The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

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oceanbirch said:
Crysthala said:
Yes, BP is officially the World's Hottest Man.
Yes, he most definitely is :)

You know what stinks, though? TV Guide has for seperate issues each with a different 'hottest guy on TV' on the cover and Billy isn't on a single one!! I cry Foul and Unfair! :mad: Who need this year's crop of himbos, when you've got a real man like Billy Petersen around? :devil:
No way I'm gonna do another show where he gets all the attention. Uh-huh NO NO NO :devil:
He doesn't NEED another show anyway, 'cause he already has all the attention on CSI ;)
And he's too damn good as Gil Grissom to do something alse :cool:

If I had the authority, I would make Billy STAY ON CSI!!!

*FOREVER* why not? :p

---> he would consequently do more interviews ;)
---> he will hang out more with his fans, being on the set, on location = possible for us to meet him -impossible if he had decided not to stay on CSI

That way, everybody would be happy :D

Oh, and if I had the authority, I would also organize a contest.
Winner would get to spend a whole day with WP :p :p
I liked Grissom in two of last night's eps. Table Stakes...the casino scene was funny. He's just staring and Cath is like "shut your mouth"

And then on I think the third one of the night, I forget the title. "Greg! *pause* Yo, MTV boy!"

"If you had the authority, would make Billy do:"

While the only options were limited to either Staying on CSI, doing another show, hanging out with fans, or doing more interviews.. I picked stay on CSI.

But I would really have loved the option that even if I had any authority I would rather respect what it is William would want to do or not do, and support him. But hey thats just me. :D
Destiny said:
"If you had the authority, would make Billy do:"

While the only options were limited to either Staying on CSI, doing another show, hanging out with fans, or doing more interviews.. I picked stay on CSI.

But I would really have loved the option that even if I had any authority I would rather respect what it is William would want to do or not do, and support him. But hey thats just me. :D

I should have said: What would we want Billy to do as an actor?
I guess I should have also added that in our fantasy mind not real life; what would we want Billy to do in his career. I genuinely want him to happy in all his present and future choices. I'm just a little bummed about his eventually leaving CSI. :(
GrissomFREAK said:
No way I'm gonna do another show where he gets all the attention. Uh-huh NO NO NO :devil:
He doesn't NEED another show anyway, 'cause he already has all the attention on CSI ;)
And he's too damn good as Gil Grissom to do something alse :cool:

If I had the authority, I would make Billy STAY ON CSI!!!

*FOREVER* why not? :p

---> he would consequently do more interviews ;)
---> he will hang out more with his fans, being on the set, on location = possible for us to meet him -impossible if he had decided not to stay on CSI

That way, everybody would be happy :D

Oh, and if I had the authority, I would also organize a contest.
Winner would get to spend a whole day with WP :p :p
Yeah all true and great choices you made there too! ;)
But, I have'nt seen him give a bad performance in any of his films, even if some were beneath his superior talent he always gives 100% to his work and it shows.
you guys are Sooo funny :lol:
Gris should do another show (all about him)
start over sort to speak,
create new characters
I'll be in your episode too can I please please please :D ;)
Even though I really want him to hang out with his fans (hehe, in other words: me :D ), first priority will always be staying on CSI!!!!!!!!!!

Could somebody honestly imagine our favorite show without him? I`d say it`s not possible.............Grissom is the soul of this team and if Billy decides to leave after season 7 (my heart will break, but what can we do?) CSI should end as well. *sniff* :( In my eyes it`s just not working without him.

ETA: Forgot to say, no Grissom-> no GSR, reason enough for me to stop watching!
I would like him to stay on CSI. But if he really wants to leave, I will kidnap him, dig a very comfy basement, and put him in it. :devil:
I want him to stay on CSI.
But if he wants to leave I'll Take him to chicago and we'll live in front of Wrigley Field Forever. And I'll have my Way of life with him. Hehe.
Unfortunatley he will probably be leaving CSI in the near furture- ''CRYS" :(' but will go on to do big and better things- theater- maybe movies--OSCAR--- -(he did them before CSI) I picked ''another series" only because there wasn't the "movie"/theater" choice-and thank's GrissomFREAK for the poll- their fun- :lol: and to see different views on this fabulous man- :p and thank's newflame13 for the song notice ;)
there is no doubt!! i want him to stay on CSI! but as Destiny said i will respect his decision, whatever it'll be :D
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