The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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that is a good picture of him, I miss This Old Cub dangit!
Can he come here and root for the Mariners? they need it! :lol:
:lol: Hhunter. I also loved on Invisible Evidence from the fourth season where he was all like "RAWR. I ARE TEH BOSS. OBEY ME!" And he was BEARDED when he said it. <shiver>
Without mentioning the obvious "sexxy Grissom" epies (Jackpot, Formalities etc. :D :D) i also want to note "Swap Meet", as a very nice epi,
where Grissom has a couple of really cute scenes (and he looks hott in his vest btw ;)),
eg. the scene with the vibrator :p ("Cleanliness is next to Godliness:" ;) :lol:)
and the scene with the tea he's offering Sara :) (really sweet, teddy-bear look)
I like that one too,
The look on his face was priceless with the vibrators but I swear the first time I saw it he said something else, I thought he said 'I never knew these were machine washable" or something like that.. still a funny episode, and yes he looks great in a vest
same with 4x4 ..
I love Swap Meet. Enjoyed both storyline. :) The music was great too. :D

Sexy Hott in a vest indeed.

The Lady tonight. :D

Thank's- ;)Chrys he is at his height of happiness when at a CUBS game- no doubt--and here's a part of that article for you WP_Rocks and I was mistaken about the magazine- it was 'Entertainment Weekly" and it was written by Ken Tucker in part it says- (long article, with Miami in the mix) "Petersen, as boss man Gil Grissom, delivers a few groaners. like "I heard you got some head"? but no one dares to groan. :lol: Then he unobtrusively taps his toe to his own personal theme song, the "Who's" "Who Are You". Is this a great job or what? Here's the part about his Beard--
"The big news on CSI this season is that Petersen has grown a beard. No really--this qualifies as news in the CSI universe, where most personal details are best kept quiet" If you want to read the entire article I'm sure it's posted on the WPAP site- so that was from the start of S/4 ;)
ok, grissom fans, or should I say WP fans
I went to our small community library and checked out TWO WP movies.
The Contender and The Rat Pack
which is better?
WELL- neither one is fantastic- "The Contender" is political- Joan Allen is good- he's grey haired :( you dicide and "The Rat Pack" is about the old "Rat Pack" from days gone by- RAy Liotta as Frank Sinatra- WP is a young JFK= gorgeous- :p that's where I first spotted him- :pthe movie- :( once again you decide--different strokes- he's good as JFK I'll have to say-- Pic. from 'The Rat Pack"
Thanks Desertwind :)
I will decide
I just want to watch a WP movie to keep up with everyone :D
I was impressed that our library had these movies that's why I got them both :)
desertwind said:
Here's the part about his Beard--
"The big news on CSI this season is that Petersen has grown a beard. No really--this qualifies as news in the CSI universe, where most personal details are best kept quiet" If you want to read the entire article I'm sure it's posted on the WPAP site- so that was from the start of S/4 ;)

Thank you Desertwind. :D

I just love the man and his beard. :lol:
IF this is his final yr, he's got to have the hott beard. I gotta have it!!!!! :lol: :lol:

GRISSOM: Every time you find a body, you have to choose a path and when you take that path, Grasshopper, you risk destroying the evidence.
CATHERINE: We grab a trowel and some fine mesh screens and we just pretend like we're panning for gold ... Master.
yes, needs the beard
but I think I have figured out why he is clean shaven
and I do like the dimple BTW :)
I think it was desertwind that posted the promotional poster for the play he is going to be in during the winter, granted it still a few months away, but wasn't that BILLY in the poster? Clean shaven for the press releases?
I could be wrong :eek:
I think Billy shaved both to avoid being jumped by the natives of wherever the play's at and because his character is clean-shaven.
OMG, I want the beard. <weep, tear>
Crysthala , you are HILARIOUS
I'd jump him :lol: he he he
but seriously,
NEED THE BEARD, it wouldn't be Grissom without it
granted seasons one thru three were beardless but I think I agree I need the beard
I want to run my hands through it, and his hair too ;)
I want to stroke the beard and rub the tummy and run my hands through the hair. <melts, unmelts, melts, unmelts, melts, unmelts...>
Hhunter, thanks. :lol: I would totally like, run up and hug him and tell him exactly how hot I think he is, and then I'd go jump off a big fat bridge.
You know what? You just inspired me. I'm off to make a new siggy banner. Be right back.
Edit: Check it out... oh, I'm totally digging on that.
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