in UK who's 15 and is bonkers over him as well-- :p

"Attraction is subjective-it can't be analyzed"
Gil Grissom "Big Middle"
desertwind said:
Well- you'll all love this--- I've got a friend who found me on an AOL Billy site wh's 70 :eek: and she said in the beginning of our e-mail friendship- (lives in California) "I thought I was the only one crazy about this guy, and haven't ever fallen for someone before or since my hubby died" till I found him- now I find there's millions of women that feel the same way- and I don't want to see him with wife or Sara or Cath or Lady Heather- or anyone else" if just want to swoon over him alone" :lol: :lol: :lol:-she's still is very active- works-excerises so she's not some old lonley woman- just another age thing-conerning Billy baby :p it so doesn't matter- ;) and newflams13 I've got a friend in UK who's 15 and is bonkers over him as well-- :p
hehe :D

He just drives women crazy. One single look and they all fall at his feet *wonder why :p*
Some kind of magnetic reaction :lol:

"Attraction is subjective-it can't be analyzed"
Gil Grissom "Big Middle"
... and he was sooo right :rolleyes:
The hat, the hat! It was back!
Grissom was showing some arm last night, with that red shortsleeve shirt! I swear Billy has lost weight, you can notice that his face looks thinner.

I have a question-in that last scene,was that a bathrobe he had on or was it a hawiaan shirt? It was white with like green leaves...Are there screencaps of this anywhere yet?
Oh thank goodness I found a place where everyone knows how hot WP is! I am smitten as a school girl everytime I see him! And at age 46 I don't often get smitten, lol...I am single and wish that I could find a man half as sexy as Billy...But I am so pissed at the season ending, I do NOT want to see him with her!!! I hope it';s not what it appears or maybe she's just dreaming!
Good morning Grissomfans

Out of all the CSI finales over the years I hate to say this but . . . . tonight's ep was the worst. Forgive me. :rolleyes: As a matter of fact, the season opener was so-so too. :( Talk about Two dull bookends? Ouch!! :eek: :eek:

To those that enjoyed it, Cool! :D
To those that didn't, oh well. :rolleyes:

At least Brass lives!! Yay!!

And Grissom in a redshirt and DaHat Oh mercy me!

Now I shall wait for the repeat of POTTR and record it again.

OHHHHH MIHGOD. Did you guys SEE how hot he was?! And in a Hawaiian shirt?! <pant pant pant pant> Why couldn't he have taken it off? Whyyy?!
But still. God, that guy is sexy.
Nick and Warrick, you are fine, but Greg is cute, and Grissom's mine. <coot coot> <boink boink> Awwwww!!! ^.^ Did you see how happy he was when Brass was alive? I thought he was going to cry. GOD the man is hot, hot, hottt. Yes, he deserves three Ts at the end.
I'm going to bow down and worship his hottness now. <worship worship worship>
Crysthala said:
OHHHHH MIHGOD. Did you guys SEE how hot he was?! And in a Hawaiian shirt?! <pant pant pant pant> Why couldn't he have taken it off? Whyyy?!
Because they love to torment us like that. He's the only main guy on the show now not to have a shirtless scene :mad:
I loved the Hawaiian shirt also
but that shirt color was wrong for him.
Black is more his color dont' you think?
or even blue to bring out the color of his eyes

I agree not his best episode. Is it true ( I read somewhere) that WP writes some of his material
my husband said it was the show of the "Grissom one-liners)
oh well he's still hot!
The eppy was run of the mill-eppy- except for Brass and his cold bitch daughter -and glad he's OK-- the corset guy- Sara to Gris-- "so how do you know so much about corsets"?
Grissom "I have my sources" :lol: and "he's a cereal killer" those writers- :eek: and Grissom-- "I too demand satisfaction" the cute camera scene between Gris and Sara- those smiles :lol: and Sara to him--"You OK -Gris 'I'm OK" and Gris 'he died with his boots on" :lol: and I of course loved the ending-so romantic/personal-- no "Grave Danger" but a different cliffhanger-these two together finally :p what will happen next season- :eek:-I loved his casual shirt in the last scene and that grin-- MMMMMMMMMM :p

And welcome RobinJaynette glad your here- and your in a good place with us and our love for this incredible man
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